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Sunday, June 1, 2008




Anonymous said...

The Ant and the Grasshopper

I know that all of you are familiar with the story about the ant and the grasshopper. This story may look shallow to others, but for me, it is something that makes me understand the real meaning of true friendship. The true friend that I am talking about is the ant because even though the grasshopper has disregarded the ant before, when the grasshopper was in the time of need, the ant still helped him. The ant did not care even if the grasshopper did not really deserve any helping hand because of its selfishness. I think that the hardest task ever laid in our world is finding the right people to stick around with.

I also believe that true friends cannot only be found during fun times but also when times come that you are already on the edge of breaking down. With the world we are all living in, it is really a big to challenge to look for them. Because they are like gems, everybody wants to have them but the hardest part of having them is finding them first. There are circumstances when people find it impossible to stumble on true and loyal friends. But then, they should all try to stop and think that God would never be cruel and self-centered to not grant us the feeling of having someone to consider as our buddies.

Well, in my case, I can proudly say that I have my very own bunch of buddies. They are the people that I love to hang around with. They are the people that I trust the most. They are the people that make me laugh most of the time. They are the ones that I tell most of my secrets. They are also one of the reasons why I can haughtily tell the world that I am pretty contented with the life I am living.

It may sound mushy to some but I believe friends are something to be cherished and treasured that is why I am making a big deal on having true and honest friends. So I just hope that you are also lucky enough to have your very own set of true friends, similar to the gems that God has given me.

Anonymous said...

Forgotten Laughter
By: J’zarine Chris Valles Lobo

Whenever I feel sad, you were always there to cheer me up. Whenever I am alone, you were always there to sit with me. Whenever I have problems, you were always there to help me. Whenever I am happy, you were always there to make me feel happier. Whenever I laugh, you were always there to laugh with me.

I cannot count the millions of moments that I have shared with you. It all had been the best days of my life. But all those best days were now over. It was only a couple of months that we did not see each other and after that, things started to change. You were no longer my shield, my clown, my friend and my love. The long winding summer finally ended and we regularly see each other again. But it was already late when I realized that I cannot go through the line that separates us. The line seemed to become a cold, thick wall that stops me from reaching you. The distance between us seemed like eternity. It was like we barely knew each other.

All I get from you now are those simple his and dull hellos. Those cold greetings do not fill my longing for your smiles and laughter but it only makes my heart hurt more.

I finally realized that I got it all wrong when I thought that you are the one, the one that I will be having for all my life. I thought you were my soul mate. I thought you were the missing piece of my heart. I guess I misunderstood things. I never should have trusted you with my heart and I never should have shared with you those laughter, the laughter that are now forgotten.

Zatia Denise Danao Gammad said...


By Zatia Denise Danao Gammad
IV-Madame Marie Curie

Just like every other grade school student, I dreamt of being in a science high school. The exclusivity and competition of the brightest students motivates me to strive for excellence far more than what I had during my grade school years. I was confident that I would pass the entrance exam, for I graduated salutatorian at a Christian school. The weightless cloud of confidence kept on cradling me as I brought out my pencil and waited for the proctor to enter the room. I was near the window, and I saw the cerulean sky still. I prayed constantly, almost turning my prayers to requests. I was praying for my victory and I imagined it as I stared outside the window. Then came the moment where my victory landed on lucky fifty-seven.

Out of the hundred plus students who burned the midnight oil doing their very best to be the newest students, Makati Science High School only accepted sixty students coming from private schools in and outside Makati, and of course, students were ranked accordingly. Had I not attended the review classes my previous school held, I would have not written this story of mine. I was the lucky fifty-seven. I was at the bottom of the pack, and I was appalled mainly because I was an inch away from being wait-listed. My courage started to withdraw as insecurity found its settlement in me. I had never felt being last. And I felt so ashamed that I thought my parents would be discouraged to see their salutatorian girl be at the foot of the school. But still, I thought, I was the lucky fifty-seven.

My first year in Makati Science High School was my baptism of fire. Because of it, I learned how to gulp barrels of coffee just to keep my eyelids on hold as I study for four quizzes and five assignments for the following day. Studies were definitely a pocketed hell for me and the usual reflex that I had was to panic. Maximum panic capacity as I call it. And I knew that I was retaining my ranking. Quite disappointing and hopeless, as I thought. Enduring the sleepless nights was not enough to even get me a perfect score. And insecurity continues to do its job, slowly weakening my perseverance that kept me upright as I fight unarmed against my fellow science high school students. I still had no courage, no faith in myself, for lucky fifty-seven still reappear in my mind. I see my classmates get those shiny golden scores and pleasing applauses as they perform the same tasks as I do. The green monster of jealousy hit me for I see myself punished and not rewarded. How could I ever get higher? It was indeed impossible.
I was hoodwinked by scores of every activity. At times when I get an eight out of ten score or a ninety percent in a long test, tears start to glide down my cheeks after seeing the results. Come to think of it, they are already a good achievement. But why is it that it made me fall into sorrow? It is because of the high expectations I had. “Kung kaya ng iba, kaya ko rin. Kailangan ma-perfect mo ‘yan Zatia. Kaya mo ‘yan, ikaw pa.” I wanted everything to be perfect. No flaws. No meagerness. I was pressuring myself to keep up with the game which made me self-destructive.

Then came the first periodical exams. I promised that I will prove myself worthy in the final examinations. I was not going to be fifty-seven anymore; rather I would be top ten. Every discussion we had in class was jotted down illegibly in my notebooks. Though it was much of confusion for me, I was glad I recorded every detail. In that manner, every question that I would soon read would be a piece of cake. It placed a delightful smile on my face for I know that it will counterbalance all of my mistakes during my hectic studying. So, I was on my way home, saying my prayers for I have surpassed the conflagrations that almost melted my strength like butter. All of a sudden, during the night, I found out that two of my four notebooks were left at school. I was rock stunned. I would take four examinations the next day and I only had two with me, almost one-third of each consumed. “Oh no, oh no! Naiwan ko sa school! Bukas na exams namin! Ang dami pa ng mga notes ko dun!” I cried with devastation that instantly dosed me off. I had not studied at all. My dreams of leaving lucky fifty-seven behind would not come true. And I had lost my faith all the more.

The acute pain of my silence after the examinations was disturbing me. I wanted to shout out that life has been so unfair to me. I did everything at my best yet I cannot see the outcomes as good as a scrapbooked memory. It even struck me with the ultimate misfortune of not studying for a twenty-five percent grade in my average. It was crystal clear; I was still fifty-seven.

Days passed and the announcing of the top ten would be soon. I was turning my back away as my classmates crowded near our classroom chalkboard to see the list of top ten students in class. “Ok lang yan, fifty-seven. Ganun talaga ang buhay. Hindi ka palagi nasa itaas.” I just found my solace at the fact that I survived my first quarter at a science high school. It was the achievement I wanted otherwise. I was halfheartedly pleased. As I glanced at the list, merely just to congratulate who topped in our classroom, I was really surprised to see my name beside the number one. Wow. I was speechless. And more of the positives came when my adviser said that I ranked two in the whole batch. Oh yes, good bye lucky fifty-seven!

As my years gone by, I kept this memory of mine alive. It reminded me of important lessons I had borne in mind as I continue to end every quarter with flying colors. First, strive for excellence, not perfection. Second, excellence does make people nervous. And third, excellence is with attitude and commitment. After some time, I still thank God that I became lucky fifty-seven. I was given a blessed chance to undergo Herculean tasks, both physical and mental ones, which molded a more-determined me. Though I was at the pit of my anxiety, it made me think of ways to weave through the difficulties and arise to move on to the next objective. I have experienced being an optimist and a pessimist, an achiever and a quitter, and a strong and a weak one. Just like what Horace said, “No man ever reached to excellence in any one art or profession without having passed through the slow and painful process of study and preparation.” Up to now, lucky fifty-seven serves as my source of excellence as I fight my last battle this fourth year at the Makati Science High School. It is being at the most difficult way that one strives to do the best.

Zatia Denise Danao Gammad said...


By Zatia Denise Danao Gammad
IV-Madame Marie Curie

“You’re the one I want to kiss good night.”

And I knew it was true. His chiseled face was inches away from mine, and joy swelled in my heart. It ran through my veins and controlled the patterned sways and circles that we traced upon the floor. I was euphorically scented and the fragrant mist that enveloped my body made him drawn closer to me. It invited a cloud of romantic exhilaration as the music slows and his surprisingly weightless hands entwine at my back, pulling me even closer. The music had no lyrics, which made every enchanted moment predictable. I enjoyed the pleasure of having my own lyrics that made no sense, but sensible enough to know what we are. It painted a sweet smile to his face as he tried to search for a response in my metallically dusted eyes. I blinked coquettishly and it made him giggle. His hair was jet black and it matched his eyes of burnt sienna. My hands rested softly at his nape, and my arms pressed against his buffed shoulders. God, he looked so gorgeous. It made me powerless; it made me set no boundaries. As the melody guided us through the rest of the glistening night, bathing the atmosphere in French ultramarine, a fraction of a second made multiple actions possible. And actions turned to sensual feelings that are least likely to be evanescent.

As my silver-glazed dress billowed freely, flinging its glittering beads of everlasting to the horizon, it flooded his vacant stares with much fantasy. I know for some unreasonable reasons that an exquisite dress costs astronomically high but its sweetest consequence gave me a priceless memory, one that would not be swept away with unknown histories. With dazzling gloves sparkling up to my elbows, it set a barrier of discovering him with a pulse. It was weak and it was calling. Though my hands were a bit damp, caused by the anxiety I was fighting off, I took off the gloves and let my bare, delicate hands finally touch his skin. When the gloves dropped silently to the polished floor, his strength followed after. There I felt his pulse beat faster, beating for a life given. It was prickling very softly as warmth rushed in every vein I had. I was also given another life, and it was meant to be spent with him. A lifetime seems short now, for that night was already eternity.

His hands glided downwards, like droplets rolling down a crisp leaf in spring. It was one of nature’s simple pleasures and it was indeed beautiful. It stopped nearly on my hips, and thankfully it stayed there. I was disastrously ticklish and I didn’t want to ruin my evening with a snort. He expertly held me on the right spots, casually but not blatantly. I bid my romantic dream goodbye as this was clearly not pretend. All I wanted was to hold him so close that I felt reborn. And truly I was reaching that famous happy ending.

Not a moment to soon, I was becoming lethargic. The music resonated softly, like lullabies in humming versions. I unconsciously rested my head on his chest and my hands side by side. It was sculpted, matted to perfection. It needed not anymore description to introduce such masculinity. Oh my, I felt my heart raced. I smelled his sweat, but it felt sultry and definitely manly. I sank into the comfortable depression, sheltering a homeless mind in the middle of vacuity. I traced my fingernails along the contour of his right triceps, enjoying the tingling sensation it brought. Then I felt a tug, but not abruptly as I expected. His hands were slowly traveling, one fastening at the other end and one brushing my hair. The melodic flows of his breathing and the song sounded calming, like zephyr on a darkening day. Then I felt a pause and his left hand pushed the lock of bronzed hair behind my ear. He was tracing my ear, careful not to let me squirm. And it was really killing me.

I looked down to stop me from panicking. The diamond-crusted shoes I wore were lovely, more than Cinderella’s but less than my mother’s. I tilted my heel to see the embossed lettering on it. Capital letter A. A as in Amelia, admiring and affable? Or Adam, a man of earth, protective, guarding? As long as its mystery never casts a shadow of revelation, it still belonged in this fantasy I’m dancing to. Those shoes made me feel lighter, almost lifting me up to line my face to his. But with listening to every thud his heart made, I’m glad my height didn’t match his. The shoes made beats, beats of sharp, leading notes that synchronized with the music from the background. Still pressed against his crest, I let the music drain the energy I have left, even the one piloting my feet to consciousness. I was cradled immaculately. And his cheeks leaned on my left temple.

The night turned to cerulean as the breeze ribboned us together with its delicate scent, making romance blossom up to its peak. I still had my jewel-like glow and my pink salmon cheeks flushed as he was starting to mumble. He sighed a delight with a gesture concealing his message I couldn’t decipher. Finally, he whispered, “Looks like we’ve made it.” We traced our last full circle, warped yet smoothly drawn, until it ended with sights so near. I can see his irises glow as he inched with deliberate slowness. A millisecond at a time. Then along came his hands, cupping my head as he guided his lips to mine. Another millisecond at a time. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. I closed my eyes as we spent the last second. Then….

“Class dismissed!” Damn.

As every sparkle faded and every scent grew faint, it tortured the hell out of me as I walked outside our English classroom. It was the last class before semestral break existed. I closed my eyes once more to see if it can reappear with its splendor. But as darkness filmed my exhaustion, I can only see the translucency of my dream and the imperviousness of the hallway. Nothing returned, not a single glittering bead of everlasting. Even my man, the one that I almost kissed. Gone, dissolved in the veracity of my significance. I am a straight-A student upgraded in a lady I could not use inside a classroom or the upcoming science quiz bee. It remained a vague character in my identity and a vivid deception of the once me.

As the sun got tired from shining every path we took down the street, I walked with the acuity of silence, almost telling me to destroy the cable that brought life to the dream. I saw shadows of similarity with mine being the odd one out. And the yellow cream flowers blown by the whispering solitude ran through the wisp of my frizzy hair, distracting me to take the right turn in this puzzling life. I stopped when I saw a slipper flashing minimally on the side of a rusted garbage can. It was diamond-crusted with an embossed lettering on its side. Capital letter A. And my eyes widened with much curiosity as I picked it up and observed the resemblance it had with the shoes I once used. Then someone made beats against the cemented floor. It was so familiar with the once I heard from my dream. He whispered with a gravelly chuckle, “That was for my girlfriend before I realized we never made it.” I purred in agreement like an uninterested cat as he continued,

“Hi, I’m Adam, what’s yours?”

As his name ran through my ear until to the other end, I turned to see his face. Oh my.

Anonymous said...

By Marian Denise Glipo Basallote
IV-Madame Marie Curie

He was the brightest star I had ever seen. He glimmered perfectly in his spot. His effulgence outstood among all the other stars’ glowing radiance. My eyes saw only him, no one else but him.

I was the moon in reality. Each night, I tried so hard to reveal the brightness in me so that for once, he could at least take notice of me. But, I never succeeded. I usually remained stuck with the so-called new moon phase. I concealed in total darkness. Thus, he never got the chance to appreciate my inner beauty. Although in some phases, my luminous body got to step out of the blinding darkness, my effulgence never did reach him. I was supposed to be the brightest object in the night sky. But, I never succeeded. I wondered if he were playing numb or oblivious.

Stupid as it might seem, I still exerted all my effort and strength to drag his attention towards me. I swallowed up all the cowardice I had and with courage taking over me, I approached and befriended him. For the first time, our eyes met each other’s gaze. A shock of delight flowed through my body and for the next minute, I was staring at him with awe as he spoke fluently and confidently about himself. When it was my turn to say something about myself, I got lost with words. I stuttered and messed up. It was a great shame for someone like me, who had to take care of her elegance and poise. But, he did not care whether I mumbled with my words or uttered words with coherence. He just laughed at me and so did I.

The days flew by as we grew fond of each other. Having him beside me made me emit brilliant light. It was the most wonderful magic I had ever seen. He made me transform into a different kind of moon – a beautiful and attractive one. I witnessed how every shining star in our sky envied me with disdain and how every falling star piled up in front of me to hear my sweetest “yes”. But, they all failed. I never took notice of them for my eyes saw only him, no one else but him.

Everything twisted and turned the way I had never wished it to be. I saw him, together with another star, drifting away from me. His eyes sparkled in the dark as he spoke fluently and confidently with the gleaming star. I watched myself slowly falling into a void. I foolishly thought everything was in perfect harmony. But, I realized that I had ignored one important thing. We were totally two different bodies. I was a moon and he was a star. We were destined to repel each other. He naturally felt greater attraction with his own kind. I knew it from the very start. I just chose to make myself suffer.

He was the brightest star I had ever seen. He glimmered perfectly in his spot. His effulgence outstood among all the other stars’ glowing radiance. My eyes saw only him, no one else but him. And watching him from afar was the only thing I was capable of.

Anonymous said...

By Marian Denise Glipo Basallote
IV-Madame Marie Curie

My heart pounded so fast as they turned the spotlight on me. The light was overwhelming, but I managed to give a satisfying performance.

I acted on a big stage, the volleyball court. I portrayed one of the lead roles for I was part of the “First Six” players. The first day of shooting was fun and exciting. I watched the ball soar into the sky as they watched me retrieve the ball with grace and confidence. But, there were inevitable times when I had committed errors and lost control of the ball.

I heard our Director scream, “Cut!”

Of course, none of it was part of the script. I had to repeat the scene all over again and make sure that on the second take, nothing went wrong.

We finished the game with wide smiles on our faces. Before the sun had set, we heard our Director shout, “Let’s call it a day. Job well done!” We congratulated each other and packed our things up. We needed to prepare for our second day of shooting.

Indeed, the second day of shooting required much preparation. As I read my script, I realized that the scenes were more difficult and challenging. The ball moved in a faster pace and so, we had to catch up with it. The villains would always hit the ball with strength as they were determined to win the game. But, we were equally strong-willed to overpower them. We both battled over glory and fame.

We could not afford to make a mistake. But, we were gradually losing the high spirits we once had. We were slowly getting tired as if the striking rays of the sun were draining the energy out of our systems.

We heard our Director scream, “Cut!”

We reached seven takes before we had finally molded the scene into perfection. But, our concerted efforts were just put in vain. The villains succeeded in our first battle, though, everything was not yet over. We still had our third day of shooting and we yearned for a sweet vengeance.

On the third day of shooting, tension filled the entire atmosphere. Everyone wanted to emerge triumphant. The scenes became more and more complex and difficult, but we all worked hard for a taste of success. We never allowed weakness and cowardice to seep into our hearts.

My heart pounded so fast as they turned the spotlight on me. The light was overwhelming, but I managed to give an outstanding performance, as everybody else did.

I heard our Director scream, “Perfect!”

The second battle ended the way we had wanted it to. We leapt for joy as we savored the sweetest vengeance. Everything turned perfect and we wished nothing would ever change.

Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad said...

by Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad
IV-Albert Einstein

Is this really all it has come to? All my sacrifices, all my time, all my love gone to waste. Well, I would be lying if I would say that I saw this coming. Because I did not. But then I would do it all over again regardless of the pains, sufferings and trials I had to overcome just for you.

You have turned me into the most gracious, most astounding, most unbelievable person I could ever be. You made me, me. You are the reason why I am like this. You are my strength. You are my very soul. But do not get me wrong. I am sure life may go on without a soul. But then, what would you be living for? Nothing. You are purposeless. You become entirely useless. And that is exactly what I am, only worse – lifeless.

I thought you and I were great. I thought we were marvelous, superb, perfect even. But I was terribly wrong. We were separated, different, broken. And there was nothing you and I could do about it. There is nothing anybody else could have done. It was mostly my fault. I misunderstood everything we were going through. I made the greatest miscalculation possible - I thought we were in love. But I was terribly wrong. I was in love. That is for sure. But you were not, at least not with me.

I was misled by your sweetness. I was distracted by your kindness. I was blinded by my naiveness. I was fooled by you. Honestly, I never thought I would fall for you. You were never really my type. Our worlds were nothing alike. We would never agree about anything. But I fell hard. And I was terribly wrong.

You could have made it clear earlier. It would have made the strife much less, the mourning more silent and the grieving less intense. But no, you had to wait for the time I fell in love with you, then you pulled the trigger. Then you decided to tell the truth, when it was already too late. And I thought you felt the same way. But I was terribly wrong.

You could have told me while we were in the mall, talking. You could have casually brought it up much earlier and told me your heart was occupied. But then, I would not have listened, would I? No. You see, I am numb. Yes, I am. And I would not have paid attention to you. I would have just laughed, then forgotten about it. That is how much I love you, my dear. I would completely isolate myself of emotions and reality just for you. I would force myself to be stupid just to be with you. Because you give me life. Nothing else would do.

All this agony is nothing compared to right now. Because right now means talking to you face to face, looking you in the eyes saying “I do not mind. I am okay. After all, we are friends, right? Friends, yeah.” And then I would smile that smile that seems awfully familiar to me – the one where I try to stop my tears from falling because they are building up too quickly. Then I force myself to smile even more to conceal the tears I am trying to hide. Everything would be all right. Everything will be fine. Well, once again, I am terribly wrong.

Anonymous said...

Through a Glass, Darkly

What do angels look like? What can angels do that a normal person cannot? What are the mysteries that envelope the universe? Those questions are discussed in the book “Through a Glass, Darkly” by Jostein Gaarder. That book is an original and deep story that explores the great mystery of life and death.

It all starts in Christmas Eve when Cecilia lies sick in bed. Unexpectedly, an angel appears through her window. It is the first of Ariel’s many visits. He is not an ordinary angel. He loves to sit around chatting and jesting. Whenever Ariel visits Cecilia, they would always talk about life, death, and the universe. As the weeks pass and the seasons change, Cecilia becomes weaker and weaker until she finally passes away.

I will be the one to answer my questions. To answer my first query, I will describe the appearance of Ariel. He was portrayed to be wearing a white tunic and had bare feet. He also does not have a single hair on his head. His face was much smoother and purer than human skin; a little paler too. He had no eyelashes or eyebrows. He is a child angel but there are also swarms of grown-up angels in heaven.

In answering my second query, I will still describe Ariel but in terms of his powers and abilities. He can pass through things and fly in the air. He can make a star decoration shine as if it had an electric current in it. All he had to do was touch it with his finger. He also does not tell lies. He can never be destroyed. That is because he does not have a body of flesh and blood that his soul can be parted from. He cannot feel anything and he cannot grow up to be adults either. He also has X-ray sight and telesight. He never sleeps so he does not dream either.

I will not be able to answer my third question fully for I understand only in part. Humans see everything through a glass, darkly. I will start unravelling mysteries of the universe by answering this old riddle. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Naturally the egg had to come first. If it had not, there would not have been any chicken. That is how it is with children too. They are the ones who came to the world first. The grown-ups always come limping after. Limping more and more the older they get. I will talk about humans’ dreams now. When we dream, our heads think all by themselves. That is when you can begin to talk about a real theatre. When we dream, nothing can harm us. We are just as safe as the angels in heaven. Everything we experience is purely and simply consciousness and we do not make use of the body’s five senses.

Both the creation and heaven are such great mysteries that neither human beings on earth nor the angels in heaven can comprehend it. Humans understand only in part. We see everything through a glass, darkly.

Anonymous said...

By Vladimir Paat Villegas
IV – Sir Isaac Newton

Dreams change for every night. That change is due to all of our stress and pleasure combined. It is due to our regrets and aspirations mixing in the melting pot of our mind. A devil and an angel may be there at the same time. That happens whenever I see you. I could not ask for more despite this sweet sorrow of simply being with you in my life and in my dreams.

This was not really the way it started. In fact, it started with no good at all. We were not friends and we were never close. Throwing rocks of fire, looking through evil eyes, and finding gaps were our businesses. As we declared, we were aliens for each other.

The situation even lasted. In fact, we watered it for years until it bore a healthy tree and quick-growing seeds for two years. Taking advantages over each other was our quest and as agreed, there would be no ceasefire until one bathes in his or her blood. It seemed like a kind of war running twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week and we never got tired of it. I mocked myself that I was so immature for I never learned after three years in high school.

But after all, fate did find its chance to let these paths be somehow parallel. I knew that someday, one would need something from someone and I would be so open to accept it once it becomes a truth. I gave all of me just to fulfill fate’s will. It happened and all I could say that time was thanks; at last, the wall came down.

It did not take long until I saw myself in harmony with you. How I wish it would last. I even wish it would never end if it could. I pray for it every day especially when the time came that the glass was nearly broken. Thank God it did not.

But do you know that when someone was really there, I am not joking that I feel so insecure for I could not speak? Do you know that for every thing I do, there was just one thing I express? Do you know that every thing for you just meant one thing for me? And do you know that even if I am so stressed with my life, I would still express to one person and that person is you?

More of it, I want to let you know that when you are away, I suffer for I sorely miss you. But when you are here, I suffer more behind my smiles for I could not tell that I really had feelings for you. I suffer as if I am scourged using a cat-of-nine-tails and I break down as if I am half-dead.

But, I want you to understand that I told it not for I am so haunted by my past. When I care about my feelings, the experience I had before flashes back before my eyes. I am so sick of living with flat feelings and so afraid that I may not bear the consequences when I tell you so. I am so afraid that the glass of our friendship might turn into fine pieces and build the wall between us again.

Hope is so frail. I feel so insecure to move closer to you because of that intention.

Now, I am telling every thing to you and I never know what may happen next. But now, I am happy at least to tell you that I have feelings and care for you. It might even be better if I told you this not, but there is no turning back.

I have just told every thing but this does not mean anything more. I might just dream and go further until time comes that I might never see you again. Despite the frail hope that I have, I pray that you stay by my side in the abyss of my dreams for there shall I only find the light of my life.

May this wish be fertilized there by my tears in the midst of the total darkness of my life. I am happy now even if I may only find my joy there with you.

Anonymous said...

Inferno Brought by Cramming

Cramming is one of the most common habits among us, students, nowadays. It is when we study a month-long lesson in less than an hour. It is when we hustle in memorizing our lectures. It is when we panic minutes before the exam. It is when we fail a test although we did study before the actual examination.

Even though midterm examinations are announced long before we take it, most of us only start studying a day before the test. Why? Because we don’t want to waste our effort and time in studying since we can just study hours or even minutes before we take the exam, right? We believe that time is gold. That is why we don’t want to waste our time studying for a test when we can just cram for it. What can we do? We are just being practical.

But did you, my fellow students, ever experience blanking out while taking a test? Did you experience forgetting a lot of details while taking the exam even if you know you have studied them? You think you’re just unfortunate for not remembering most details. But in fact, you’re not being cursed; you are just being slothful. You tend to forget a lot of things when you are cramming. Cramming puts you into a state of agitation and confusion. It tends to mix up all those things inside your head. It makes you panic a lot. Those hurried information into your head are like ants eating your brain. In addition to, cramming only stores knowledge in your short term memory. That is why after taking the exam, all those lessons leave your mind, little by little.

Why do educators teach a particular lesson for a number of days? Because feeding our minds bit by bit is an effective way of making us master every little aspect of the lesson. But cramming makes everything complicated. A lesson taught in a month will be memorized by a student in an hour. And what happens next? The student fails and blames the educator for not giving him/her enough time to study. That’s what cramming is all about. Spellbinding the students and making them condemn their teachers for their own shortcomings.

Now that we are aware of all the troubles that cramming gives us, we must learn how to change for the better. Remember, “It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness” as Confucius said. We have to change, a little refinement at a time, for our own sake. Nothing is impossible to do for the willing people. If progress is what we yearn for, changing is what we should start to do.

Anonymous said...

Our Intramuros Escapade

Just last Sunday, August 24, 2008, I experienced the real essence of an educational tour. I, together with some of my batchmates, took pleasure in our Intramuros Escapade. It was one of the most delightful and satiating journeys I have ever had. Not only did I enjoy the excitement, but I also like the fact that I learned a lot of new things, at least new for me, from the adventure.

I rode a cab with Monica, Colene and Rachel. Our departure for Intramuros was delayed, so we expected that we would also arrive at our destination late. Our teacher was already explaining and talking about the things that we should anticipate in the tour when we arrived, and we were lucky enough to arrive at Manila Cathedral even before they left for the next destination. A mass was being held at Manila Cathedral at that time, so we were not able to go inside because it is prohibited to disturb the holy mass. And so our teacher brought us to the different historical spots in Intramuros.

We went to the statues of the different remarkable Spaniards that took over our country during the Spanish Period of the Philippines. Our teacher explained the significance of each personality, and why they deserved to have a sculpture built for them. Then we passed by the headquarters of the many guardia civil during the Spanish Era, and I felt nostalgia coming because I remembered what Rizal had said about those guardia civil. All the discriminations and belittling that they have done to the natives back then are indeed unacceptable. I cannot even stand seeing where they stayed during those times, where they enjoyed themselves, while our countrymen were suffering in anguish and in pain.

I was amused when we went to the Ayuntamiento. I have heard about the Ayuntamiento when I was still in grade school. We studied what was being done in it, but I never thought that I would see a real one in person. I was starstruck though there was no famous actor or actress at all. We also passed by the then University of Sto. Tomas which is the oldest university in Asia. Then we went to the Santo Domingo Church and Convent and I was a bit shocked because its signpost had a lot of vandals. I learned that Santo Domingo does not mean St. Domingo; rather, it means Holy Sunday.

We went and stood before the fancy statue of King Philip II, who was the origin of our country’s name. And then we went to the statue built during the time of President Diosdado Macapagal, and we also saw the most immense statue in Intramuros and we also went near the Pasig River. After that, we had our breakfast at Jollibee and continued our tour by going to the tip of delta where Pasig River meets the Manila Bay, in Fort Santiago.

It was nice in Fort Santiago, where it felt like being in a province because of the vast greenery and fresh air. I enjoyed going through the dark tunnel while we were on our way to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel. I lit a candle in the chapel, hoping that my wish would come true. The intricate design of the retable was marvelous, and we learned that it was donated by Imelda Romualdez Marcos. We went by the bridge, where the moat is, and thinking about the real purpose of that moat years ago while walking on it was quite enchanting. I also witnessed the famous Mabolo Tree, the fruit always eaten by our national hero, and I also saw the Talisay or Umbrella Tree. Indeed, there were a lot of trees in Fort Santiago.

We saw the dungeons which were the secret passages of soldiers back then, and we experienced how difficult it was to pass through them. Maybe it was difficult for us because there were a lot of us who went through the tunnel, making the space crowded and sultry. There was this dungeon that was rumored to be the hiding place of the Yamashita Treasure, and I think its appearance is really quite intriguing. I also saw the chapel where Rizal was transferred the day before he was executed. We also went to the places dedicated for our national hero, where we learned a lot of stuff about him. I had fun going through all the furniture that they had before, from their water purifier to their cabinets and all the other amusing things they owned. We also went to the Opening to Memory of Jose Rizal, and the picture of Leonora Rivera was the most remarkable piece there for me. I think that she is prettier than Josephine Bracken, and the same goes for Osei-san, but maybe Rizal did love Josephine Bracken the most.

The place I enjoyed the most was Casa Manila because it showcased how the rich people lived during the Spanish Era. The furniture in there were really engrossing, and despite the fact that they didn’t have any air-conditioning unit or refrigerator back then, I still think that they have lived a very comfortable and convenient life just by seeing all those furniture, spacious rooms, and different forms of entertainment.

Our last stop was the San Agustin Church, where we went after having our lunch at Chowking. I was charmed by the church alone, and maybe it is really uplifting to be married in such a wondrous church. There was supposed to be a wedding that day, based on the tables and chairs set in the corridors near the museum. I found the different objects in the museum to be simply spectacular, luxurious and classy. Most were made of genuine gold, silver or bronze. And those images of saints with authentic ivory hands and head were sealed, in order to prevent any form of theft. I indeed hope to be married in such an exquisite church someday.

We passed through the ruins of the old Ateneo de Municipal, and then went straight to Mcdonald’s. I think the way to Mcdonald’s was the longest walk we had that day. But I did not feel any intolerable exhaustion or body pain after the long day, because I truly enjoyed the wonderful experience. This experience will never be forgotten by my whole entity, because only through this escapade did I feel fatigue to be a pleasurable feeling radiating all throughout my body. My body might have been exhausted and tired, but my mind had discovered and ascertained a lot of information and my heart had come in contact with the most exalting feeling possible; and those facts alone made those thousand steps of the day worth striding. I will not mind if I had to live that day all over again.

Anonymous said...

Pen And Paper

Each and everyone of us has a unique ability to write. I’m not talking about calligraphy or penmanship. I’m referring to the ability of every person to write a literary piece, whether it be a poem, a story, a novel, or just a simple essay. Even this speech of mine. These pieces of literature are like messengers that do not have life. They convey messages, sometimes too complicated for speech, from one person to another. As the poem goes, there is no frigate like a book. But not only books, also other forms of literature.

Some people are very gifted in writing. Shakespeare, Frost, Tennyson, and other great poets, or Twain, Steele, Sparks, Stoker and other great novelists. These people are exemplary, magnificent in the field of the pen and paper. Commendable works from ideal writers. Have you ever heard of Tom Sawyer? Dracula? Hamlet? These fictional characters are the products of the fine writings that have become household names today. They have touched, and shall continue to do so, as long as people read and read literature, no matter what the form.

But you don’t have to be a genius to write. You don’t need fame to spread your ideas. And you most certainly do not need riches to free your thoughts. We should share our innate abilities to communicate. We should share our thoughts and speak our mind. And we should not limit ourselves to mere stanzas, paragraphs, or even pages. We should continue to spread our thoughts. Write, compose songs, make posts on your blog. These simple tasks, easy as it may seem, can do wonders. And do not let fear or shame hinder your right to express your thoughts or share your views. Just write a simple essay, or compose a poem, and share it to others. Do not be ashamed of what you feel. Let yourself be an inspiration to others. Let your writings communicate for you, and watch the miracles that literature can do.

This is how it started for them. Why don’t you do the same? Make this your start. Create literary pieces. Improve. Share your thoughts. Free you mind and cross the boundaries for our ideas have no limits. It can make its way across continents. So what are you waiting for? Get that pen and paper, and let your mind soar. Write, and give your views. Inspire others. Make a difference.

Anonymous said...

By Marian Denise Glipo Basallote
IV-Madame Marie Curie

Everybody yearned for fame and glory. Everybody wanted to emerge triumphant. Everybody desired to showcase his/her unique talents and physical abilities. Everybody was determined to leave a mark in the history of Intramurals. Indeed, everybody possessed the fighting pirit. But, just like in any other competitions, only one would be worthy of the title “champion.” Only one from the Freshies Phoenix, Sophies Tigers, Junior Spartans and Senior Sharks would succeed and climb its way to the top.

I was able to witness how our batch, the Senior Sharks, had poured out all its blood and sweat in preparing for the most talked-about event in our school, the Intramurals 2008. Our batch craved for success in various competitions – cheerdance, volleyball, basketball, table tennis and badminton. We wanted to prove how capable, strong and hopeful we were in winning all the games of the said event. We wanted to show how ready we were in battling against the evil souls who would try to smudge our names with shame and disgrace. We simply wanted absolute seniority and dominance.

In a span of one week, everything we hoped and wished for became a stone’s throw away. We had all the great opportunities within our reach. We held them so close that no one could ever steal or take them away. All the hard work and sacrifices we had shown finally bore fruitful rewards. We bagged the 1st prize for the cheerdance competition after being a consistent fourth placer during our previous years. We clearly proved that things, which seem impossible, could turn possible if only one had the strength and determination to do so. We also bagged the 1st prize for the Volleyball (Boys) and Basketball games; 2nd prize for the Volleyball (Girls) game; and top prizes for the badminton and table tennis games. We undoubtedly showed how unity and cooperation could work effectively in sports competitions.

Intramurals 2008 is an unforgettable memory of my entity. It was the moment when all my batch mates had come together as one. It was the moment when we had forgotten about pride and prejudice and instead, had worked together for the gain of honor and glory. It was the moment when we had left an indelible mark in the history of Intramurals. It was the moment when we had emerged as “true champions.” It was the moment when the Senior Sharks had reached the pinnacle of success.

Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad said...

by Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez-Trinidad
IV-Albert Einstein

Today will be the last day he sees me as a friend. Tomorrow will be a new day. It will be a greater day. In fact, it will be the best day of my life. Because tomorrow, I tell him everything.

I was not really sure if I could be able to get any sleep at all the previous night. Because every time I try to close my eyes and sleep, all I end up seeing is me standing in front of you trying to utter those three words I know I could never have the courage to say. Whenever I open my eyes, I still see you looking at me with that penetrating gaze, trying to unravel what is going through my mind. Frankly, I did not get any sleep at all.

That day is here. It is the big day. This is THE day. Well, there are still a couple of hours left before I tell you what I do feel. Lunch is still 5 hours and 30 minutes away. I still have 5 hours and 30 minutes to think of what to say. Well actually I have had 8 months and 5 days to think of what to say. But I was silent for that 8 months and 5 days. Today is the day I stop being silent. And I am nervous, but more of anxious.

I walk the corridor with my head down, as usual. But it was not out of shyness this time. It was to avoid your face. I did not want to spoil the surprise until lunch so I did not want to meet your stare, at least not right now.

Hey... Guess who.

Oops. I guess I am too late.

Can you please get your hand off of my eyes? I know it's you anyway.

Dang it! Couldn't you have gave it a bit suspense?

Good morning to you too. I have Physics first. I'll catch up with you later, all right?

Good thing I walked away. My nerves were starting to get to me. A couple of teachers got mad at me. I just could not get my eyes off of that clock. Time seems to have slowed down today. Or am I just trying to speed things up? Either way, I was scolded.

My mathematics class just finished. Part of me wanted to stay in my seat and lock myself in. The other part of me wanted to run out of the classroom, hug you as tight as I could and whisper those three words to you. I love you.

Luckily, I mustered enough confidence to get out of our room and go to the cafeteria, where you were expecting me. There you were, sitting at our lunch table waiting for me. You are such a beautiful creature. Your stare is absolutely captivating. Do you know that?

Hey, let's go outside. I have something to tell you.

Can't you say it here? What's so important?

Uhm. Just go with me.

All right.

Here I go. Hopefully I do not mess this up. I get only one chance. This ought to be the perfect one.

So, what is it? Is something wrong?

Uhm. I don't know how to start. But here it goes. I've known you for exactly 8 months and 5 days. Ever since those 8 months and 5 days started, I started smiling genuinely and feeling that live had a deeper purpose and that I was of important to someone in this world. I wake up feeling ecstatic knowing that it would be another day with you, another day of spending time with you. I think of you when I wake up and before I sleep. And whenever I do, I never cease to smile. The thought of you makes me happy. Your presence makes me gentle. Your words make me alive. You make me complete. I do not know of anything better to tell you what I feel for you besides these three words. I love you with all my heart and strength and with every breath I breathe. I love you.

Just then, you carried me in your arms and gave me the tightest hug. There was a moment of silence. The most beautiful moment of silence I could ever experience.

I love you too.

That was all you had to say. My whole world spun around and around. It never seemed to stop. I am not dreaming. This is real. Thank God it is. My waiting, everything was worth it. I love you my dear. And I will never stop loving you. You are my world now. You are my everything.

Anonymous said...

Disgrace and Honor

According to Webster’s dictionary, disgrace is a loss of respect, honor, or esteem while honor is a high public esteem or glory. Disgrace and honor are two different things. There is a wide, tall, and strong wall that separates these two broad concepts.

Honor is not a plant that sprouts on the fertile ground that you can effortlessly take. You cannot have honor that easily. You have to pay with your blood and sweat in order to have honor. Nothing is easy in this world. As we all know, no pain, no gain. That saying maybe cliché but it is true. Without intense suffering, you will not be able to have honor. To put it simply, an athletic runner will not be able to win and have honor without intense training.

Getting honor takes time too. Surely you do not expect a large building to be built in a single day. That would be impossible. If you want to have honor, you should be prepared to offer a vast amount of your time to reach your goals. A pianist cannot win a piano competition without practicing everyday.

But even though getting honor takes a lot of time and effort, losing it can happen in an instant. Once you do a shameful act or evil deed, you already disgraced yourself. When a president, who cares for his people and saves their lives, makes a single wrong decision, all the good things he has done will get flushed down the drain. All his good deeds will be replaced by his single wrongdoing. Getting honor is hard but retrieving it is even harder. You have to prove yourself to a much larger extent.

You see, disgrace and honor are really from different worlds. They have ideas that contradict each other.

Anonymous said...

The Greatest Story Never Told

“Dusk, is just an illusion, because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are; there cannot be one without the other, yet they cannot exist at the same time. How would it feel, I remember wondering to be always together, yet forever apart?” – Nicholas Sparks

Every night I cradle myself, holding on very tight so as to ensure that I am still alive and breathing. So as to ensure that I am still a whole human being, and not a person broken into little pieces. Which is what I am, on the inside. Someone I try so hard to hide from the prying eyes of the public. Someone who is not welcome to be known by others. That someone is the real me.

I was not like this before. I lead a perfectly normal life. I had a happy family. I had many friends at school, as well as in our neighborhood. I also got high grades. And my family was everything any person could ask for. Everything was perfectly fine, in all its flawlessness. That is why I could not imagine how everything came to a halt, all because of you. My everything was strongly built, but you made it all crumble down effortlessly.

You came to my life as a surprise. You were someone I never thought I’d fall for. You came to my life, clueless as I was. And at first I did not even notice you. You did not make your mark on me. Ah, those were the better days. The days when I could walk past you and not feel a single thing. The days when I could talk to you and not feel as if my heart is about to jump out of my chest. The days that could never again be.

Now, everything has changed. Every memory I have is marked with thoughts of you. Every word I speak seems to want to go to only you. Every beat of my heart seems to offer themselves to you. But you aren’t even there to accept them, or to notice them even. You are preoccupied with him. How hurtful it is, to know that you are right beside him. To know that his memories are stronger than mine, that his words are more audible than mine, and that his heartbeats are more preferred than mine. How tragic it is, to know the cold truth that I can never be what he is currently. Yours.

The worst part about everything was that once in my life, I even deemed these daydreams of mine possible. That once in my life, I even hoped that maybe someday, I will get to know what it feels like in his shoes. That someday, I will be the one you dream of every night. That someday, your eyes will look into mine, and I will know that your feelings are as sincere as mine. But those fantasies of mine can never be. I can only dream of touching your face, holding your hand, and calling you mine. I can only watch you from afar, as you do the things I dream of doing to you, to him.

Curse you for making me fall for you with your stupid trap. Cruel are you for fooling me. Merciless are you for making me believe that we could have ever been. Heartless are you, for leaving me behind. And how foolish of me, for believing every single bit of your stupid lies. I now thank you, because you are the reason for my tears. You are the cause of all my suffering. You are the excuse for all my sleepless nights, wherein I would wish that the coldness of the air just wrap me around its freezing feel, just so I would be numb. And I just wish that once, this numbness would be stronger than my longing for you.

Now, I bask in this shower of loneliness that you have granted upon me. I yearn for you each day, still hoping, even if I know what the outcome of my waiting will be. If only you hadn’t spoken such sweet words before. Such bittersweet words, which have captured my heart all the same. I now regret falling for you. Because you have caused this standstill of mine. The rest of the world is moving, and the time keeps on running, but somehow I am left here, a lonely and unnoticed spectator. I cannot seem to move forward. I cannot seem to go where all the other people go. I cannot move. I’m stuck in this obstacle. I’m stuck on you. And I don’t know for how long I will continue to be stuck. I just hope that someday, I will have the strength to move on. Because in this tunnel of darkness, I am slowly being drained. You unconsciously caught my heart, and you never gave it back. Maybe someday, I’ll get it back from you. And maybe, just maybe, finally move on from this standstill of mine. From you.

Jezel Christine Nolasco Quevada said...

More than just a game

Another year of endless cheers and yells had gone by. Another time passed by when students had once again showed their zeal and vigor in sports. Makati Science students proved that they are not only academically inclined but are sports-minded as well. This just proves that a physically fit individual must both have a sound mind and a healthy body.

During the heat of the games, each of the different teams showed no sign of defeat and surrender. In all the events, the players were highly competitive. They had given their best efforts to win each game whether it may be minor or major. No matter how tough the competition was, each student put his heart, soul and mind into winning. Indeed, nobody wanted to be a disgrace. They had all much hope and had given out all their blood and sweat to give their respective batches pride and honor.

There is much tension in the air as the intramurals was near to its end. Nobody wanted to give up the much coveted crown to the point that arguments had risen. Pride over-ruled the hearts of many. When a team is winning, their opponent becomes paranoid that they even thought the other team cheated. This incident resulted to have petty fights and teasing from the batches.

After this intramurals, for sure, each team has its own small prejudice to another but we should remember that in every competition, there would only emerged one winner who would shine above all. For those who were defeated, there is one big lesson they have to learn and that is the nobility and graciousness of accepting defeat, knowing that their pride and honor are still intact but at the same token, realizing that some are mightier than them. In the end, it is not about winning but how one played the game for giving honor to his team and for the glory of God.

Jezel Christine Nolasco Quevada said...

Preparing in Life

It has been a while now since I last realize that I am about to leave high school and enter a new chapter in my life. I am still hesitant to accept the fact that gone are the days of carefree moments and frequent hang-outs for it is now time to be serious and start thinking of my future. I need to face the next level of life which is maturity where I have to decide for my own and start building castles in the air. It is time for me to forget all my childish acts and look forward to creating big dreams that would definitely change my life.

I am standing at the crossroads searching for the right path to take. I am facing this war where I must bite the bullet for I know that my future greatly depends on which path I will choose. As I continue to battle this Herculean task, I know that there are a lot of obstacles that would come my way. I had to be ready for all those challenges ahead so I must not beat around the bush, rather I must stay focused. Preparing for college surely requires a lot of time and effort before you could bring home the bacon.

Though I am afraid to put my card on the table, I know I cannot escape this. I must be responsible for my decisions for I cannot bark the wrong tree if I ever made a mistake. I cannot put back time and amend my entire gaffe. I must accept it and just be careful in making my choices and decisions in the next times and of course, be responsible in taking actions.

Anonymous said...

Cecilia William’s Last Will and Testament

I, Cecilia Williams, the daughter of Louise and Angela Williams, lived a very fulfilling life. I know that my death is soon to come but I am not certain on the exact date and time that I will depart from this tent of mine into my one and only home, heaven. Because I have cancer, my body gets weaker and weaker each day that passes. I am just bedridden and if I ever needed something, I would just press the buzzer and one of my family members would go and attend my needs. Because of my condition, I was not able to enjoy life until I met a little wise boy. I stopped going to school and just stayed at home to rest. My only entertainments are my books and the company of my family and best friend, Marianne. Because my body is so frail, I just cannot help but sleep all week and sometimes even longer. Sometimes, I would just be surprised when I wake up. It is already Christmas! My family would just tell me stories about what happened on the past few days. My life changed and became meaningful when an angel, Ariel, visited me. Believe it or not, angels really do exist. He explained to me the meaning of life. Whenever I wake up, I would always see him by the windowsill and he would start talking and explaining to me the wonders of the world.

At first, I could not accept that I was about to die. I was mad at God for giving me life just to take it away so soon. I said to Ariel that if I drew something that cannot defend itself from the cruel world and have the power to bring it to life, I will not give it life. I asked Ariel a lot of things about heaven and he explained so much to me. And in return, I explained to him how humans could feel for angels cannot feel anything. I asked him about the mysteries of the world. When he could not answer anymore he said that we see through the glass, darkly. Ariel elucidated that if we could see more than that, we would not be able to know ourselves. He explicated to me that everything comes and goes and if ever I will die, nothing will change in the world. Everyone would still continue to live. Eventually, I was able to accept my fate through Ariel.

I do not own a vast amount of riches but I have possessions far greater that gold, to me of course. My chinese diary, given by my grandmother, will be handed down to little Lars, my beloved younger brother. Every important thing that Ariel said to me is written in my diary so the essence of life can be found in that small notebook. I want him to have it because I want him to understand the meaning of life. My clothes will be given to a charity. No one in my family will benefit from my clothes so I will give it to the ones who truly need it. My money and my pink album will go to my mother and father. I want to help them financially. And with reference to the pink album, I want them to always remember me. My blue album will go to grandmother. I want to be always alive in her heart. My stationeries will go to my best friend, Marianne. I know that she also collects stationeries so I will give her my collection. This is the end of my last will and testament.

Anonymous said...

Cecilia William’s Last Will and Testament

I, Cecilia Williams, the daughter of Louise and Angela Williams, lived a very fulfilling life. I know that my death is soon to come but I am not certain on the exact date and time that I will depart from this tent of mine into my one and only home, heaven. Because I have cancer, my body gets weaker and weaker each day that passes. I am just bedridden and if I ever needed something, I would just press the buzzer and one of my family members would go and attend my needs. Because of my condition, I was not able to enjoy life until I met a little wise boy. I stopped going to school and just stayed at home to rest. My only entertainments are my books and the company of my family and best friend, Marianne. Because my body is so frail, I just cannot help but sleep all week and sometimes even longer. Sometimes, I would just be surprised when I wake up. It is already Christmas! My family would just tell me stories about what happened on the past few days. My life changed and became meaningful when an angel, Ariel, visited me. Believe it or not, angels really do exist. He explained to me the meaning of life. Whenever I wake up, I would always see him by the windowsill and he would start talking and explaining to me the wonders of the world.

At first, I could not accept that I was about to die. I was mad at God for giving me life just to take it away so soon. I said to Ariel that if I drew something that cannot defend itself from the cruel world and have the power to bring it to life, I will not give it life. I asked Ariel a lot of things about heaven and he explained so much to me. And in return, I explained to him how humans could feel for angels cannot feel anything. I asked him about the mysteries of the world. When he could not answer anymore he said that we see through the glass, darkly. Ariel elucidated that if we could see more than that, we would not be able to know ourselves. He explicated to me that everything comes and goes and if ever I will die, nothing will change in the world. Everyone would still continue to live. Eventually, I was able to accept my fate through Ariel.

I do not own a vast amount of riches but I have possessions far greater that gold, to me of course. My chinese diary, given by my grandmother, will be handed down to little Lars, my beloved younger brother. Every important thing that Ariel said to me is written in my diary so the essence of life can be found in that small notebook. I want him to have it because I want him to understand the meaning of life. My clothes will be given to a charity. No one in my family will benefit from my clothes so I will give it to the ones who truly need it. My money and my pink album will go to my mother and father. I want to help them financially. And with reference to the pink album, I want them to always remember me. My blue album will go to grandmother. I want to be always alive in her heart. My stationeries will go to my best friend, Marianne. I know that she also collects stationeries so I will give her my collection. This is the end of my last will and testament.

Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad said...


Isn't that what we wanted all along
Freedom like a stone
Maybe we were wrong
But I can say goodbye
Now that the passion's died
Still it comes so slow
The letting go

Excerpt from the song, "The Letting Go"
Written & Performed by Melissa Etheridge

Letting go. It is difficult for us in so many ways and on so many levels. Yet life calls upon us to do it, over and over again. Letting go is part of our growth process. We cannot move on to the new while continuing to cling to the old.

There come times, in the context of love and romance, when we must learn to let go. For some of us, as described in the song, we must let go of a past romantic relationship. Maybe the relationship was not meant to be: perhaps it was hurtful to us, or perhaps it was hindering the personal or spiritual growth of one or both partners. In this case, even when there may still be feelings of passion, or attraction, or just the comfort of the familiar, we must be strong in letting go of something that is unhealthy for us. … Perhaps we have no problem leaving the person behind, but we continue to harbor animosity. In this case, we need to let go of the anger: holding onto anger does not serve us - and it might even serve to create problems in our physical health or emotional well-being. … In the realm of romantic relationships, some of us need to let go of unrealistic expectations. Whether we have idealized a past relationship or just read too many romance novels, some of us need to let go of the myth of the perfect lover: the fantasy of a relationship that requires no work and just brings us "happily ever after." By letting go, I am not implying "to forget" or "to ignore." By all means, we should carry with us the happy memories and the lessons we have learned from our past relationships. However, we need to let go in the sense of releasing emotional baggage we may be carrying around with us, so that we may be open to, and present for, a new relationship.

Some of us have difficulty letting go of a friend or loved one who has passed away. I have known mothers who have lost a young child who never seem to cope with this loss, emotionally: they carry it with them for years, like a dark and ominous cloud that -- even on a sunny day - looms on the horizon. Children can have as hard a time losing their parents, even when the parents have lived long and full lives. Often adult children who have lost a parent before working through interpersonal issues, or before having an opportunity to say goodbye, have difficulty letting go of unresolved issues or guilt. Sometimes we may need to go for some counseling or do a ritual (some act with personal meaning) to allow us to release these emotions.

Many of us have trouble letting go of old ways of viewing people who have been part of our lives for an extended period of time. They may be changing, and yet we do not let go of viewing them in the same way, and/or we try to discourage that change. We refuse to let go of the labeling, categorizing, and pre-set expectations we have of those we know, and of ourselves. This seems particularly true of many parents of teenage or young adult children. Many parents have a difficult time letting go of them as children, and allowing them to grow up. It is hard for parents to make that transition from treating their children as kids, to treating them as adults and more like friends. Many of these same parents have trouble letting go of viewing themselves, primarily, in the role of parent. For instance, some mothers are afraid to let their kids become grownups, because they are afraid to let go of their own identity as "mother." They have become so identified with that one role, that they no longer are sure who they are, outside of that role. When we refuse to let go of old ways of identifying and viewing ourselves and others, we hinder the growth and change that is occurring.

There is a saying: Let Go, Let God. For most, if not all, of us, the letting go that we most need to do is a type of surrender. We need to surrender to life, itself. This means that we need to let go of our illusion that we actually can control most aspects of our lives. In many cases, rather than to fight "what is," we need to learn to accept and to be at peace… Too many of us are trying to keep a tight grip on things that are out of our control. This is like trying to grip the water flowing in a river. Put your hands into the river. If you try to get the water by grabbing it and clenching your fists, it goes right out of your hands. If you relax and open, gently cupping your hands, the water flows into your palms. By relaxing, opening, and trusting, we can hold onto more of what is precious to us. By letting go, we actually allow more of the mystery of life to come in for us.

Anonymous said...

By Marian Denise Glipo Basallote
IV-Madame Marie Curie

“Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught.” -George Savile

My parents reared me up in a way that they had instilled good values –honesty, humility, determination, dedication, integrity and hard work in my mind and in my heart. They opened my awareness to the importance and benefits of education. Thus, even at an early age, I have already taken my studies seriously. However, on my road to learning and discovery, I encountered many struggles and hardships that had challenged the entirety of my character.

During my elementary years, I used to participate in various intellectual competitions, such as Spelling Bee, History Quiz Bee and Science Quiz Bee. Butterflies would persistently flutter inside my stomach for I had a perception that each wrong answer or move would gradually ruin my reputation. Thus, I craved for the sweetest success one could ever ask for. I wanted to experience growth and development within myself. However, not all great things came easily within my reach. At times, I won; other times, I did not. I had my share of downfalls. But, for every failure that had happened, I would always be ready to accept and learn from it. I would remain positive and work much harder for the accomplishment of all my undertakings.

In my high school years now, I still participate in various intellectual competitions, such as Spelling Bee and Science Quiz Bee. I make sure that I am well-prepared by involving myself in rigid trainings. I always aim for the gold with hard work and determination as my powerful defenses. Likewise, I actively participate in prestigious school organizations such as The Makati Science Vision, the school organ, and Mathematics Society. My commitment to public service has never wavered. I have participated in outreach programs and never hesitated to give donations to those who are in need. In spite of my involvement in extra-curricular activities, I never neglect my responsibilities as a conscientious student. I submit projects and assignments on time; I study hard for all the examinations that we have. I am willing to make lots of sacrifices to make it to the top and succeed.

My achievements in school have never failed to inspire my loved ones, especially my sister and my cousins, who always look up to me as their role model. Through the years I have excelled not only in academics, but also in conduct. I have been a recipient of the Best in Conduct Award for four consecutive years in my elementary years, which is no mean feat considering that this special award is given to the one who exemplifies both academic excellence and best conduct in class. No student is awarded with purely academic honors. In high school, I was awarded the “Model Youth” by the Museo ng Kabataan and just recently, I was nominated by my school as its representative to the search for Modelo ng Kabataan conducted by Dep Ed. I have never allowed myself to be influenced by others who have immoral beliefs. I have always stood by what is right and ethical. I have always fought against corruption and dishonesty, by which cheating is the most common form. I am a lady of integrity and honor. I am a lady whom my parents and the Heavenly Father can be proud of.

Jezel Christine Nolasco Quevada said...

Is being cognizant about grades expedient?

Academic excellence…Yes! I believe that is every student’s dream: to be the best among his classmates or perhaps in his entire batch and be able to earn his a feather on his cap. In lieu of these perceptions, a number of students aim higher than what is expected thus they become obsessed in getting grades no less than 90. The term “GC” or GRADE CONSCIOUS” is affixed to those who are Very conscious about their grades to the point of annoyance, people who thinks that the earth revolves around his and other's grades (scores).

Nowadays, every time people call somebody a “GC” it is like, that person has a dreadful disease that keeps him apart from the rest. It seems that being a grade conscious will bring you no good. What is it with being GC anyway? How does it affect a student’s way of living?

Well, being grade conscious needs a lot of perseverance and power to accomplish all the tasks. It may sound cool since others label these GC people as a smart kiddo making them the bench mark of the rest. A GC student doesn’t take for granted his school work. He does it diligently and gives his best effort. In addition, a grade conscious person will not sleep unless he is sure that all home works are done. He really allots big portion of his time for school works and there’s no time left for him to do ot her stuffs.

Unfortunately, there are several flaws in being a GC. First of all, many of those who are GC become socially-deprived. Many find it hard to balance their academic and social life. I believe that youth should not only study hard but they also have to enjoy their studies as well. Aside from that, GC’s always get high expectations from his peers, teachers and especially his family. There is pressure in every corner of his actions. These students also get only forty winks a day making them overstressed. Because of their dedication to their studies, these people tend to take their health for granted and end up being sick. Lastly, these people are those whom others abuse most of the time. Since GC’s always have their notes complete, other students will borrow their notes. It’s like…he is the secretary of his batch. Those who borrow notes usually don’t give importance to the notebook to the point that they accidentally lose it making the owner worried and empty-handed at the end.

As what you’ve heard from me, being a grade conscious is not as fulfilling as what you think. There are a lot of things that go along with it. One may be deprived of something because of his being GC mindedness but I believe nothing’s wrong with it especially when you know how to keep the balance. Everyone has his own GCness inside him for no one would ever want to fail, right? We just have to put the GCness factor on the right place. GC persons only have passion for knowledge and values education greatly. They utilize their knowledge fruitfully and unselfishly making themselves productive and significant to the society knowing that in the end, this will help them to eventually reach their goals in life.

Jezel Christine Nolasco Quevada said...

Is being cognizant about grades expedient?

Academic excellence…Yes! I believe that is every student’s dream: to be the best among his classmates or perhaps in his entire batch and be able to earn a feather on his cap. In lieu of these perceptions, a number of students aim higher than what is expected thus, they become obsessed in getting grades no less than 90. The term “GC” or “GRADE CONSCIOUS” is affixed to those who are very conscious about their grades to the point of annoyance, people who thinks that the earth revolves around his and other's grades (scores).

Nowadays, every time people call somebody a “GC” it is like, that person has a dreadful disease that keeps him apart from the rest. It seems that being a grade conscious will bring you no good. What is it with being GC anyway? How does it affect a student’s way of living?

Well, being grade conscious needs a lot of perseverance and power to accomplish all the tasks. It may sound cool since others label these GC people as a smart kiddo making them the bench mark of the rest. A GC student does not take for granted his school work. He does it diligently and gives his best effort. In addition, a grade conscious person will not sleep unless he is sure that all home works are done. He really allots a big portion of his time for school works and there is no time left for him to do other stuff.

Unfortunately, there are several flaws in being a GC. First of all, many of those who are GC become socially-deprived. Many find it hard to balance their academic and social life. I believe that youth should not only study hard but they also have to enjoy their studies as well. Aside from that, GC’s always get high expectations from his peers, teachers and especially his family. There is pressure in every corner of his actions. These students also get only forty winks a day making them overstressed. Because of their dedication to their studies, these people tend to take their health for granted and end up being sick. Lastly, these people are those whom others abuse most of the time. Since GC’s always have their notes complete, other students will borrow their notes. It’s like…they are the secretaries of their batches. Those who borrow notes usually do not give importance to the notebook to the point that they accidentally lose it making the owner worried and empty-handed at the end.

As what you have heard from me, being a grade conscious is not as fulfilling as what you think. There are a lot of things that go along with it. One may be deprived of something because of his being GC minded but I believe nothing is wrong with it especially when you know how to keep the balance. Everyone has his own GCness inside him for no one would ever want to fail, right? We just have to put the GCness factor on the right place. GC persons only have passion for knowledge and values education greatly. They utilize their knowledge fruitfully and unselfishly making themselves productive and significant to the society knowing that in the end, this will help them to eventually reach their goals in life.

peachsundress said...

The Section I Love the Most

I was unaware of the darkness that is starting to fold into the night sky.

Those were the times I remember all the happy, sad, invigorating and even the laziest moments I had with them. Yes, they are one of the biggest parts who occupied my heart. They made me feel special. A one of a kind relationship between us will never be torn. Yes, we are united. And yes, we are BECQUEREL.

Third year life, I thought, would be not as good as the past years. I just thought. Well, third year life was the happiest and even more the most special. My classmates were as one as a family. We cared for each other. We had fun together. We stand as one. And we fight for what we believe in.

III- Antoine Henri Becquerel will always mark our hearts. We are free in expressing our thoughts to each other. We are open about each others feelings and we never dare to hurt one another. Well, there maybe time that we are not as united as we are but it’s just natural. We do not fight amongst us instead we talk things over and make remedies.

Anonymous said...

By Marian Denise Glipo Basallote
IV-Madame Marie Curie

Filipinos are fallible, as everybody else is. Filipinos fail in varying ways. We fail to taste the sweetness of success in spite of our strong desire to savor it. We fail to resist temptations that entice us to the darker side of life no matter how hard we try. We fail because we possess imperfections. We fail because we tend to forget the strengths we keep within us. We fail simply because we neglect our worth as Filipinos.

Filipinos do not always face the cruelty of failure. We also triumph over the obstacles of life because at times, we do not entertain the idea of giving up. We fight for what we strongly believe in, especially when we become deprived of our rights. We realize our limitations because we are guided by good values such as determination, perseverance, honesty and courage. We rise above failures because we are able to appreciate our worth as Filipinos. We make other Filipinos realize that we are still worthy of sacrifices and that we are indeed worth-fighting for.

Filipinos are born with nationalistic hearts. Our deep love for the country is manifested by our yearning for ultimate freedom from the tyrants that suppress all our emotions, ideas and strong will. We are prepared to surrender everything that we have, even our lives, in return of our nation’s progress and freedom. We want nothing but the best for our beloved nation. Dr. Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio and Sen. Benigno Aquino, Sr. are the remarkable names that had sacrificed time and life for the great benefit of the Filipinos. We look up to them for their bravery in kindling sparks of hope in our dying hearts. They made us realize that anything could be achieved by seeking and building unity. They made us feel that we are worth-risking for, after all.

Nowadays, they are still many Filipino heroes in existence, but some choose not to recognize their worth. We only realize their greatness when they have come face-to-face with death. Soldiers defend and protect our nation from enemies, risk their lives each moment of the day and their families are left with nothing but uncertainty and anxiety. The Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) find hope in other countries but they can not escape from the physical abuse, violence and brutality done by their employers that are seemingly-superior beings. With their desire to give their families comfortable lives, their own lives are undeniably put at grave risks.

Filipinos give great importance to dignity, but sometimes we are really caught defenseless. We always and only desire the best for ourselves, our families, and most especially, our nation. We are indeed worth-fighting for. Filipinos are worth-dying for.

Anonymous said...

A Movie Review of Beowulf

Sticking with the animated style of moviemaking, Robert Zemeckis brings us a retelling of the classic story Beowulf but he has not been true to the story becacue he changed the flow of the story. For example, Grendel’s mother died but instead Boewulf had an affair with her. Done entirely with CGI, Beowulf is a 3D motion picture with a good sound track and some very fine acting. Though the beginning was a touch weak, the movie gets better and better as the story progresses.

Centuries ago, a Danish king was beset by a demon named Grendel who ravaged his kingdom. He offered half his gold to the warrior who could kill the demon, and the proud and boastful Beowulf shows up to do exactly that. He successfully kills Grendel, only to be confronted with a more powerful demon: Grendel’s mother. He returns to the hall of the Danish king Hrothgar, claiming to have ended their problems. Hrothgar names Beowulf his heir and Beowulf assumes the throne upon his death. But years later, when Beowulf is well past his prime, a secret from his past comes back to haunt him.

Though the technology of CGI(Computer-Generated Imagery) is continually improving, I must confess I do not understand the fascination with it. In my opinion, cartoons are for South Park or Family Guy. The closer and closer a cartoon or CGI comes to looking real, the more irritating are the differences. CGI still does not faithfully represent real life: the characters still look a little funny, and their movements do not ring true. This problem may very well be completely solved in the near future but then I am wondering what the point is. Why spend so much time making a CGI movie look as real as possible when you can just film a real movie? I certainly understand using CGI to make a dragon look real in an otherwise live action movie, but why make CGI humans when there are six and a half billion of the real thing running around the planet?

Another strong point is that the characters eventually become interesting. Though Beowulf arrives on the scene as a boastful ubermensch singing the glory of battle and honor in death, he becomes more nuanced, as does the story itself.

Anonymous said...

A Movie Review of Beowulf

Sticking with the animated style of moviemaking, Robert Zemeckis brings us a retelling of the classic story Beowulf but he has not been true to the story becacue he changed the flow of the story. For example, Grendel’s mother died but instead Boewulf had an affair with her. Done entirely with CGI, Beowulf is a 3D motion picture with a good sound track and some very fine acting. Though the beginning was a touch weak, the movie gets better and better as the story progresses.

Centuries ago, a Danish king was beset by a demon named Grendel who ravaged his kingdom. He offered half his gold to the warrior who could kill the demon, and the proud and boastful Beowulf shows up to do exactly that. He successfully kills Grendel, only to be confronted with a more powerful demon: Grendel’s mother. He returns to the hall of the Danish king Hrothgar, claiming to have ended their problems. Hrothgar names Beowulf his heir and Beowulf assumes the throne upon his death. But years later, when Beowulf is well past his prime, a secret from his past comes back to haunt him.

Though the technology of CGI(Computer-Generated Imagery) is continually improving, I must confess I do not understand the fascination with it. In my opinion, cartoons are for South Park or Family Guy. The closer and closer a cartoon or CGI comes to looking real, the more irritating are the differences. CGI still does not faithfully represent real life: the characters still look a little funny, and their movements do not ring true. This problem may very well be completely solved in the near future but then I am wondering what the point is. Why spend so much time making a CGI movie look as real as possible when you can just film a real movie? I certainly understand using CGI to make a dragon look real in an otherwise live action movie, but why make CGI humans when there are six and a half billion of the real thing running around the planet?

Another strong point is that the characters eventually become interesting. Though Beowulf arrives on the scene as a boastful ubermensch singing the glory of battle and honor in death, he becomes more nuanced, as does the story itself.

Anonymous said...

A Movie Review of Gulliver’s Travels

The Movie, Gulliver’s Travels, has an exceptional adaptation of the book. Almost the whole plot can be seen in each voyage. Of course a few parts from Swift’s story will be removed as all movie adaptations does but you can really see the totality of the story by the gist and a lot of the details this movie has given to its audience. While being faithful to the story, the movie dares adding new angles, all which work very well. The screen writer deserves all credit for managing to balance so well between time and activity (it is not boring, that is).

This movie remembers our hero, Ted Danson, gives a credible and serious performance as a world-adjusted man who's thrown to mysterious countries so like our own. Gulliver's Travels criticizes everything: theists, scientists, government, common folk, ethnicity, and humanity itself. Few are spared, and most of the satire is just as fresh today.

All the villains are equally well cast: James Fox, Edward Fox, Peter O'Toole, Warwick Davis, John Standing, etc. Despite the fact that most of them are either tiny people or giants, they are 100% believable in everything they do and their motivations are very clear e.g. the Lilliputians' unremitting suspicion of Gulliver, the dwarf's hatred of Grildrig for usurping his position as court jester, and Dr. Bates' attempt to have Gulliver proved insane so he can marry Mary.

Mary Steenburgen did a great job as Mary Gulliver. She is a deeply tormented character because she has been waiting nine years for her husband to return home and when he finally does, he is talking about tiny people, giants, a flying island, and talking horses! Mary, despite the strong fantasy element in the story, is a very believable character.

The special effects are breathtaking especially when you consider that it was filmed on a television scale at a time when CGI was in its infancy. It looks very realistic when we see a six foot tall man walking through a city filled with people who are six inches tall. In fact, you cannot even tell what is real and what is not!

The cameos are great as well: Omar Sharif, Richard Wilson, Sir John Gielgud, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Ned Beatty. All are great actors who create a strong supporting cast that complement Danson's superb acting ability.

The Houynhnhms and the Yahoos are probably the most effective element of the story on the satire side of things: a society of talking horses who do not possess any of the vices that humans have while the Yahoos are primitive, disgusting humans who mate forcefully and appoint their leader depending on how disgusting he is. Gulliver's study of them is also very well done and displays the differences and similarities between humans and Yahoos.

All in all, I will give this movie two thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

A Movie Review of Gulliver’s Travels

The Movie, Gulliver’s Travels, has an exceptional adaptation of the book. Almost the whole plot can be seen in each voyage. Of course a few parts from Swift’s story will be removed as all movie adaptations does but you can really see the totality of the story by the gist and a lot of the details this movie has given to its audience. While being faithful to the story, the movie dares adding new angles, all which work very well. The screen writer deserves all credit for managing to balance so well between time and activity (it is not boring, that is).

This movie remembers our hero, Ted Danson, gives a credible and serious performance as a world-adjusted man who's thrown to mysterious countries so like our own. Gulliver's Travels criticizes everything: theists, scientists, government, common folk, ethnicity, and humanity itself. Few are spared, and most of the satire is just as fresh today.

All the villains are equally well cast: James Fox, Edward Fox, Peter O'Toole, Warwick Davis, John Standing, etc. Despite the fact that most of them are either tiny people or giants, they are 100% believable in everything they do and their motivations are very clear e.g. the Lilliputians' unremitting suspicion of Gulliver, the dwarf's hatred of Grildrig for usurping his position as court jester, and Dr. Bates' attempt to have Gulliver proved insane so he can marry Mary.

Mary Steenburgen did a great job as Mary Gulliver. She is a deeply tormented character because she has been waiting nine years for her husband to return home and when he finally does, he is talking about tiny people, giants, a flying island, and talking horses! Mary, despite the strong fantasy element in the story, is a very believable character.

The special effects are breathtaking especially when you consider that it was filmed on a television scale at a time when CGI was in its infancy. It looks very realistic when we see a six foot tall man walking through a city filled with people who are six inches tall. In fact, you cannot even tell what is real and what is not!

The cameos are great as well: Omar Sharif, Richard Wilson, Sir John Gielgud, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Ned Beatty. All are great actors who create a strong supporting cast that complement Danson's superb acting ability.

The Houynhnhms and the Yahoos are probably the most effective element of the story on the satire side of things: a society of talking horses who do not possess any of the vices that humans have while the Yahoos are primitive, disgusting humans who mate forcefully and appoint their leader depending on how disgusting he is. Gulliver's study of them is also very well done and displays the differences and similarities between humans and Yahoos.

All in all, I will give this movie two thumbs up!

Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad said...

by Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad
IV-Albert Einstein

Sarcastic smiles and fake hellos – if you were in my world, you would see these everyday, people who seem to be happy but are actually carrying a heavy burden, people who say hello and pretend to be your friend but when push comes to shove, they are even more bitter enemies than you might ever imagine.

I live in such a plastic world of backstabbers, fair-weathered friends, in short – people who use you. But to be honest, I do not really care about those people. It is just that they affect so many friends of mine.

My normal world would be seeing people who are so picky and really full of themselves. People like that cannot seem to think of anything but themselves. My best friend if even becoming one of them. It is the main reason I end up mingling with such ruthless beasts. Oftentimes I even wonder why they think the whole world revolves around them and why they start fight just because of a reason they think is true.

I know I should do something about it but every time I speak up, they do not seem to hear.

Let me just give you a brief description. They are pretty and all the boys fall madly in love with them but once you get to know them, you realize that outer beauty is the only thing to appreciate. They compliment you when you meet but once you turn your back, you hear laughter, the type of laughter that would indicate annoyance and sarcasm.

Any person who is concerned with their so-called “social status”, whatever that is, would completely freak out if these beasts got mad at them. Why? Because they have got so many people behind their backs. They could get people who are innocent to appear to be full of deceit. I have never really wondered how or why. All I know is that they do this on purpose and just because they like it.

I do not know when it will end, all the sugar-coating that these people are so good at. All I know is that someone has got to tell them and make them stop. They cause a lot of people pain because of their selfish form of entertainment, which is gossip. I am not sure if it will end but I do hope it ends soon.

Anonymous said...

A Little Prayer

Jesus, I thank you. For the way You are working in my life. For showing Your endless love and faithfulness unto me. For the way You are answering in my prayers. For the way You correct me each time I choose to go on my way. For lifting up my spirit, especially during those moments when I feel so discouraged and useless. For continuously reminding me that You love me and You have a perfect plan and purpose for creating me when I feel I am a complete failure. For allowing trials to come along my way, then making me a better person after all those dealing. For the way You wipe my tears when I have all the reason to cry, giving me the assurance that You are in control, that You know what You are doing in my life, that You never make a mistake and that I have reasons to believe that what lies ahead of me after all the tears is Your best. For healing my broken heart again and again and again. For the constant and unchanging love and faithfulness, that in spite of my disobedience and unfaithfulness, You remain a loving friend and lover who keeps on waiting for me whenever I turn my back away from You. For answering “no” to some of my prayers, for not giving me what I prayed for and from making me realize that they are not for me because You intend me to give something better, something greater. For the gentle touch each time I feel alone and afraid of what tomorrow may bring, assuring me that it is You who holds the future and that I need not to be afraid. For the way You are giving me the desires of my heart, just after giving me the grace to surrender to You everything including the very treasures of my heart. For the way You are feeling the emptiness in my heart, knowing that your grace and love is sufficient for me that I don’t have to rely on something to feel that need, that emptiness. For allowing confusion in my mind for showing me that this world could not offer me anything eternal, that my highest hopes and ambitions will just turn to ashes and my wealth, fame, honors and awards will just give me more discouragements that I could ever think of. For those beloved brothers and sisters You have brought along my way, for using them to show how much You love me. For the spirit of worship, for the unspeakable joy and inexplicable peace that floods my soul every time I think of You, Your goodness and mercy, Your grace, Your unselfish love. For the spirit of thanksgiving, to thank you.

Anonymous said...

In the Days of our Mortal Probation

I believe that one of the countless reasons why we live in this world is to be tested. To be tested if we will be able to surpass all the obstacles we will meet along the way. To be tested if we can stay meek and humble even if we are surrounded by the adversary. To be tested if we will be able to withstand all the fiery darts from hell. And lastly, to be tested if we can prove ourselves worthy to return to our Father in Heaven.

All of us are born in this world as innocent, spotless and clean sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Initially, our minds are unfilled, and we know nothing about the things that surround us. But as we grew, we learned about our mother’s gentle love, our father’s tender care and our friends’ concern and compassion. We started to recognize the good things. Our barren fields (our unfilled minds) have started growing fine crops.

But of course, there is always opposition in life. As we recognize good things, we are also exposed to the enticements of the adversary. We are always encircled by unpleasant things in almost every thing we do. We are often tempted by the devil to do things which we know that we must not do. They surround us in our dark days, in times that we bear our crosses. They lure us to do evil things in order to surpass the problems that we are facing. And of course, when we let ourselves be caught in their bait, they rejoice. The devil laughs when they see us weak. They celebrate when we make wrong choices and perform wrong deeds.

Because in our life, we certainly encounter trials and bump into troubles. Often times, the problems seem too heavy to bear and to hard to endure. But they are all parts of the test that God has given us. He tests our strength, if we will be able to pass through those impediments and hindrances. He wants to know if we could stay walking on the straight and narrow path that leads to Him without going to side trails and wandering off to wrong destinations. He assesses our faith, and He wants to know if we will cast off the wrong choices and choose the right. He tests us if we will let the righteous things to prevail.

Our days on earth are short. We live but for a brief period of time. And in these few days that we had, we are on an ongoing examination, and we know not when this will end. If the evaluation time comes and we still have not erased our mistakes and still have not corrected them, we are in grave danger, for we might fail. And in this test, once we fail, there are no removal exams and retakes. Once we fail during this probationary period, we could never turn back.

So what we must do is to strive to do good each day. The devil may always be lurking in every corner, but we must know what to do. We must bear in mind that we are being tested, and that we must pass this test. In the end, we will be glad for not failing the probation. We will receive the sweetest reward, and we will be proudly welcomed by our Father’s loving arms in His kingdom.

Anonymous said...

A Good Filipino

What is a good Filipino? A good Filipino loves his country and his people. This love springs only from the heart of one who knows his country’s history, understands what his country’s flag stands for, and fully appreciates the sufferings, struggles, and achievements of past men and women. He honors the heroes that shed blood and life for his dear country. He accepts that today is better than yesterday because of the tolls and sacrifices of those who lived before him. He believes that his country’s progress and stature today is the result of our forefathers’ labors and sacrifices. He also believes that to show his love for his country, he must not take for granted his country’s national symbols; he must be proud of belonging to the Filipino race and he must express patriotism and charity for his beloved country.

A good Filipino is one who cherished the riches that God has showered on his nation. He takes care of the natural resources and wildlife that is bestowed upon his land. He works hard to utilize these resources and develop and conserve them for future generations of Filipinos. He cares much about the environment his grandson’s grandson might live on, and would like to have the blessings of his land be the very heirlooms he will pass on to those who will follow his name. He protects the resources of his country against wanton destruction and unwise utilization. He knows his rights, stands up bravely for those and knows the responsibilities that await him. Moreover, a good Filipino is willing to defend his native land against foreign exploitation and aggression.

How can a child grow up to be a good Filipino? Education plays a vital role of making every child grow into the kind of Filipino we wish him to be. From his tender years, he can be made to know by heart the history and bravery of our race, our homeland and our government; to learn the lives and teachings of our heroes and martyrs, to imbibe our nation’s culture and to practice utilizing and conserving our national wealth.

Anonymous said...

I stared at the wet background, my breath creating fog against the glass pane. The rain continued to pour…heck like it’s the only thing likely to happen in the next 24 hours.

Don’t put too much expectation on one person. Don’t place yourself in a situation you think you can overcome. Don’t let yourself drown into the quicksand of the perfect world of unreality. Why? Because when you reached to the point wherein you thought someone is a somebody, you’ll be surprised to know that that someone isn’t the somebody you know. You’ll be disappointed to learn that one expectation could lead you to your own realization. A realization that will only crush your heart. A realization that will make your eyes cry to the point where there are no more tears left.

Now I sit, all alone, wishing all the hurt is gone. I gave my share but I guess that’s not enough. I wanted to cry but there are no more tears left. I guess I have reached the spot where my heart learned to stop dreaming. I learned to give myself the break from all the hopes and pressures. Cause when you have no hopes, you won’t get disappointed. Unreality doesn’t come handy, it only does in one’s imagination.

Anonymous said...

3rd leaf

The night grew colder. I have to see it.

They say that the hardest type of clover to find is the four-leaf clover. You can see different types of clover everywhere, but a four-leaf clover is far from each.

I have to find it. The wind blew effortlessly and the leaves of autumn are slowly falling. And I hope that just like the crispy music of the leaves, he could hear my heart’s loud thumping, every tear that fell that is masked by the quirky smiles.

I have been with him for quite a long time. And it was foolish of me to believe that it would last. I thought that the laughter wouldn’t fade. I thought that the peek-a-boo under the bright moon would last forever. But no. I was blinded by the thing called friend. And as dense as I could be, fate betrayed me. The simple laughter, the all-around friend, and the person who always pulled my pigtails became the man who captured my heart.

I have to look for it. Once, someone told me that the four-leaf clover is a symbol of everlasting love and luck. A lucky charm, maybe, but to put it simply it just says that you won’t ask for something more. This fall, I have been drained searching for that small clover. But much to my dismay, I found nothing. My hopes crashed down each day for in just days, the snow of Christmas would fall anytime.

As I know, the leaves of clover determine its distinct meaning. The first is dignity, second is hope, third is happiness and fourth is love and luck. My friend once told me that its really rare to find a four-leaf clover, and I guess it only does appear to selected people.

I have to get it. The night came in. And though my mind kept on telling me to go back home and get to sleep all the illusions that my heart has made in a small plant, my body didn’t moved.

After a few minutes the snow of Christmas fell silently. I wish that Santa Claus is indeed true so that I could ask him to give me a four-leaf clover as a gift. The cold wind of December blew and my heart felt it. The small candle I brought was already flickering, making the whole place colder than usual. Then I realized I forgot to bring my warm coat.

I have to give it to him. But maybe, I couldn’t. I don’t have anything in hand except the three-leaf clover that I have been holding since I got here. I just hope that through his journey to search for the fourth leaf, he has happiness in his heart. Even though I don’t have the special place in your heart, I know that in your life I have played a part.

The news reached everyone in sight. After the small snow storm last night, a lady was found at the central park. And from the white surroundings, you could see the only green thing left in the hands of the white body.

Anonymous said...

Children are lucky. They have the ability to reach for more than what they see. They are gifted with vast imagination. And they can be determined. I mean, really determined.

Place a small rag doll in front of an adult. Ask them what they see. And they’ll tell you something. Something like “It’s a rag doll. What’s the deal?”. Place the rag doll in front of a child. Ask them again what they see, and the child will answer “It’s a rag doll!” and will start playing with it. Be it a boy or a girl, they will waste their time with that simple rag doll. That’s why that rag doll becomes drawn to them, close to their hearts. And if anybody dares to take it way from them, they cry.

Children are lucky, because they know what they want. They know what they are looking for. They see beyond figures. And that’s why in a child’s heart there’s a big deal in a doll. More than what adults think. They don’t care if their nose gets thwarted whenever they press it on the window just to see clearly what’s on sight. They don’t care if their legs have all these scratches just because of having fun. They don’t mind if you put a check in front of them. Because in the eyes of a child, it’s just a piece of paper. And if you happen to place it beside the rag doll I’m talking about, they’ll choose the rag over the check.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye…I will never forget you

I never thought that our relationship would end. It was so perfect. We have the same hobbies and interests. We complement each other. Everyone even said that we are the perfect couple. Our relationship was going so smoothly. I cannot think of anything wrong that I have done to you. We loved each other so much. I was yours and you were mine. I guess life is not always a happy ending. I am now experiencing the painful thorns of the red rose, painted with love, that you had given me while vowing to love me forever.

You said that you will stay with me forever. You said that you will protect me forever. I believed you but I guess you are not worthy of my trust. I didn’t realize that bit by bit your feelings for me started to fade away. I know you loved me because I felt it whenever we were together but I guess you didn’t love me deeply. If I had known earlier that your feelings for me would soon be gone, I could have prevented it. I will do anything just to keep you by my side…just for you to love me forever.

I experience bliss whenever I am with you. You made me feel that I am the luckiest and most loved person in the world. I am willing to give up everything just to be with you. You are the perfect guy for me but I guess I am not the perfect girl for you who will be able to give you eternal happiness and contentment in life. I love you so deeply and I made sure that I show it to you. I always made sure that I make you feel special. I did everything to make you happy but I guess the love that I gave to you wasn’t enough.

It hurts me deeply to think that I will not be able to hear your sweet, mellow voice. The thought of you leaving me brings me unbearable pain. I wouldn’t be able to see you again. I wouldn’t be able to talk to you again. I have now awaken from a very sweet dream that I will never be able to experience again.

Even though you left me, I can never hate you. My love for you will not permit me to do such a thing. I do not know when the deep wound on my heart will heal; all I know is that my love for you will live on forever. I do not think I will be able to love anyone as much as I love you. You truly are irreplaceable in my heart. And as I say goodbye to you, the tears that I will shed are full of our memories together…memories that I will treasure for all of my life for they are the proof that you once loved me. They are the proof that I once belonged to you and you belonged to me.

Anonymous said...

My One and Only

I am so stupid to take you for granted. You loved me completely and yet, I loved you half-heartedly. I didn’t realize earlier that what I really wanted is just in front of me. At first, I wasn’t contented with just having you. I thought I was too good for you so I searched for other guys that would make me completely happy while I still had a commitment to you. I was so stupid. You are everything that I ever wanted. You are the perfect guy for me who would make my life a bed of roses. Being with you means the world to me.

You loved me so much. You gave me everything that a girl dreams for. In fact, you gave me more than what every girl wants. You did all of that and yet, I was still not contented. I was so foolish to think that way. I was so full of myself. I was the one who didn’t deserve you.

Whenever I needed someone to talk to, you would always be there…ready to listen to my problems. Whenever I am sad, you would always be there to comfort me and make me happy. You are my knight in shining armor but I guess I am the dragon who will be the one to kill you.

Because of my foolishness, you left me. I cannot blame you for leaving me for you have every right to do that. I am so stupid. I will never be able to find another you again. No one will ever love me as much as you did. I threw away a very scintillating gem in front of me.

If a shooting star will grant me any wish, my wish will be for us to be back together again. In that way, I will be able to love you whole-heartedly. I will take care of you and I will never let you go. You will be my one and only and I will let nothing get in the way of our relationship. I will love you forever and ever. But I guess, life isn’t as simple as that. Not all wishes are granted. I will forever regret the day that I lost you for you are my one and only love. I will do anything to win you back.

Anonymous said...

A Summary of Tuesdays with Morrie

The story all started in the late spring of 1979, a hot, sticky Saturday afternoon. It was graduation day. Mitchell Albom will now leave his favorite professor, Morrie Schwartz. Before Mitch left, he gave Morrie a tan briefcase with his initials on the front. Mitch does not want his coach to forget him that’s why he gave Morrie a gift.

The years after graduation hardened Mitch into someone quite different from the strutting graduate who left campus that day headed for New York City, ready to offer the world his talent. The world he discovered was not all that interested. Life became hard for him. His dream was to be a famous musician but after several years, his dream soured. He was failing for the first time in his life.

After awhile, his favorite uncle died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 44. After his uncle’s funeral, his life changed. He returned to school and earned a master’s degree in journalism and took the first job offered, as a sports writer. He became serious about life. He worked at a pace that knew no hours, no limits. He was determined never to end up like his uncle.

He did not know that Morrie is dying. He only discovered it when he saw his coach in the television at the “Nightline” show.

Mitch was able to see Morrie personally when he turned the rental car onto his coach’s street in West Newton, a quiet suburb of Boston. At first, he does not want to be seen by his teacher so that he can freely pass his house and do his business. He came out of his car and went to his professor. That is all when it started. After that visit, more visits came about. Every Tuesday, Mitch would go to Morrie’s house. Mitch would always bring food with him to give to Morrie. Every time Mitch is in Morrie’s house, they would talk about the meaning of life. They would talk about marriage, forgiveness, love, death, and so much more.

Morrie got weaker and weaker each day that passes. He knew that his death is about to come. It is evident in his physical appearance. He was so thin, pale, and weak. He accepted wholeheartedly that he is about to die. Because he is near his end, he wanted to inspire other people through his experiences. He has a different way in looking at things. He is very optimistic and he has the talent to touch people deeply.

Morrie eventually died. He died serenely; the way he wanted it to be. He was cremated for that is what he wished for. Many people mourned for his death. Even though his body died, his teaching still lives on. He remains alive in the hearts of the people who love and cherish him.

jonah said...


“THIS TOO SHALL PASS” a quote I have heard every now and then when I was child of more years to yearn for to be in the adult stage. I have been interested with fascinating quotations of famous people throughout history but this unmistakable quote has been given very little attention than it deserves from the very beginning by none other than me. Not because it failed to be catchy among people but because I believe back then that those four words are too deep to be fully understood by just a mere fulfilled person as me. I am not capable of patiently taking every word of it and taking it deep into my heart. I will not appreciate it unless it came from a very famous source, or rather a very well known speaker. Time passed me out without knowing this in anyway I can. Not until I encountered it for several times while watching the film “My Best Friend’s wedding”; the lead character, Juliane has surpassed many shortcomings and major events of her life and so this four words encouraged her to move on. After watching a heartbreaking movie as such I decided to turn on my computer and research about it. That is how I came to understand its true meaning. “this too shall pass” means that in life one has to pass through everything. Be it good or bad. Every person must go over the obstacles and enjoyment of life. I, myself, has been fully affected and influenced by this famous line. Now, being a student has its happiest moments and saddest ones also but looking at a new perspective just by keeping in mind those unforgettable words would always give me reasons to push through and succeed in the near future. 

jonah said...

The Withering Phantom

The bell rang. It was Research class, the second subject after lunch. We headed straight to the library and saw Ms. Sabangan waiting patiently at one of the tables with a pencil in her hand. The hour was meant for consultation time of researchers and studies past due.

I am already done with that, I thought to myself. Our group’s paper made it to the defence and we are finished polishing our document. No need for extra editing’s and rephrases.

I sat with Claire, along with Charmaine who was busy reading Twilight for the second time. I joined in their conversation, talked about a book Claire was buzzing about, a book regarding murders and a witness at risk. Clutching her book while she was talking, I started to read. It was interesting, all right. I managed to read twenty pages or so.

With boredom seeping through me and drowsiness deeply penetrating, I decided to go back our room. I will just continue reading The Alchemist and have a good time doing nothing. I noticed the clouds drift as I walked by. It could not be raining, I thought. Today is a wonderful day after all.

I grasped the door’s handle and opened it up. I was surprised with what I saw inside. The boys are playing chess as usual while the other students coming from different sections stayed to get cooled by our air conditioner, one that we fortunately have.

But these people, not even the gloomy atmosphere that enveloped me captured my attention the most. But, the ghost, the ghost sitting at the corner of our dimly lit room. Everyone looked up upon my arrival but I went straight to the ghost looking warily through me. A ghost that invaded my thoughts a few months back as far as I can remember.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

“Nothing, just taking this test I missed in Math the last time.” He answered lazily while sitting facedown now. He avoided eye contact, noticed.

“Oh, okay.” T he chairs are a mess but I grabbed one and sat beside him.

Thoughts were running inside my head. I have a lot of things to tell him since he has been gone. He never showed up, even at the times when he is most needed. I missed you, my mind shouted. But, my strength was not enough to speak out the message. I just sat there, gazing at his phantom face while he stared back blankly, blinking repeatedly out of a habit. I was there, slack jawed and smiling while he was dead serious with getting a good score in his quiz.

History was when we last talked. An exchange of hi’s and hello’s, nothing much unforgettable or remarkable. I wished I could get back the spark in his eyes like the days we used to chat all night. I wished I could get back his love for sharing and love for confiding. A passion long lost to a wrecked soul like him.

I studied his face while he was answering; he looked tired and indifferent of his surroundings. Right at the moment, I feel like he does not want my presence and I wondered why he had been so cold lately, making himself a real ghost out of my ruined imagination.

“How are you?” I tried to break the silence.

“Fine.” A single word was his only answer. I blinked; maybe he was too busy that I interrupted his quiz in Math.

Give him space, I decided. I walked away and teased and joked around with my buddies while he, stayed immobile at his chair.

After a while, I finally gave up. I am not good at keeping my emotions and I can no longer resist talking to the apparition in front of me.

“Hey you finish that now and come with me; I’m starving.” I demanded.

He did not look back and I gave him clues here and there, numbers he has no idea at all. He said thanks and nodded when I asked again if he will come.


“Something’s wrong with you.” I blurted.

Shoot. I did not get hold of myself; he might get irritated and just leave as he pleases.

“I do not want to cry here.” He choked instead.

“Then come on, pad foot, come with me.” I said again. Now holding his arms tightly, making sure he will not refuse.

No one else can see him. I knew I was the only one, and I cared little about it because he was, of course, my ghost. An image my mind has made up.

“Let us walk this way.’ I pointed the longer route to the cafeteria and he nodded again.

“So what are you going to tell me? I know very well something is bothering you.”

Hell, I was deeply concerned and I wanted to know what was wrong with my phantom. My only phantom best friend.

“I went to our family doctor yesterday. I went through tests and another series of examinations. It was painful but a bit okay,” he paused for a very long time and said at last. “They say I am getting worst Jonah. That is all they said.” He was barely whispering, we were now walking along classes and he surely does not want anyone to hear his revelation.

“Yeah right.” I replied.

“So as to prevent further harm, I am isolating myself from you from now on.” He added.

I was stuck right away at where I was standing.

Pardon? What did he just say?

“Huh? You are being so nonsensical! And selfish!” I panicked. He knows I do not want to lose a friend and that is so unfair of him.

“I know you will get mad, that is a normal reaction, of course, but surely it is the best way to lessen this mess. And I am not selfish. Soon it will be over and I can not risk your heart from hurting.”

“Hey, a few months to live and you are going to rot like hell huh? I do not agree. Well how about this; let us just make the most of it. ‘Coz phantom, you are not going to go anywhere. Nowhere.”

It was hard trying to fight my tears back and my limbs are getting wobbly. But I know I needed to be strong. I wish I will not add as a problem to him.

We argued again and again, our usual bonding moment. I am not good at this because he was so smart and he was way ahead of me. He knows things people do not usually know. He is a ghost, after all.

I bought a pack of biscuits and juice when we were at the cafeteria. My appetite has subsided and I am in no mood for eating.

I tried to ask him how he feels. He said he felt weaker and more delicate. I hooked my arms on his and I sensed he is very warm. Warmer than any other ghost I have met in my past.

We argued again when he opened the isolation set-up. That is not how a phantom must do if ever he is going to die right?

I finally cried.

“Let us be realistic you brute. If ever it is going to come, then you must live everyday as if it was your last.”


“No, please, we have lots of things to do in the future. And I can not do them without you or with anybody else. Remember I am a cry-baby? No one’s going to comfort me again if ever another break-up comes in the future.”

“You need to get used on living without me, this is absurd Jonah. I can not last forever!”

He was right. He can not last forever. And nothing….. nothing lasts forever...

I joked, though sobbing and weeping, that St. Peter will not accept him in heaven because his mission is not yet complete.

“Who told you I will end up in heaven? For all the bad things I have done, He will be glad I can not make it up there.” He joked in reply.

“I am your angel and I know enough you are a good person.”

“Well, thank you very much for believing. And stop crying please. I told you so.”

He handed out a hanky and offered it to me.

“No thanks,” I refused. Later I know he will use it as soon as his sickness attacks his fragile body.

“Live long..” was all the words I said last.

He smiled. I realized it was a very different smile. There is gladness and bitterness at the same time. Mixed emotions were written on his face and he started to walk away and vanish in an instant.

Wind crept to my spine and I started to shiver. I imagined losing him and I cried even harder. I was left at the corridor crying all by myself. He is a very good friend and I could not afford to lose him.

I went home with heavy rain pouring along with thunder that totally awakens my spirit. I feel very cold not with the weather but with the melancholy eating me up brought about by the bad news. I feel totally hopeless but strong at the same time.i need to do something.

He will live long, I promised. Not just to myself but to the million raindrops falling along with my tears…

jonah said...


In ancient times, where the gods have blessed mortals
with powers and desires one could never dreamed of, a warrior stood undefeated
amidst these sanctified humans; born by the name Siegfried, with whose strength
can easily destroy the land and sky combined under his mighty arms, hath come
forth to retrieve the treasure that launched a thousand kings and warriors in
their ships of death fighting against the dragon that guarded it for quite a
long time.

The movie “the curse of the ring” or the epic “nibelungenlied”,
rather, tells the story of a dragon slayer who was once the prince of xanten that
managed to escape when his father was killed in a battle in their castle grounds.
Being the only one left, he wandered until he was seen by his foster father
eyvind; who took care of him aND taught him what there is to learn in becoming
a blacksmith. Soon then he reached maturity, not knowing anything about his
past. Meanwhile, a woman who ruled a far away kingdom called nIceland was by far the strongest mortal among all, possessing the belt that gives her strength, a gift from the Gods. She, was brunhild, the love of Siegfried. They
met on the place to where a meteor landed. The place where also, for the first
time, someone had defeated brunhild, fulfilling the prophecy that the person
that will be able to defeat her shall be her mate. They fell in love at that
very moment, savoring their romance for she was soon to leave. Siegfried felt
the urge to leave and he, together with eyvind travelled far across to reach
the kingdom of burgund., the kingdom they are destined to serve. From there,
another woman was caught by his eternal appeal, the princess of the burgund,
sister of king gunther, kriemhild. Moreover, he earned gratitude and glory when
he killed the dragon fafnir which caused the king his suffering and pain. He
also became immortal by bathing himself with the dragon’s blood, leaving only
his weakness, a portion in his back when a leaf covered his flesh from his
victim’s blood.

The first part of the curse of the ring evolved around love
and strength, two things that make a person mighty and at the same time greedy.
These two things symbolize power where either from the two can uplift.

jonah said...


I always have bad dreams at night. Well, of course, I do have good dreams also but not as often as I experience the bad. Luckily, having nightmares does not kill the head off me; I still wake up every morning; sometimes panting, almost crying and worse, screaming. But then; having monstrous dreams has gotten the used of it from me. Having them at night was like a very normal part of sleeping and whenever I wake up, its as if nothing happened although deaths and a hundred shortcomings has flooded me the night before the new day where I needed to start again; as lively as I could the day before. I am not thankful for having these nightmares. I loathe them so much I would even squeeze my head just to get them out of my mind. I tried everything just to have a goodnight’s sleep and just to avoid those threatening and dreadful experiences happening inside my head. Finally, one strategy worked out for me, it was sleeping late at nights. Surprising, right? You would never think a simple habit as such would help me a lot. I slept at three in the morning and would wake up just after two hours. Of course, having just a little amount of sleep wouldn’t start any dream and so I have gotten used to late TV watching and darkening eye bags all the time. Having the lack for sleep has increased my appetite for some scientific reasons. I usually eat gigantic heap of foods and sleep afterwards. I became fat and ugly with my ugly eyes and dizzy state. Sleeping is a very tedious thing to do as I grow up and whenever I am free, I will eat or just read. I have forgotten my past experiences of dreaming and soon became lively again. I am wondering why I thought of this bad memory again, I still continue sleeping late at night for the busy schedule that I have but I still manage to sleep a lot; a new thing I started doing. Right now, bad dreams do not come yet but when they come back again, prayers and a lot of courage is the weapon I know any death or shortcomings inside my head can defeat

Anonymous said...

No more coming back

This morning have I encountered this cute little puppy and I was stocked onto looking at how it sniffs, how it waggles his tail, and how admiring its eyes blink and stare at me. I guess it was only its amazing side I see that did not even notice a wound on its leg. T was about to bleed again and I felt sad heartily that a sweet looking puppy was injured and there is no any other who is willing to heal its wound unless I do so. I decided to take it home and so I grabbed it carefully through its body and I totally took a sudden move so I will not hurt it. As I carry it, a sudden indication of unhappy imagination made me fell slight dizzy and that was the only time a thought of maybe someone owns this puppy bogged my peaceful mind. Oh and contrary to what I have thought, I still went home along with that lost puppy, perhaps.

This scenario continued to run inside my thoughts and the truth is, it is the only thing, which arouses over the other things that should have entered my mind first for there are now worth off to be tackled on in a free, unoccupied time of this day. The morale brought by that dog came out to be the most exciting one for me. By the way, these are only imaginations. Imaginations, which filled the empty space, particularly opened a new door for me to understand what friendship is, better than how I did before.

Just like the puppy, which I never expected to block my way, I also did not expect that my friends would stand here and stay. For every time I needed them, they are right behind me, urging me to move forward and never even let go. Because, I never did plan to meet them, either and I never expected knowing them. I think it was just a nice thing that expectations exist because I never expected that I would care for them like this.

I am a lot happier now I can say they are my treasures. I live my life because of them and probably, I would not be this comfortable if they are not around. It makes my heart pump more love from the inside every time I see that the scar from the wound of the puppy in my dreams is never to be wounded again for by now, it is already protected and sealed by the faith of possessing true friends. That would definitely make me feel always right, always rich. Rich of all the care and affection they would possibly be feeling as what I am also wondering. I have no regrets anymore because they serve as my good influences. I swear, they are never too bad. Thanks to them, they have given me another life. That one and the same puppy but not with the wound it had before. That friendship I had has told me a lot about the difference between a petty relationship and a more long lasting one.

Forever, I will take the most careful move, so I would never have myself alone again. I will never stop until someone comes along and gives me another life, which I look forward to be more complicated. And so I say, I am already contented of what I have right now. I will stay and I will no longer breakaway.

Anonymous said...

The fountain of love

I used to see my mother working. She always does the things for us, her children. It is as if she had not taken any rest yet because she always manages to cook for our breakfast, our lunch, and even our dinner. Neither of these things gives her time and chance to lie down and relax her. I wanted to help her, always. However, school has always been a hindrance. I guess, that is not so. But this thing keeps on blocking my way of helping. Maybe, there is just one thing I should do, more essential than to do the chores. And by now, I think I’ve reached the point to be classified as the top most priority I shall have accomplished by now.

My mother showers upon us love. She provides everything we need. She never puts me down. For those times I needed a company, she never were absent. In fact, she always tries her best just to reach me by my side. All the tears I have cried, all the excuses I have whispered, all the make- believes she has influenced me to believe into, there were already many circumstances wherein time used to interfere. Nevertheless, whatever notion may stop her from going; she will not permit time change her plans. She will not sleep if it is needed. She is, indeed, full of sacrifices.

She used to be my angel, the one who saves me from hell. Though evil must be powerful, my mother believes she is more and God is the most. She may be a flower that blossoms every morning. She may be a pillow that warms my nights. She may be the blanket that covers me up for uncomfortable concerns. She may be the table, which is sturdy enough to carry all the responsibilities of being a mother. She may be the garden, which proudly sows the beauty, the colorful, and the sweet ambiance it has, through her off springs. Above all, she may be a fountain placed in the middle of the garden that never stops running. But in my mother’s part she also never stops living. When time forces her to turn back away, she is never giving up. Instead, she is earning her passion and strength so she may run again and reach the same place where time is running now. Although the road between her and the time is too far from each one, she is never to walk slowly for she always wanted to tell the world of her love. Hers, which is never fading, hers that is truly caring. There is much strength and power at all times, for which, all time sacrifices are made for her children, for me, and for her family.

My mother is the greatest. She is my heroine. She is always the thunder that lightens up the sky when there is storm. Her sweet voice is my music and her eyes are my light.

Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad said...

by Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad
IV-Albert Einstein

On this cold and narrow street I weep, won't you ever be mine? It seems that everything I have done is a mistake. I never should have invested everything I have with one person - all my time, attention and love. Just a few minutes ago, I was filled with bliss with the thought of having to say to you what I really feel, that it was you I was constantly thinking about, that it was you I was always looking for, that it was your presence I was longing for.

In a matter of minutes, my journey in ecstasy was cut short by your smile. As you were walking, I could see that there was something different. There was something in your eyes that made you seem like the happiest person on earth. Then you whispered those words I would dread for the rest of my life. She said yes. My hopes came crashing down as if I were pushed downhill, face first. Yet I could not blame you for what I was feeling. There was nothing I could do, nothing I could say and nothing I could possibly think to make myself feel better. I was alone though you were with me. You did not know what I felt. I made sure that you never found out. And I could not blame you for making me sad, for you did not know you had done it. It was the most horrible pain I had ever experienced. One that could never be kept but could never be said to anyone else, it was the kind of pain one never mentioned to another. And this was what made it more painful.

As your eyes looked into mine, the way you looked pierced my inner being. You were extremely happy. And it made me feel like the joy I had given to you was not even close to what you were feeling then. And it was all because of her – the girl of your dreams. Smart, pretty, talented, what else could a guy wish for? I never really measured up to what you wanted anyway, what was the use of comparing myself to her?

I smiled and said “Congratulations, dear. You finally got what you wished for.” in the most sincere way. You marched down the hall and started telling all your friends, again, you were extremely happy. I rushed down the stairs and isolated myself. I fell onto the floor while shouting your name in agony. Why? Why now? Why not earlier? Why not later? Why now? And though you would never ever be able to answer these questions I uttered them as loud as I could as I demanded justice for myself. It was supposed to be my day – our day.

The pain is immeasurable. The pain is inevitable. Although my happiness is an option, I still choose to be unhappy just for the sake of loving you, my dear.

Anonymous said...

Love is…
Someone who helps you and stands by your side
A friend who treats you right
A circle of persons whom you share sentiments with
The fountain of happiness within the family
The reason why we feel warm and alive

Power is…
To do what you want to do
To reach what is unreachable
To seek over the oceans and over the seas
To make dreams become reality
To make two hearts collide undisputedly

Faith is…
What keeps you believing although some things are impossible
Expecting a good outcome coming forward
A thought of a positive result, governing life
Believing in one’s potential
A prayer that helps you never give up

Friendship is…
The relationship empowered by good and true friends
The truth behind the sharpening emotions
he basis of sharing, giving, caring and loving
The rhythm of the music being played in our lives
What makes our stay worth living for

Sadness is…
The shattered pieces of mirror
The aura on the day of graduation
When your friend leaves you behind
A scar on a broken family.
The long lasting feeling when loving has turned to hurting

Wisdom is…
Doing what you think is right
An outlet of a creative mind
Wiping all the tears which should not be falling anyway
Letting someone feel that you love him, per se
Making mistakes lead you towards a better way

Anonymous said...

More than what you think

I have this friend and I loved him very much. He never was afar, yet he always used to bother about me. I can say he is unique, yes, definitely, he is different. But I guess, I am more because I never gave up though I am already hurt so much, knowing that he might have already dropped by fate. No, I guess by a wrong faith and a wrong trust he gave to someone. Perhaps, that someone might not have taken care of the trust he had allotted. Someone might be so frantic that she does not even bother to look around before she does something for her own. That is all fine, but the point is, how can I be more than he can?

I know I am the only one expecting. I do not care what others think, either. Because what I have always believed in is that, I know what I am doing. I have experienced every hurt he has thrown to me before and instead of catching them, I insisted and I put everything aside so I will be able to live again, I shall continue living despite the times I remember I feel my heart, being wrapped up by a cloud of numbness. It made me feel like I cannot breathe anymore because of the blocked pathway of air, trapped by a gigantic question: “Am I going to stand up again and face the hard blow of the wind although there is already a missing part in me?”

I shall say, everyday is special as long as his face is the first thing I see. Well, if not literally, he initially enters the over of my eyes and frolics over my happiness. My day is special and so as he.

Years have passed, I think he has changed. One thing clear here is that, I exquisitely feel the same with him. Getting rid of this seemingly wonderful and mysterious sensibility is quite intricately knotted. This susceptibility is intrinsically mine but even if it is etched that way, I cannot make it disappear. Perhaps, you would tell me I have never transcended him because time has not shown yet how he was always affected. You have witnessed how I am hurt, consequently, you get pity. Nevertheless, I am telling you, you are all mistaken by the fact that, deep inside his wounded heart, he cries out and yells that someone would catch every tear he lets go.

I am greater than he is because as I catch all the distresses I get from continuously loving, there is still another thing I carry on my shoulders. Aside from this big old world, I used to live in, he and his wounded heart has joined even before it started to revolve.

Goodbye to you my almost lover. Goodbye my almost friend. I will not ever let go because I can’t. I think moving on must be surely meant. For this love that I have is truly heaven sent.

Anonymous said...

Time won’t end soundly

I do not know why I feel uneasy when they are not with me. I also do not know how they could change disagreement into camaraderie. I do not even know how they could make my day complete when they remind me of a gaiety. A merriment wherein we are all having the happiest and the most stunning answer to a single query. Until when are we going to be together? It is as simple as what is brought by the place forever.

Although there are only a few months left for us to spend as we reciprocate all the memories our school has initiated in us, I still look forward to having everything, which I had subsequently form the start, so truthful and worth remembering. Since the day, I have known the first friends of mine until the day I have earned many of them; I have necessarily kept thoughtful notices about them. I frequently get into small fights especially within the circle of friends. But into big ones, I usually do because I know that I contend vigorously just to win back the trust which was unintentionally misplaced by ado. It is as if I cannot stop myself from being keenly desirous of a good lifetime relationship with companions who are real and true.

Now, I definitely found them, the ones whom I used to seek for. At last, I have suited in their most liked tastes and styles, which were not even placed at the end of my listed trips before. I was never really like this a long time ago. But when they came, I have lifted up the true Rachel the world has ever waited to come out. I did not change. I just showed what was hidden back then.

I did not regret for living my life this way. Others may say that I am a little bit of crazy, otherwise, acting as a fool. But I am a little bit of nomad if my teachers and my classmates didn’t let me enter the room. The room where in we knew each other well. It is just as if they were my spiritual inspiration that hug me and keep the warmth of my feeling when they discovered that I do believe in their will to accept my trust, within the longest time we are together. They are apparently incomparable, especially to strangers because they came first yet they reached the innermost shipment inside me.

Indeed, it is easier to forgive a stranger than to do so with someone who is close to your heart. We do not have much care for whoever that stranger may be as much as we do have for the persons we value the most. The deeper you know someone; the harder it is to forgive his mistake because the wound is as deep as how much you have treated him. Though there were some misconceptions, someone has told me, high school life is different from the others. Even if you graduate so fast, time won’t end soundly because our times together will meet no end.

Anonymous said...

By Ma. Beatrice Camille Valencia Gaviola

Why does it feel like the things we wish would go on forever are quickly over with? Is it like some irony or weird joke of time that this happens? It seems that the more we dread an end to something, the faster it arrives. Nostalgia, tears, and half-sobbed farewells are all bittersweet goodbyes. It is always hard to let go. You find yourself so attached to something just to find yourself getting separated after some time.

All this I say, because I want everyone to know that life is not something to be rushed. We always seem to be in a hurry though we never know where we are heading. After some time, we find ourselves lost in the middle of nowhere. Children are always in a rush to fall in love, and students are always racing to graduate. In the process of competing with time, we tend to leave out the little details that make life worthwhile. We miss out on the moments that we would have cherished when we grow old, the people that we would have remembered through our days, and the experiences that would have shaped us until the end. Only then will we realize that we have been speeding too much that we forgot to enjoy the scenery. Only then will we feel and embrace the regret.

Life is too short for “I wish I had’s” and “if only’s”. There is only room for joy and love. Life is a gift we should enjoy, so do that thing you have always wanted to do but have always been afraid to try. Use those special things you’ve been saving for a tomorrow, because everyday is special. Learn to see the beauty that life has to offer. Start to live life to the fullest, because only then will you be able to look back and enjoy contentment.

Anonymous said...

By Ma. Beatrice Camille Valencia Gaviola

I used to think that if I wished hard enough, I would someday be able to fly. That is what the adults used to tell me. “All your dreams can come true.” With this, every wish I earned was spent on this. After some years, I realized this wasn’t every going to come true.

Shoot for the moon, even if you fall, you will land among the stars. Even though I never received of flight, I know my wish still came true somehow. I was free and it was almost as if I could fly. I rode the endless roads of imagination, I ran until I could run no more, and I soared high in my dreams. This only proves that if your wishes don’t come true right away, it only means that it was given in a different way. This we may not notice at first, but eventually, we will come to appreciate it and see its true worth.

Sometimes, we get angry because we are disappointed. We should learn to see something from different angles, because sometimes, things are not what they seem to be. If we wish to be patient, we are usually given a heavier burden. Do not get angry right away; look at it from another point of view. This could possible be God’s way of granting us our plea. With more problems, we learn to overcome them little by little through patience.

Dream big. Even though you do not get exactly what you were wishing for, do not get frustrated, because there is always a silver lining. You may not have reached the moon, but you are most probably sitting among the stars.

Eliah Kim Urmatan Camiller said...

by Eliah Kim Urmatan Camiller
IV-Albert Einstein

When you're listening to the radio and listen to songs, have you ever felt related to them? Well, I know I have. I recently listened to the song "The Man Who Can't Be Moved"
by The Script, a typical Irish rock band who plays alternative and pop rock, and I felt moved by it.

The song is basically about a broken-hearted man who desperately wants his love back. He is not ready to move on with his life so he waits for his love to come back to the place they first met. In the his goal to reclaim his love, he was judged by people handing him
down money, by policemen saying that he cant stay there, also by the weather. It rained, it snowed but he is still there waiting because as the lyrics goes:
“Cos if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.”

This song is not like the non-sense songs that we usually hear nowadays, it has meaning. Compared to songs like “shake what your mama gave ya”, “That’s not my name”, or even the song “Low”, I can say that this song has soul. These non-sense songs have no value. These songs are redundant because they just say the same words over and over again and before you know it, its already the end.

Some people think that it is shallow because the music video justified it as literal but when they listen to it and just internalize they will find out that they were wrong and also be moved by the song.

Anonymous said...


If given the chance to tell the truth for one whole day, would you grab it? Like a starved person grabbing for mac ‘n cheese? I guess not. Somehow, in reality, truth really is a piece of pizza that everyone wants but only a few could really get it.

Look at the word believe. What’s in the middle? Could you find something shocking? Well, I guess it’s not that shocking. For one could see the word “lie” in the middle of the word “believe”.

Everyone says “Please believe me.” And each person says “I’m not lying.” Everyone wants to get the truth. And whether you’re lying or not, the heart knows what to believe. Cause in this world distorted by lies, only the heart really knows what’s genuine and what’s fake.

Anonymous said...

A smile a day

The first bell rang endlessly. I was running late for my next class. I quickly placed my bag to my shoulders and dashed out of the room. My professor was left smiling as I bid goodbye. It happens everyday.

I ran past the students. Some were just sitting on the floor, traveling in their own world. Others were reviewing for only-God-knows-what. You could see some pairs having their own time, and you could also see some groups chatting about whatever-comes-to-their-mind thing. Me? Oh, still running. Some of my friends stopped me and said their “hi”s. Some just looked at me and continued on what they’re doing.

Then, from afar, I saw you smiling. Smiling, like you wanted to see me. My heart did the thumpathump thing. My pace slowed down and I don’t know if I’m going to stop and say “hey”. My mind kept on racing to what could possibly happen when I already reach you. I smiled at the thought until you said


I stopped my tracks. And technically, raised my eyebrows. I was going to say something but a voice perked up behind me. I looked behind and saw your girl. I looked back to you. Searching for a clue. Searching if that smile, that genuine smile, is mine.

The bell rang, for the second time. And you are now walking with her. I guess that smile wasn’t meant for me. I guess illusion’s playing tricks on me. But even if fantasy would give me the false reality, I would accept it for your smile a day.

Anonymous said...

By Ma. Beatrice Camille Valencia Gaviola

I keep having this nagging feeling that my mom is Superwoman in disguise. I can’t imagine how one person can go through so much and still maintain the composure that she has. She does so much in a day, and she never complains. She works hard all the time, yet she always has time for us.

It is true that distance makes the heart grow fonder. When my mom was still here, we used to argue all the time. Everything we did always had to have a conflict in it. Every plan was always interrupted. There even came a time when I told her I would leave. Now she stays in China, and we have become closer than ever. I have also truly seen now the great woman that she is.

My mom is simple. She was never really the loud and boastful kind of person. She had much to brag about, yet she never did. She had great taste, but decided to dress conservatively. She had a great personality, yet she did not mingle too much with others, nor did she attend parties and huge gatherings. She was happy-go-lucky and fun, but she knew our limits too. She was funny and cool for a mom. She is the kind of person could pass for a contemporary and a mother at the same time. She always supported us when she knew we were doing the right thing.

When my parents separated, you would think that my mom would find a new husband, yet she never did, and she never really needed to. She stayed single. She helped us everyday and reared us to the right path. Sometimes I would see her lonely, but she never purposely showed this to others. She forced herself to stay strong for us so we would not break down either.

Probably the most important thing I learned from my mom is generosity. Whenever we had leftovers, she would personally bring them to the street children who barely had enough food. Sometimes she would collect our old things and donate them to the needy. She never asked for credit, and she never expected anything in return.

Although others may not really see it, my mom is a modern superhero. She is our foundation, without her we would be nothing. Although my dad is there to help and love us too, a mother’s love is totally a different thing. With everything that my mom is, and with everything that she has given us, I do believe that mothers know best. My mom is my hero, she always has been, and she always will be.

Anonymous said...

Watch it

Watch your thoughts. They become rolling words. They won’t get you anywhere. Remember the brain controls mostly of the body.

Watch your words. They become your actions. You may have not done your words but time will come you will.

Watch your actions. They become shocking habits. A person has the ability to choose his actions. And if you’ve done something once, you could do it more than ten times.

Watch your habits. They become you. They become the word called character. And that word defines who you are.

Watch your character. For they become your destiny. The world may not know who you are, who you really are. But only you could do something for your future. Humans are not picture perfect, for each one has a terrible fault inside them. And its only up to them how to fix that.

Anonymous said...

Shoe Fitting

Sometimes I wonder if the shoe never fit Cinderella. I mean, who takes the crown? And who takes the cinders? The Grimm’s really did have the imagination to defy reality. And as a teen, that was once a big fan of those happily-ever-afters, I admit I had a great time believing those things.

But as I grew up, I realized godmothers didn’t actually come the “fairy” way. I came across the fact that not all stepmothers are wicked and stepsisters are not that nuts. And more importantly, not all Prince Charming rides on the white horse of fantasy.

I’m not Cinderella. And I am so not trying for the shoe. For my heart can’t be tested by a piece of glass. And if Prince Charming comes my way, maybe not on the white horse everyone dreams or not in the coolest way he could get, he would definitely sweep me off my feet.

Anonymous said...

Romeo and Juliet

Opening the world of Shakespeare. Romeo, due to his depression, drank the poison. Juliet then wakes up and realizes that her Romeo is dead. And of course, due to depression, she took out a dagger and plunged it to her heart.

Freakinly sweet. Yeah. But last time I checked Romeo wasn’t that good enough for Juliet. He was so stubborn. He can’t even die for her, well, her best friend could. Well, life’s like that. Juliet can’t be the sweet, innocent girl she used to be. She has to be, well, strong for she doesn’t know if another Romeo would come and break her heart.

Bitter am I? I can’t stand being the Juliet of another Romeo’s arms. I don’t want to love as if my heart can give the same thing like when it was whole. I just don’t want to make myself believe that one day, or even night, Juliet would be out again in her balcony, saying that infamous line “Oh Romeo, Romeo…where thou art, Romeo?” I just don’t want to make myself believe in dreams and fantasies. Because when you have no hopes, you won’t get disappointed.

It’s already 3:30 pm. I closed my diary for another chapter in my impossible life has consumed another two and a half pages. I stood and put my top secret notebook in my bag. I kept my thoughts on what I have written. And I guess, I got lost on my thoughts.

*slip* BLAM!

Shoot. Make that drown on my thoughts. Whoever this is, I’m gonna smack this bag on his head.

“Sorry” a voice came, and I recognized.

I opened my eyes and looked up. I guess Juliet was blind after all. She didn’t see the real Romeo coming. And she didn’t think that after all the balcony lines, Romeo was there, just hidden in the bushes. For Romeo wasn’t the man who broke her heart. And the real Romeo, her Romeo, is her best friend. And she wouldn’t care even if these realizations would eat up her whole diary. For again, impossible as she thought it would be, she had fallen for her friend.

Anonymous said...

Through The Eyes Of A Child

During the short span of time I have been here, I know there are many things I do not know and understand. First of all, I wondered about why my friends have a person they call mama and I do not. My sisters told me that my mama is somewhere safe, and that she loves me very much. I think I saw her once, some time ago. It was the time I first opened my eyes, but after that quick moment, I never saw her again.
At that time, I do not remember much. All I know is that the first person who held me right after that moment was the person I knew to be my dad. I remember gripping his finger tightly, and wondering why he wore a sad look on his face. The second he took a glance at me though, his frown turned into a smile, and I knew that all his troubles went away.
As time passed by I learned a lot especially from my papa. One night, he taught me how to pray. He said I needed to do that every time I go to sleep so someone named Jesus would help me. He taught me a prayer which I now know by heart. I do not know much about Jesus, but the people around me tell stories about Him, so I guess he must be very important. Sometimes, my dad goes to bed very tired and forgets to pray himself, so I lie beside him to remind him. After we pray, I always tell him “Goodnight papa, I love you.” He then smiles at me and hugs me tight as we doze off together.
My sisters always play with me. They teach me some things and make me laugh. There are times when my eldest sister shouts and makes me cry. There are also times my other sister forgets to spend time with me. But even though we do not get along sometimes, I still love both of them, and I know they love me.
My papa was always the one who entertained me, since he was always around. But sometimes when I have nothing better to do than to watch him, I noticed that he began to grow weaker. He used to carry me with ease. He could even make me stand at the palm of his hand, as I remembered when I was two. But after a while, he seemed to always get so tired. When I began going to school, he became a different person from the papa I knew.
Whenever I played with the enormous pile of toys I own, my papa would shout and complain at the mess I make. Whenever I cried he would spank me with his firm hand. The instance I remember the most was the time he locked me in the bathroom. I cried so much that he shouted even more. It was dark and cold in there, and I was trapped for hours. I finally heard my sisters through the door, which they opened to let me out. I hugged them tightly. I was very confused. I looked at my dad, at his new cold, dark eyes and grew terrified of him. He was not familiar anymore. After a moment of staring at each other, he gave in with a look that said sorry. “I love you papa” was all I could say before hugging my sister again and resting on her shoulder.
After that event, my papa’s anger became more easily triggered. He always shouted, and because of this we grew apart. I was not that close to him anymore because I was afraid he would lock me up again or spank me. I was afraid for my sisters, because whenever I see them cry, I know something is wrong.
One day, I woke up with my sisters watching me. I was always annoyed when they did this, because I do not like people looking while I sleep. My sister told me “Papa is sick now, we have to take care of him.” I thought about it and it did make sense. Whenever I get sick I easily get irritated, maybe it was like papa now. But I wondered, he must be really sick to get irritated all the time like that.
It was soon after this that the sisters and brothers of papa came to stay at our house one by one. He has eleven siblings in all- the reason why I have so many toys. After one left, another came, and that cycle was the same for every aunt and uncle. One of my aunts told me all about the place where they all came from. She said it was cold there, unlike here where it is always hot. She said I had many cousins there whom I could play with. She also told me stories about playgrounds, and Disneyland, and the thing that fascinated me most- snow!
Anyway, they came here one by one so they can take extra care of papa because my sisters weren’t always here. I could take care of him myself, but I when I say that they just laugh and smile at me.
Because I always watch my papa, I know that he is very weak, and he must be really sick. Before, he gave me piggy back rides but now, he could barely carry me. He was very fat before, I should know because I often played with his big belly, but now, his stomach always ached and he would not play with me.
The time came when he grew very weak and stayed in a place called a hospital. There were tubes around him and there were big needles that poked his thin skin. There was a big machine beside him that beeped loudly and had many buttons. I stared at my sisters, confused, but I think they were as confused as I was. He stayed in there for a long time.
My birthday was near, but my papa was still there. I told him “Papa, get up, you have to go home for my birthday!” And he promised me he would.
It was the day of my birthday, and there were gifts, music, balloons and clowns. I had so much fun, especially since the funny clowns made me laugh hard. It was time for me to blow the candles, and one of the clowns said “Time for the blowing of candles! Where is the dad of the birthday girl?” Everyone looked around, and it suddenly grew quiet. I waited for him to show up, but after some time, I gave up. I sobbed quietly as I blew the candles of my cake.
Later on that night, we went to the hospital again. I decided I would be very angry with papa, he forgot me! But as we entered the room, everyone was crying and surrounding papa, only, he was not my papa anymore. His belly was huge, as if it was about to explode, but his arms and legs were as thin as mine. He looked at me, and I cried and hugged him. I was not frightened of him anymore. Instead, I grew so sad to see him in that state. I forgot that I was angry at him, and I just said I loved him. But then, a lady in a blue uniform gently pushed me away as she did something to papa. I just sat with my aunt and sisters and watched him lay there.
The next morning after I woke up, everyone was busy. My aunt was talking on the phone, my sisters were staring at the floor and my grandmother was crying. I approached my aunt and asked “Why?” but she did not answer. I asked my sisters too but they did not seem to hear me either. I gave up, sat on my sister’s lap and just kept quiet. Later on, we went to the hospital again. I looked for papa, but he was not at the bed he was always on. We approached another bed, it was covered completely, and when they pulled down the covers, I saw my papa sleeping, only this time he had no more tubes on him.
We went to a place that looked like a church, only smaller. There was a big box in front, and I ran to it because I wanted to see what was inside such box. My sisters yelled at me to come back, I guess they did not want me to see it. But it was too late, I peeked and I was shocked at what I saw. My papa was inside the box! He was still sleeping. I tried to wake him up but it did not work.
The doors of that peculiar place suddenly flew open and a smile spread across my face as I saw who came. My aunts and uncles were there- all eleven of them! I ran to them laughing with joy, I missed them and I was so happy to see them all together. But they did not seem as happy to see me. They looked like they were crying because their faces were red and their eyes were swollen. But why, though? And why were they not happy to see me? Now I was very confused.
My sisters sat me down and told me what happened. They said that my mama and papa were finally together now. I told them “But mama is gone, papa is sleeping, just over there!” They tried to explain to me that he was in heaven, with Jesus. I said “But he is right there!” Finally, they sighed and told me “Papa is gone, and he will never come back…”
Later on, my aunt told me again about that place where they came from. They said now that papa is gone, I would come with them to that place. At first I was very excited. I wanted to see the snow and go to that place called Disneyland! But then, I realized I was annoyed because they were wrong- my papa is not gone, he is just there! I can see him!
I did not talk to anyone else that day. I knew they were wrong, papa would never leave us. I always looked at that box and guarded it to make sure he does not go anywhere. I played with the other children at that strange place while the other people remained silent. Many visitors came to look at papa, it was a bit weird seeing them. I knew he must not like it when people watched him sleep.
Right now, I am still here at this strange place. I do not know when papa will ever wake up, but he must wake up soon. We have to go home for I have not opened my birthday gifts, and papa has not even eaten a slice of cake yet. We are all still here guarding him.
I lied down on one of the hard wooden benches to rest. I prayed to Jesus because papa said he would help me when I needed it. Then I thought about what was happening. There are so many things I do not understand, but I know when I grow up like my two sisters one day, I would finally know what was going on. I thought of my papa and how I missed him so much. What happened to him? Why is he still asleep? A tear formed on the corner of my eye. I wiped it away as I grew very sleepy. I closed my eyes after looking at the big box and said “Goodnight papa, I love you…”

Anonymous said...

Goodbye…I will never forget you

I never thought that our relationship would end. It was so perfect. We have the same hobbies and interests. We complement each other. Everyone even said that we are the perfect couple. Our relationship was going so smoothly. I cannot think of anything wrong that I have done to you. We loved each other so much. I was yours and you were mine. I guess life is not always a happy ending. I am now experiencing the painful thorns of the red rose, painted with love, that you had given me while vowing to love me forever.

You said that you will stay with me forever. You said that you will protect me forever. I believed you but I guess you are not worthy of my trust. I didn’t realize that bit by bit your feelings for me started to fade away. I know you loved me because I felt it whenever we were together but I guess you didn’t love me deeply. If I had known earlier that your feelings for me would soon be gone, I could have prevented it. I will do anything just to keep you by my side…just for you to love me forever.

I experience bliss whenever I am with you. You made me feel that I am the luckiest and most loved person in the world. I am willing to give up everything just to be with you. You are the perfect guy for me but I guess I am not the perfect girl for you who will be able to give you eternal happiness and contentment in life. I love you so deeply and I made sure that I show it to you. I always made sure that I make you feel special. I did everything to make you happy but I guess the love that I gave to you wasn’t enough.

It hurts me deeply to think that I will not be able to hear your sweet, mellow voice. The thought of you leaving me brings me unbearable pain. I wouldn’t be able to see you again. I wouldn’t be able to talk to you again. I have now awaken from a very sweet dream that I will never be able to experience again.

Even though you left me, I can never hate you. My love for you will not permit me to do such a thing. I do not know when the deep wound on my heart will heal; all I know is that my love for you will live on forever. I do not think I will be able to love anyone as much as I love you. You truly are irreplaceable in my heart. And as I say goodbye to you, the tears that I will shed are full of our memories together…memories that I will treasure for all of my life for they are the proof that you once loved me. They are the proof that I once belonged to you and you belonged to me.

Anonymous said...

My One and Only

I am so stupid to take you for granted. You loved me completely and yet, I loved you half-heartedly. I didn’t realize earlier that what I really wanted is just in front of me. At first, I wasn’t contented with just having you. I thought I was too good for you so I searched for other guys that would make me completely happy while I still had a commitment to you. I was so stupid. You are everything that I ever wanted. You are the perfect guy for me who would make my life a bed of roses. Being with you means the world to me.

You loved me so much. You gave me everything that a girl dreams for. In fact, you gave me more than what every girl wants. You did all of that and yet, I was still not contented. I was so foolish to think that way. I was so full of myself. I was the one who didn’t deserve you.

Whenever I needed someone to talk to, you would always be there…ready to listen to my problems. Whenever I am sad, you would always be there to comfort me and make me happy. You are my knight in shining armor but I guess I am the dragon who will be the one to kill you.

Because of my foolishness, you left me. I cannot blame you for leaving me for you have every right to do that. I am so stupid. I will never be able to find another you again. No one will ever love me as much as you did. I threw away a very scintillating gem in front of me.

If a shooting star will grant me any wish, my wish will be for us to be back together again. In that way, I will be able to love you whole-heartedly. I will take care of you and I will never let you go. You will be my one and only and I will let nothing get in the way of our relationship. I will love you forever and ever. But I guess, life isn’t as simple as that. Not all wishes are granted. I will forever regret the day that I lost you for you are my one and only love. I will do anything to win you back.

Anonymous said...

Tuesdays with Morrie

The story all started in the late spring of 1979, a hot, sticky Saturday afternoon. It was graduation day. Mitchell Albom will now leave his favorite professor, Morrie Schwartz. Before Mitch left, he gave Morrie a tan briefcase with his initials on the front. Mitch does not want his coach to forget him that’s why he gave Morrie a gift.

The years after graduation hardened Mitch into someone quite different from the strutting graduate who left campus that day headed for New York City, ready to offer the world his talent. The world he discovered was not all that interested. Life became hard for him. His dream was to be a famous musician but after several years, his dream soured. He was failing for the first time in his life.

After awhile, his favorite uncle died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 44. After his uncle’s funeral, his life changed. He returned to school and earned a master’s degree in journalism and took the first job offered, as a sports writer. He became serious about life. He worked at a pace that knew no hours, no limits. He was determined never to end up like his uncle.

He did not know that Morrie is dying. He only discovered it when he saw his coach in the television at the “Nightline” show.

Mitch was able to see Morrie personally when he turned the rental car onto his coach’s street in West Newton, a quiet suburb of Boston. At first, he does not want to be seen by his teacher so that he can freely pass his house and do his business. He came out of his car and went to his professor. That is all when it started. After that visit, more visits came about. Every Tuesday, Mitch would go to Morrie’s house. Mitch would always bring food with him to give to Morrie. Every time Mitch is in Morrie’s house, they would talk about the meaning of life. They would talk about marriage, forgiveness, love, death, and so much more.

Morrie got weaker and weaker each day that passes. He knew that his death is about to come. It is evident in his physical appearance. He was so thin, pale, and weak. He accepted wholeheartedly that he is about to die. Because he is near his end, he wanted to inspire other people through his experiences. He has a different way in looking at things. He is very optimistic and he has the talent to touch people deeply.

Morrie eventually died. He died serenely; the way he wanted it to be. He was cremated for that is what he wished for. Many people mourned for his death. Even though his body died, his teaching still lives on. He remains alive in the hearts of the people who love and cherish him.

Anonymous said...

An Everlasting Reality

Stupid… That is the best adjective for me. I did not know what time I was supposed to go to Intramuros. I attempted to ask a friend of mine who also takes the journalism class but, unfortunately she does not know. After that, I did not bother to catechize my other friends. I just rested and slept at home which brings me to another adjective that suits me well. And that adjective is lazy. Because of my witlessness and laziness, I came to Intramuros late.

I missed the tour in the Manila Cathedral, the previous location of Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario, the statue of King Philip II of Spain, and the chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe. My associates, Mr Escote, and other teachers were already in Fort Santiago taking pictures when I found them. Fort Santiago or Fuerza de Santiago is a defense fortress built for Spanish conquistador, Miguel López de Legazpi. The fort is actually part of the structures of the walled city of Intramuros, in Manila, Philippines.

I went inside a spooky dungeon. It was dark and the floor was damp. It was a little hard to get out of the dungeon because the steps toward the exit were narrow and far apart from each other.

I was able to see the furniture of José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda in the Rizaliana shrine. After the Rizaliana shrine, we went to the Casa Manila. I saw the zaguan and patio. Zaguan is an Arabic word meaning “corridor”. It is through the zaguan that the carriages or carruajes entered, dropping off passengers by the stairs. The zaguan and patio are paved with piedra china (granite). The stones were originally used by the Chinese as ballast for their junks. These were later sold in Manila for paving pedestrian lanes, patios, and streets. Despite all these, the fountain in Casa Manila stood out the most. It is a feature that appeared after running water came to Manila in 1882.

I, together with some of my associates, Mr Escote, and Mrs Mariano, went upstairs. I was able to see the entresuelo. The word entresuelo literally means “between floors”. This is the area where clients, tenants or estate managers (if the owner was a rich landowner) would usually wait before being admitted to the oficina (office).

The next thing that I saw was the despacho or oficina. This is where the owner of the house conducted business together with his clerks or accountants. Much of the furniture here were locally made. One would find indigenous motifs such as the lubi – lubi (life plant) carved on the legs of the partners’ desk.

The next thing that Mr Escote showed us is the antesala (anteroom) or which is also called caida. During the day, the family uses that particular area for playing parlor games, entertaining close friends, or having merienda (mid-morning or afternoon snack).

Mr Escote indicated the sala soon after. People of high importance are entertained in the sala. This is therefore decorated to show off one’s status in society.

I also saw the oratorio. The family gathers here every evening to pray the Angelus and the rosary, followed by novenas to saints, prayers for the dead, and many more.

The cuarto principal was amazing. It has an aparador de tres lunas, tremor, and lavabo. I was also astonished by the comedor, cocina, letrina, baño, and azotea. I saw the freezer used by the people in Jose P. Rizal’s time. I was surprised to see the freezer back then.

After my adventure in the Casa Manila, I rode a calesa to go to Chowking to have lunch. After eating, I went to the San Agustin Church. It is the first religious structure built in the island of Luzon, after the Spanish relocated from Cebu in the south. It was built by the Spaniard Juan Macias in 1586 and was completed in 1606. Luciano Oliver later renovated it in 1854. It is the only colonial church that has retained its original vaulting, despite the destructive forces that shelled the church during WW II. The splendid trompe l’oeil barrel vault and dome magnify the skills of two Italian decorative painters, Alberoni and Dibella, who were commissioned to paint the church’s interior in 1875. The ceiling of the church is so amazing. The way the artists painted the ceiling will give anyone the impression that the designs were carved rather than painted. Needless to say, the internal structure of the San Agustin Church was absolutely breathtaking and unforgettable.

The San Agustin Church is filled with many smaller chapels which house richly decorated altars. These chapels served as burial sites for prominent residents of Manila. It also has a pipe organ, wherein the details of the instrument was very defined and pronounced.

Even as I was in the last phase of the trip, the long walk to McDonald’s, I could not get the images out of my mind.

I really enjoyed my trip to the historical place of Intramuros. I was able to learn and at the same time have fun with my friends. I will never forget the laughter and stories my friends and I shared. I will never forget the pain that one of my very close friends had to endure. And most of all, I will never forget the things that I have seen in our wonderful yet exhausting trip. My experience in Intramuros is an everlasting reality that will always be a part of me.

Anonymous said...

Most unbearable escape

It has been quite a while since the day I think of my usual problem. That problem which repeatedly puts an irritable huggermugger into my nerves. I can barely get rid of it but you always urge me to accept it and forget all the pains. Unfortunately, I also cannot imagine that you used to be the one who lets me experience all the immediate possible ends that would come closer to my heart. I was hurt all over again, a million times by the same reason, caused by that one and the same person.

I feel so honored whenever you tell me that we are staying friends forever. I really appreciate all your promises but I cannot help every time I see someone becoming closer to you. Closer than how I used to do. I cried and wiped all the tears. I earned strength for me to justify what I see. But sadly, I just resist and drive away those carping issues. In fact, I am already tired o f acting as a guard. As someone who used to look after you. Most especially to people who keep on straying at places where you are in. I am tired of getting mad to those who used to banter with you, to those who used to follow you wherever you go. I am tired of being a green- eyed monster. Mostly, I am dead tired of getting envious to them. I would badly want to petrify these disturbances and kill all my insecurities, if ever I had one, even though I did not know I did.

I would want to be free. I do crave for a lucid side of my perceptions. I would want to hamper myself from being possessive because I know it is not pleasing. I know it is not good and never will it be right. I would want to clear my mind and end its intricacy. I would want to forget what was already intimidating. However, at the tail of all these things that I would like to do, I cannot imagine how I was able to endure all the harms. The damages have been done and still, I am remaining this strong, keeping up the same composure I am bearing patiently since then. I always wanted to escape from the steep weights of my doubts and fears. I have always thought that if I would not, I would just end up working with my weary heart. That was sheer nonsense, evidently. All I ever wanted was to save my eyes from my tears and to save my heart from the posthaste-approaching hurts. This, I shall prove I am willing to fight for the relationships I have established. I would not allow anybody ruin what I have dreamt of maintaining. Nonetheless, nobody could ever stop me from offering my whole lot love, care, and concerns for them. In their happiness’s sake, I would do everything I could. Because without them, I would not be this healthy. In fact, the sounds of their voices made my festivity perpetual. I cannot bear to leave them so I would do the most effective way to escape this faulty fondness.

Anonymous said...

Maudlin Bliss

At last, fro the very first time ever again, I have left all my worries. I can now breathe in the freedom. I can now feel the sudden intake of fresh air that brings me no more doubts and no more spites. What I have become before is done and everything is different now. All the pretensions transformed into successions for the things I wanted to accomplish before were all untangled. I was remorseful, I have to admit. Because of the unpleasant views back then, I became so inconsiderate.

I am a lot more disciplined compared to the last time. Especially, when it came to a point that I felt, my life was just dragging. It was so as if I cannot look for someone who is going to help me find my out of dullness. However, I know by now I am saved. I see no more resentful notions coming forward. It is not as easy as it may seem but it is exhilarating that I put myself away from anything that would lead comfort to inconvenience.

At first, I was quite apprehensive of the change this decision would cause all related things. A few people already know the root of this so- called refinement I am pointing out. I wanted to have that fortitude so I will not be drooping back to somewhere I am not familiar with. At the back of my mind, I used to spare one moment, thinking that we would always be having a rare inseparable relationship and this I would surely not allow to perish. I became so terrified, so cruel to any explanation. I did not have any attempt to listen. Instead, I always rely on the other way, which was radically different. Someone has told me that if I would do this, I might perhaps be giving up on the battle. But I did not mind, and I focused on the brighter side- that I free myself from woes.

Until one day, I thought of a reverberated idea, “What if I am not really capable of becoming this renewed after all the sacrifices?.” Perchance I am not doing this just to change the way other people look at me. To my dislike, these things went echoing inside my system as I f somebody is telling me that I shall stop acting. But I am not acting. This is what I barely wanted. Nothing but pure cleansing and understanding of rear criticisms.

Besides, I did not move a step forward just to refute these deplorably bad and hurtful experiences but to completely escape from wrong insights I have undergone before. Now, I am delightful that I was able to invigorate my vividly emotional harmony. And that I am simply contented of using all I have learned in mobilizing towards inner maturity and self fulfillment. Just because something is different does not mean something has changed. So I am now underneath this indescribable happiness, o the extent of ranging rapturous joy. I am enjoying personal liberty, I am free. I am on mawkish revelry.

Anonymous said...

Broken Dreams, Shattered Pieces of Schemes

For this very first time again, after quite a long wait, he surprised me. I was flavored, yes, I am a lot surprised. I encountered him, holding a broken mirror and glaring somewhere towards the ground. I so wondered with what he wanted to tell me or what he wanted me to know. I felt afraid and I did not even know what to do or what to deliver as an alibi. But as the coldness of the night enshroud my shimmering fleshless arms, my heart suddenly felt nervous. It beats faster and faster as if my head is covered with plastic that I cannot breathe. I can neither stop wondering nor insist staring at the mirror, he was holding. I was stocked with the same old blank position with my eyes, enlarged and wide open. Oh my, I cannot even move. “Why do you urge me to stay firm if you just have to tell me something not that significant? Can’t we just talk about it tomorrow?” I asked him timidly. He answered in a very soft, murmur- like sound but I heard it from that certain point I was standing. “I just wanted to say sorry.” Sorry for what? We did not have any misunderstandings. Since the very first day we met, he did not make any stupid thing that made me angry nor upset by those. These thoughts impinged my thinking and as I look at him directly towards his mouthwatering eyes, tears abruptly fall down his pappy- looking cheeks and reaches the broken pieces of the mirror. I felt like I fell out of nowhere. It was as if he was crying and even I myself cannot go beside him to wipe his tears. I thought it was really happening. Unfortunately, the loud timber of the church bell awakened me. It was definitely a dream. A dream that is so impossible to be true, because he is not living at the same old house they were living at before.

It gloomed my day for the whole time, I was thinking of that scenario. He was my best- est. he used to stay with me whenever he wants to. Now, I shall say, he only used to because he is now distant from me. He went a long way even before we graduated. He left me alone and until now, I am hoping for his come back. He promised me a lot of things and up to now, I am still having a strong faith that he will make those promises come true. I admit, I really miss him. He was then my savior, he was then but a great warrior who untimely treats me over and over again because everyday, he believes, is his lucky day. If he just knows how I miss the part of the day when we were both looking up to the sky and praying to the Lord and thanking Him at the same time. If he just knows how I miss the feeling of happiness, I used to experience before. I wish he were right beside me so that I could tell him the confidential huggermugger I am continuously feeling. That one I wanted to tell him even before the day he left. This clandestine which veils my spirit for almost a range of long years.

To escape from the solitary room I am in, I decided to walk astray. The darkness of the night conceals the corners of the streets as I look to nowhere. I really felt alone and that my only treasures would probably leave me soon. As I continue walking, my foot was wounded by the shattered pieces of glass on the street. I was shocked for that width of the rugged road, those pieces of shivered glass were scattered at the exact place I was standing. Within that certain moment, I remembered what I have dreamt of last night. The broken mirror he was holding as he was supposed to talk to me about something. It was just then when I realized that the thoughts of him entered my peaceful mind to let me know of what is probably happening to him at present. What could it be that keeps me boggling about our memories, which I still believe, would fulfill its absence by coming back, by letting me feel the warmth of his hug and the tightness of his grip on my hands? By these ideas that keep on arguing with my solemnity, I opt to go home.

It was already an hour after I left that street I have been. It was very tiring. I longed for a rest and as I was about to fall and feel the soft, fluffy foam of my bed, the telephone rang. My mother answered the phone and she called me because the one who is calling does not talk her. It was so creepy and when I answered it, I heard the same words he told me in my dreams when I asked him. My soul was traversed and I cannot speak off. I bragged the phone and it rang again. I answered it because I thought it would be him, but this caller told me, “Are you the best friend of my son? I just called for he wanted you to be the very first friend to know that he just died an hour ago. He was holding the mirror, which he said was your remembrance from each other. I am so sorry because I did not think of your relationship, instead, I only thought of the sake of his achievements. I did not expect this to happen but I think he did this for you. He loved you very much that it tears him up inside whenever he thinks of you, starting from the day we left from there. Sorry.”

When I heard those words, I suddenly felt my heart, being torn apart. I felt the feeling of being passed on by big trucks on the streets and eventually, I was not able to say something. I did not almost feel my hands let go of the phone I was holding and tears fell abruptly from my eyes showing how sad and sorry I was. Now I know, “I loved you and I will love you still. I’ll keep you in my memory and I’ll stay loving you forever.”

Anonymous said...

The Pieces of my Life

As supposed by my parents, I would live a happy and healthy animation, pimped with all the lessons, experiences and achievements I would encounter. As a simple person, I don’t expect much from those who aspire to know me. Before, I didn’t even think of myself as someone who is well known by everyone and who is famous in somewhere. I just request that they be respectful so that I will act with proper esteem towards them, too; A very fragile perspective known by myself for I want to live by how I want to and so with the agreement of how my parents want me to.

When I was a child, my uncles and aunts used to call me a snob. They tell me that I am so unpleasing to talk with. I was a way too small but I am too matured enough to come up with some silly misunderstandings. Maybe, that time, from nobody, I was honed into somebody who used to insist what she wants to happen. I was then so impatient, naughty and whatsoever. But when I realized that I shouldn’t have made a boundary between the world and me, I began to change and soften my personality, thus made me turn into a friendly person indulged in the simply decorated world of amazing people. Perhaps that is the reason why I am afraid that the people, surrounding me with love and entity at the dimmest times of my existence, would leave me.

Apparently, I started making friends when I started schooling. Also, my busy life has begun when I entered my first learning center. Back then, I was always excited to go to school, to perform the redundant activities prepared by my teachers, and to eat my food prepared by my mother. My “Ate” usually brings me to school and fetches me, eventually. It was such a nice memory that I reminisce every time I scan my photo albums and my old notebooks with my petite writings in it, which I slightly can’t understand anymore. I usually go back to these compilations I clustered up when I have nothing to do, but to sit down at a corner and smile as I enjoy looking at them. I believe that all the relationships I was in to would all perpetuate. Thanks to my relatives who have made me preferably known and cherished.

As I evolved into a more resolute individual adorned with more decisive wills and plans, I felt I have earned self confidence. For in every challenge I surmount, I don’t move on unless I catch up something to live through. These things, indeed, made me plucky and caused my dreams and imaginations to turn positive and genuinely possible. My aims and goals transcended towards my reach; becoming not make- believes anymore. I offer my gratitude to the Lord that He gave me such opportunities. These are all rewards and merits that I will forever keep in my heart.

I believe my family has contributed much for me to be able to improve my acceptance skills that I may be wise enough to know something before judging. I suppose my friends surely had urged me to do more, to give my best and nothing but the extent of what I can do, all the time, to be successful enough of my worth. I presume they all helped me suppress my negative notions, instead, live with positive thinking and erudite strategies. Perhaps, when you make an attempt like trying to be the most superior and the one who is most looked up to by everyone, without someone to accompany you who may be acting as a friend or a guardian as you walk towards a bright future, would not be effective.

Of twelve years of studying, I could say I already found my focal point from where I could pick up my strength and my primary reason that I could look back onto so I may never forget where I belong. I should know where I came from so I know how I would go back if I am lost. I should always put my feet on the ground so I would not perish by wrong doings and effortless attempts which were never meant. I should always base my steps with the pattern of my achievements so I could make it again to favorable endeavors. And I know all these would be possible because I am with my family, my friends and our Lord. My warrior is sturdy, my warrior is inevitably indestructible and it will apparently arise into a spark of a tranquil life.

Anonymous said...

A Wish from a Tortured Soul

As the cold, tiny drops of rain touched the windowpane, my heart throbs with agony inside it. I wish that someone will just kill me. I do not want to endure this suffering anymore. Every minute of my life is filled with melancholy. The thought of you leaving me for another girl is so empowering that it envelopes my whole being.

As cold tears drop from my mourning eyes, memories of you run inside my head. I can still remember our happy moments. I can still remember the days when the only gem that your eyes can perceive is me…when every minute of you away from me is death…when you were mine. I guess all of those blissful moments are over.

Why did you leave me like a piece of crap? Am I not good enough for you? Don’t I care for you enough? Is my love torturing you? I have so many questions inside my head. What does your new girl have that I don’t? Is she more caring…more loving? I just cannot understand you. You left in such a short notice. I didn’t think that you could do such a thing to me…you loved me so much. You wouldn’t even let a stinking fly touch me. What happened? What changed all of that? Did I change…or did you change for the worse? My mind is aching now because of all those queries that remain unanswered.

Everything was so perfect. I couldn’t see anything wrong with our relationship…with us. I was your lovely princess and you were my knight who was ready to sacrifice his life for my sake. We were leaving in a peaceful and impeccable kingdom. I wish it could have just stayed that way. My wonderful fairytale has now ended. I have to face the cruel reality…a reality without you.

I guess you will never be mine again. I am willing to do anything just for you to come back to me…just for you to love me completely again. I do not know how long I will bewail from losing you. You are the greatest thing that happened to me. I wish all would go back to before when we were together…when nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...

A Wish from a Tortured Soul

As the cold, tiny drops of rain touched the windowpane, my heart throbs with agony inside it. I wish that someone will just kill me. I do not want to endure this suffering anymore. Every minute of my life is filled with melancholy. The thought of you leaving me for another girl is so empowering that it envelopes my whole being.

As cold tears drop from my mourning eyes, memories of you run inside my head. I can still remember our happy moments. I can still remember the days when the only gem that your eyes can perceive is me…when every minute of you away from me is death…when you were mine. I guess all of those blissful moments are over.

Why did you leave me like a piece of crap? Am I not good enough for you? Don’t I care for you enough? Is my love torturing you? I have so many questions inside my head. What does your new girl have that I don’t? Is she more caring…more loving? I just cannot understand you. You left in such a short notice. I didn’t think that you could do such a thing to me…you loved me so much. You wouldn’t even let a stinking fly touch me. What happened? What changed all of that? Did I change…or did you change for the worse? My mind is aching now because of all those queries that remain unanswered.

Everything was so perfect. I couldn’t see anything wrong with our relationship…with us. I was your lovely princess and you were my knight who was ready to sacrifice his life for my sake. We were leaving in a peaceful and impeccable kingdom. I wish it could have just stayed that way. My wonderful fairytale has now ended. I have to face the cruel reality…a reality without you.

I guess you will never be mine again. I am willing to do anything just for you to come back to me…just for you to love me completely again. I do not know how long I will bewail from losing you. You are the greatest thing that happened to me. I wish all would go back to before when we were together…when nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why

I wonder why there is so much
That I can see and I can touch
But I can’t ever understand
I caught a raindrop on my hand
I knew it came down from the sky
It disappeared, I wonder why.

I sat upon a seashore sand
Where I am sitting is on land
My toes are dripping in the sea
Yet the ocean seems to foresee
I can’t move farther than briny

Another thing I do not know
Is where the ends of rainbows go
I always see the middle part
Why can’t I be there from the start?
How does it roll across the skies?
I wonder why, I wonder why.

Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

A lone boy, a prince none the less, survives a war and is taken in by an smith who lives alone in the woods. The boy, unfortunately , remembers nothing of who he is and is brought up by the smith. When the boy has become a young man a star falls from the sky. At the impact site, he finds a lump of exotic metal and a mysterious warrior queen. The queen is searching for love, and the prophecy tells her that her love will come after a sign from the heavens. He meets the Queen of Iceland at the site of a meteor crater, the pair fall in love and vow to meet again. As they part she declares that she will always love him and wait for him, and he states that he will come for her. A few days later the boy goes to the city with his father where he finds a beautiful princess and a king in love with the warrior queen. Things soon get complicated, and to makes things worse, a mighty dragon has awaken, a mighty dragon that guards a great treasure. He then owned the treasure guarded by the dragon. He baths himself in its blood and from there his skin became invulnerable to any attack. The only weakness he has was the spot on his back where the blood didn’t penetrate. After the incident, he met a magician, a former member of the tribe who owns the treasures. He got a magic helmet from him too, which can help you transform to any image of person you want. He then returned to the city. Another tribe, the tribe who killed his true father, came to get the treasures. The kingdom was now on a disaster. He then fought on behalf of the kingdom. He then remembered his past and he remembered that he was a prince actually. His name was Siegfried. The tribe lost and he became famous to the Kingdom, the kingdom of Gunther. . He plans to leave the kingdom but Hagen, a half brother of Gunther, plans to get the treasure. Hagen then asked the magician, his father that he hate, to make a potion to lure Siegfried back to the kingdom and fell to Krimhield, Gunther’s sister. The potion did work and Siegfried fell to Krimhield. But they were not allowed to marry unless Gunther is already married too. So, Gunther asked the help of Siegfried to gain the love of the Queen of Iceland. The queen he once had a relation but he does not rememeber due to the potion. The only way to marry the queen is to defeat her in battle. Siegfried transformed into the form of Gunther and fought Brunhild, the queen of Iceland. She lost and decided to marry Gunther without knowing that Siegfried was the one who fought. The wedding then did happen in an instance. A double wedding for Gunther, Brunhild and Siegfried, Krimhield.

Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

International Network – Internet for short. People, nowadays, are exposed to this form of mass technology. It is a technology that people, nowadays, hail as a prototype of God. But, what the heck? Don’t they know the fact that it is actually “perfectly” imperfect? I mean, yes, you can get lots of advantages using the Internet such as faster and easier access to information. But disadvantages, as usual, come too – like a mushroom soup without its specific ingredient, mushroom. Isn’t it? Disadvantages such as technology reliance, idleness, wrong source of information and etc.

Wrong information might come from the Internet – let’s put that in mind. Gossips and false truth are always there all along. Information from the Internet is not that reliable. Let’s put into example this set of words; Jim Carey was seen on Starbucks located in the Philippines with a state-of-the-art model of a Philippine Cow? What the…? Where is the sense there? Is there such a Philippine Cow? It should be buffalo, right? I mean, this statement might not be seen in the Internet actually, but parallel statements are present in the network. The Internet might be a great source of information but at the same time, we must be careful in choosing the things we should believe.

Another disadvantage is the fact that we rely on it too much. We forget the importance of proper gathering of information – use of libraries, books, etc. We become lazy. Our well-being becomes the hub of self-worthlessness. We, ourselves, make our own room of weaponry that will soon destroy our own capacity to do certain tasks. We deteriorate ourselves.

Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

Starbucks Coffee Company: A Closer Glimpse on its Success
By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
Coffee had been one of our human commodities. It had been a widely consumed beverage served sometimes cold, but typically served hot. It serves as the stimulus that completes our day. Coffee is prepared from the roasted seeds commonly called beans.
The history of coffee can be traced to as early as the 9th century appearing in the highlands of Ethiopia (Connie Limon, 2007). By the 17th century, coffee spread to Europe. The Americans' taste for coffee grew during the early 19th century following next, is the whole world. Since then, brewing technology secured the production of coffee as an everyday commodity. Today, coffee is a very common beverage around the world.
The rapid growth and increase in the consumption of coffee has been evident these past few years. Aside from its wonderful taste and the stimulating affect of its caffeine, coffees rising popularity is now due to the demands of the people as evidenced by coffeehouses springing up all over the world.
It is believed that the coffeehouse crazed started in Ethiopia. It has since spread from there to Constantinople and beyond. And, it’s showing no signs of slowing down. With more flavors and varieties than some would care to count, coffee is a big business and coffeehouses appear to be here to stay (Drinking Coffee 24/7, 2008)
And one of the first coffeehouses that sent the trend of coffee brewing is the Starbucks Coffee Company.
1971 marks the year when Starbucks Coffee Company was founded. It was originally named Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spices, and later changed to its present company name. It opened its first store in Seattle’s Pike Place Market. The company was named after the first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. It is the world’s leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee (Starbucks Coffee Company, Fact Sheet, February 2008)
The business was pioneered by three partners – Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel, and Gordon Bowker. The three were actually inspired by Alfred Peet, a coffee shop owner. Eventually, opportunities came and the company developed. In early 1980’s, an entrepreneur named Howard Schultz joined the company. He then visualized a more successful company through a business trip to Italy. The trip opened Schultz’s eyes to the tradition of espresso beverages.
In 1985, Schultz then tried his luck making his own coffee bar. It was known as Il Giornale. In his small bar, he offered brewed coffee and espresso beverages made from Starbucks coffee beans.
In 1987, he then purchased Starbucks together with some local investors. Consequently, Il Giornale acquires Starbucks assets and changes its name to Starbucks Coffee Company.

The company then developed as time passed. It had offered new products such as teas, baked pastries, sandwiches, and salads. Customer accommodation also improved. The company started partnership to other companies as well – Apple, VISA, Hyatt, Hotels, Intrawest, Jim Beam, Johnson Development Corp., Kraft Foods, PepsiCo, Radisson, Royal Bank Canada, Starwood Hotels, T-Mobile, The Hershey’s Company, etc. It had gone International too. Starting from the different states of US up to other countries from Europe to Asia. (Starbucks Coffee Company, Timeline and Fact Sheet, February 2008)
In 1996 Starbucks opened its first overseas store in Tokyo, Japan. Today there are more than 700 stores in Japan. In addition to Japan, Starbucks opened stores in Singapore in 1996; the Philippines in 1997; the U.K., Taiwan, Thailand, New Zealand and Malaysia in 1998; Beijing, Kuwait, South Korea and Lebanon in 1999; United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Australia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain in 2000; Switzerland and Austria in 2001; Oman, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Southern China (Macau and Shenzhen), Greece and Indonesia in 2002; Turkey, Peru, Chile and Cyprus in 2003; France in 2004; Jordan, Bahamas and Ireland in 2005; Brazil and Egypt in 2006, and Romania, Denmark and the Netherlands in 2007. (Starbucks Coffee Company, Timeline and Fact Sheet, February 2008)

Nowadays, Starbucks stores can be found in most urban areas, as well as rural communities worldwide. And these places are convenient and has high standard of customer accommodation – a trademark of Starbucks Coffee Company.

Here in our country, the trend is now slowly being passed on. Filipinos, though known for being coffee-lovers already, are being more enthusiastic with regards to the trend. In the past, Filipinos only drink coffee during breakfasts, but now, as you walk into malls, parks, office hallways, and other public places, you can see people soothing themselves with coffee beverages. Malls, streets, and avenues are incomplete if there are no near coffee shops, specifically Starbucks. A Friday or Saturday night of a businessman or student won’t be complete without a visit and a short stay in the most famous coffee – Starbucks.

“Starbucks is a place for yourself. It is a place for peace of mind and relaxation. It is the nicest place to go and the most rejuvenating drink to consume,” said Eunice Claire _______ Capili of IV-Madame Marie Curie.

“Starbucks is a one of a kind coffee shop. It is a convenient resting place where you can relax but do work at the same time while enjoying a cup of coffee,” Francesca Gabrielle _______ Trinidad added.

The coffee shop serves as the extension of our house. It serves as a soothing place. It serves as a sanctuary. It serves as a place for us to gain peace of mind. And it is made to happen by the Starbucks Coffee Company – with its high standard customer accommodation.

So next time you feel stressed, rejuvenate yourself with a coffee beverage and a short stay in a Starbucks Coffee shop.


Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

Education is the basic culture we need to lead a good life. It is the most priceless possession an individual can have in his life. Nonetheless, it is not that easy to acquire. And here enters the role of our dedicated teachers. Teachers are the ones responsible for students to gain knowledge. They have high understandings about subject matters, hence they can even teach us lesson in life.
It feels sad accepting the fact that some of us disrespect our teachers. We annoy and disgrace them. It is not appropriate for they are worth thousands of appreciation for their dedication and love in teaching. We should learn to appreciate them. We should learn to thank them and realize that they have contributed a lot to our whole being.
So for this endeavor, films are just around the corner waiting for us to watch them and realize our mistakes. It feels good knowing that there are films that give tribute to our beloved mentors. If you have started reading this article, do not stop. Please. Even just for a while, though you’ve already graduated or still a high school or a college student, just sit back, continue reading and see the deeper devotion given by our teachers.

Dangerous Minds (1995)

Dangerous Minds is a 1995 drama film based on Louanne Johnson's autobiographical account of her experience as a Marine who left her career to become an English teacher at a well-off high school attended by bussed-in students – a class of tough, street-wise kids, involved in gangs and drugs. The film, starring Michelle Pfeiffer, focuses on the challenges of growing up in the inner city of East Palo Alto, California and of the efforts of a dedicated teacher to allow her class to learn to believe in themselves. Determined to have them trust and respect her, she quickly changes her presentation, wearing leather jackets, teaching karate to her students and cursing in the classroom. She starts having them read college-level texts, using Bob Dylan lyrics to teach poetry. Johnson rewards her students for hard work by giving them chocolate bars, toy prizes and trips to amusement parks. Along with helping her students with school works, she also provides emotional support to several students, including a pregnant girl, a boy who's in debt, and a teen who was caught in a gang trouble. Although she intends to leave at the end of the year, the students quote the lyrics of the songs that they learned and insist that she's their "light" and refuse to let her leave. Touched, she agrees to stay (
“There are no victims in this classroom.”

Dead Poet’s Society (1989)

Dead Poets Society is a 1989 Academy Award-winning film directed by Peter Weir. The plot centers on the influence of Mr. Keating, a young and exciting English and poetry teacher, who is determined to teach his students to live life with absolute passion. Mr. Keating, using poetry as his vehicle, teaches his students to challenge the institutions around them. Inspired by Mr. Keating's philosophy of life, many of his students recreate the "Dead Poet's Society," a secret club that meets in a cave in order to discuss poetry, philosophy and other topics. This endeavor is unacceptable in the administration. This movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires, and to live life with the passion that Mr. Keating encouraged (Raymund Weschler, 1999).
“There is a time for daring and a time for caution, and a wise man knows which is called for.”

Nutty Professor (1996)

Sherman Klump (Eddie Murphy) is a college professor and respected biochemistry researcher who is kind, considerate, and a genuinely nice guy. Sherman is also appallingly overweight; coupled with the fact that he's painfully shy and a bit clumsy, his romantic prospects are rather bleak. So with his intelligence, he tries to derive a formula that will make him thin – ending his problems. He first enjoyed the results but after sometime he realizes that it is not appropriate anymore. The film teaches us to accept our teachers as they are and let us realize that teachers are humans too just like each and every one of us.

Mr Holland’s Opus (1995)

Glenn Holland is a professional musician who would like to spend more time composing so in 1965 he takes up teaching at a local high school. Little does he realize how little free time there will be as a teacher. Initially, he is frustrated at his inability to get through to his students but over time, he becomes quite competent at his profession and in fact has a number of successes. At home, he is devastated to learn that his infant son is deaf and struggles over the years to develop a relationship with him. When, after 30 years of teaching, the music program at his school is canceled he wonders what, if anything, he has really accomplished in his life. Friends and students, past and present, show him just what he has meant to them (
“Playing music supposed to be fun. It should be in your heart, touching people.”

To Sir, with Love (1967)

After searching unsuccessfully for work as an engineer, Mark Thackeray (Sidney Poitier) accepts a teaching profession at East End London High School. His colleagues warn him about the impossible brutes he will encounter there, but still he enters his classroom unprepared. A classic portrayal of teen gangs determined to brutalize everyone around them. The teachers let them dance between classes to vent some of their aggressive energy, but they all treat the classroom as though it were an unsupervised sandbox. With transcendent dignity, Thackary tames them and teaches them self-respect (
“To Sir with love…We think we’re better for having you as our teacher. We like most the way you talked to us like grown-ups and not like brats.”

The Miracle Worker (1962)

Young Helen Keller, blind, deaf, and mute since infancy, is in danger of being sent to an institution. Her inability to communicate has left her frustrated and violent. In desperation, her parents seek help from the Perkins Institute, which sends them a "half-blind Yankee schoolgirl" named Annie Sullivan to tutor their daughter. Through persistence and love, and sheer stubbornness, Annie breaks through Helen's walls of silence and darkness and teaches her to communicate (Christina Dunigan,
“I'll tell you what I pity... that the sun won't rise and set for her all her life, and every day you're telling her it will. What you and your pity do will destroy her.”

Karate Kid (sequel)

Mr Miyagi (Pat Morita) functions both, as a martial arts teacher and as a life teacher. He teaches his students, not only physical lessons, but also deep appreciation and discipline. Mr Miyagi taught also thee viewers the value off putting into practice each lesson you have learned. Learning to give importance to life and go beyond their limitations.
"If karate used defend honor, defend life, karate mean something. If karate used defend plastic metal trophy, karate no mean nothing."

The School of Rock (2003)

Jack Black plays Dewey Finn, a talented yet excitable 30-year-old rock singer and guitarist with a reputation for being difficult to work with. He then later kicked out from his band. His roommate Ned, a substitute teacher threatens eviction unless Dewey gets a real job and pays his share of the rent. A phone call from the principal of a prestigious prep school asking for his roommate's services leads Dewey to impersonate his roommate and get a job as a substitute for the fifth-grade class.
Dewey takes the job to make a little money with as little effort as possible. When he discovers that some of the kids in the class have musical talent, he decides to turn his temporary job into what he tells them is a special school project but is actually a personal one – turn a classroom full of kids into a band and crew. The movie culminates in the class's final project – performance in a local battle of the bands. At first, it was indeed a personal agenda, but as time passed it had touch Dewey’s heart. The movie makes us realize the passion of teachers to bring out the best in us (
“Your kids have all really touched me, and I'm pretty sure that I've touched them.”

Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

Mona Lisa Smile tells the story of a feminist teacher Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts), after graduating from the fictional Oakland State University leaves her boyfriend behind in Los Angeles, California in 1953, to teach at Wellesley College, a women's college in the Eastern coast of the United States. Ms Watson thinks that her students were confined with the school’s idea, leaving them innocent about the real essence of life. So, she tries to free them by enhancing their potentials and exposing them openly to reality.
“Look beyond the paint. Let us try to open our minds to a new idea.”

Stand and Deliver (1988)

Jaime Escalante is a mathematics teacher. Convinced that his students have potential, he adopts unconventional teaching methods to try and turn gang members and into some of the country's top algebra and calculus students. He exhibited patience and perseverance. He did not give up. He showed that every individual has a chance to be intelligent in his own right (Murray Chapman,
“Students will rise above to the level of expectation.”


Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

The Congress of the Philippines released Republic Act No. 7079 or the Campus Journalism Act of 1991. This act aims to develop the responsible freedom of the press even up to the campus level – elementary, secondary, and tertiary level. The act also states the assurance of a student body, through an editorial board, to be supported by any means by the school campus in its publications. Funding of student publications may include savings of school’s appropriations, student subscription, and other sources of funds – take note that grants, donation, endowments, or contributions used directly for the publications are tax exempted. For the proper managing of the student publication, a school publication adviser is chosen too. He is selected, by the student publication staff, from the roster of teachers in a school administration. To fully support this endeavor, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports releases and sponsors training, seminars, press conferences, and periodic competitions.

This endeavor and guidance is yet supported by another passed document – rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the RA 7079. All educational institutions in the elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels, public or private, shall be encouraged to establish a student publication. Student publications are also categorized into three namely: elementary level student publications, secondary level student publication and tertiary level student publications. The rules and regulations also include the financing of the student publications. The editorial board, with the assistance of the student publication staff, is responsible with the student publication budget for each semester or school year. Financial reports of expenses should also be done. This will help the student publication from misjudgments and false accuses. The fund should only be used solely for the publication and not for any other purpose. The selection of student publication staff member shall be through competitive examinations prepared and conducted by a committee composed of different appropriate individuals. A staff member must maintain his or her academic standing in order to retain his or her membership. He or she shall not be expelled or suspended because of an article he or she has written, or because of the performance of his or her duties in the student publication.

A student publication, campus newspaper, has its own parts too. The news section of the publication is usually found at the front, at the inside and at the back page. The editorial section contains important elements such as cartoon, editorial and the columns. The third one is the sports section. Features section is also present in a campus publication. The literary section comes next. It contains articles in prose or poetry written by creative and intellectual writers. The entertainment section will complete the publication. Other sections are slowly developed nowadays and added to this roster of sections in a publication.

Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

“We are all in this together and it shows when we stand hand in hand make our dreams come true”

High school life contributes a lot to who we are as a person. It is a one-hit road where in we could not pass by again. It is the time when we learn how to dream. It is the time when we discover and nourish our talents. It is the time when we learn how to make big choices. It is the time when we meet and treasure our friends. But things are not always permanent, they are subjected to change. High school life passes and ends quickly. It is up to us how we will make it worthwhile. And this is where the theme revolves.

High School Musical 3 had high expectations from the viewers after the first two series of the trilogy. Fortunately, the movie went far beyond the expectations for it had an amazing overall production, but it still have some flaws of reality.

First stop are the characters. The characters acted better than the first two movies. Their movements were truly polished. The acting was good as well. Their singing developed too. The characters also matured physically. The chemistry between the characters also got better.

The choreography was excellent. The songs were incorporated with the dance steps, which made the scenes fantastic. The choreographies were way of better than the first two series too. It showed that the production was well thought of and prepared. The movie started in the Wildcats championship game and it was a good start. It hooked up the viewers to watch the film and enjoy it as well. As the movie went, the choreographies got better but one big mistake that the production had made was ending it a little way off to the expectations of the viewers. The final choreography was lacking. It left the viewers wanting for more, which is precisely not preferable for it is already the last series of the trilogy.

For the scenes, it was thumbs up. The story started and ended smoothly. But there were some flaws between the scene and the characters. An example is when Troy and Gabriella went to dance and sing in the rain, and the next scene, they went to classes without even changing clothes – and take not they were soaking wet. Another is when Troy and Gabriella arrived from Stanford University to their last presentation, the scene where in they were on the road was not shown. And it was a 52-mile travel with an old truck owned by Troy – a little unrealistic.

The plot was a little predictable. As usual, the Gabriella and Troy connection was seen. Where in they were happy at first and then suddenly things would go wrong which will end up their connection for a short period, and then there, back again. They were also some new characters. Tiara, the personal assistant of Sharpay, was not that significant in the story. While Jimmy, the Rocketman, was hilarious. He added humor to the film, which made it not boring to watch.

The worth-learning part of the movie is when Ms Darbus said some inspirational thoughts to Troy, who is torn between accepting a basketball scholarship at Albuquerque University and pursuing his musical calling with the Juilliard School. The quote contains the dilemma of choosing your path – learning how to dream and believing yourself. The quote was striking in a way that if you were a fourth year student, you would somehow realize the years that had passed. A year is left to unfold, a year left to enjoy.

As a final verdict, the movie is worth watching. The story flowed well and had enchanted its viewers into a new perspective. The acting is good, the songs are great and the dancing has improved greatly. Though it had some flaws, it was very entertaining and a well-made production.

“We are all in this together and it shows when we stand hand in hand make our dreams come true”

Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

United States of America is one of the world’s oldest surviving federations. The country has a great history in exhibiting and exercising stable political, military, cultural, and economic influence. United states have been successful due to its sufficient support, not only from its government but also from its nation.

The country has a capitalist mixed economy, meaning that there is an interaction between state-owned or private-owned enterprises. The economy is supported by abundant natural resources, well-developed infrastructures, and high productivity from its people. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of more than $13 trillion constitutes over 25.5% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product, making USA the major contributor in our world economy at all aspects.

But right now, it is experiencing some major setbacks. It experiences financial and economical brinks.

And the question is, why does it experience major financial or economical setbacks at this point? And will the crisis affect significantly the whole world?

Let’s begin with the fact that the financial crisis is more or less worldwide. The mechanism that spread the American-made financial crisis abroad was the massive US trade deficit. (Paul Craig Roberts, A solution to the financial crisis, 2008)

The countries involve don’t put the dollars earned for granted. Countries invest them so that it will profit. Countries buy and invest more on US companies and enterprises for they know that it has high standards and opportunities. Since the countries have high investments, if US commits a mistake, it will surely cause them high deficits and debts leaving them with low financial output and economy. One reason the US trade deficit is so large is the practice of US corporations off shoring their production of goods and services for US markets. When these products are brought into the US to be sold, they count as imports, hence making no profit to US – causing major threat to the investors consequently to the whole world.

The financial deficit is not simply endangering investments, payrolls, consumer purchases, and business transactions in America. It is also triggering predictions—especially from overseas—that the era of American financial primacy is coming to a dramatic end. (Tomas Omestad, 2008)

The unique role of the US dollar as the world's broadly chosen currency, along have long been a key source of power, prestige, and financing opportunities for American companies and the U.S. government. Since, dollars play as the major currency, financial deficit from the host country might greatly affect the economy. Think of it, dollars circulate the world market, if its value lowers, significant changes would happen. And other things, connected to it, will follow next.

Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

Sharks devour Tigers
By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

It was an exhibition of exceptional skills in the field of volleyball. Cheers and sweat-dropping moments finally paid off as the volleyball boys championship game finally ended last Sept 27, 2008 at the Makati Science High School Grounds. The Senior Blue Sharks prevailed against the Sophomore Yellow Tigers as the Shrks celebrated their back-to-back crown.

The game lasted for four sets as the third set went to the Sophomore Yellow tigers. Confidence and teamwork was evident from the Senior Sharks as they defended their title. Andrew Diaz Villar led the blue team with an all around performance of __, kills, __ block, __ assists, and __ service aces.

The first set was a set aces as the Senior Sharks cored __ of their 25 points with service aces. Joel Edward Berces Cardinal, Aristotle T_______ Pichay, and Andrew Diaz Villar showcased a superb teamwork as they silenced the sophomore crowd.

The second set was still in the hands of the Sharks as they manhandled the Tigers to a final score of 25 – 15. The sophomore team captain, Lawrence Lui Riodeque, showed determination as he tried to save the last point of the Sharks in the second set.

Retaliating from two heart-breaking sets, the Tigers, started bombarding the Sharks’ with unpredictable drops and returns which sent the game to a fourth set with a core of 25 – 18.

Threatened by the suddent shift in momentum, the Sharks showed an impressive performance as they crushed the Tiger’s with unrelenting offense, ending the game.

Duff Zachary Dela Peña, Jonathan Rod Sitchon De Guzman, and Riodeque of the Tigers; and Pichay, cardinal, and Villar of the Sharks composed the Mythical Six

Villar grabbed the most valuable player award, making it his second straight.

Vicson Aypa Mabanglo said...

Spartans slaughter Sharks
By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

The game that was full of tension, cheers and determination finally ended. After a twice-to-beat advantagee and a frustrating dfeat in the first championship, the Junior red Spartans Volleyball Girls Team finally ended the hopes of the Senior Blue Sharks Volleyball Girls Team in getting a back-to-back championship title.

Cheers and esteem boost from their batchmates helped the Junior Red Spartans overpower the determined Senior Blue Sharks. The Red Spartans, led by captain ball ______, finished the championship game in three sets. The two talented ladies of the Blue Sharks, Ma Diane Elizabeth Gaña Lao and Ma Lorena Gorpido Sebastian, were not able to answer the unstoppable play connections of the Red Spartans’ Big Six – Ilyn Franco Nacario, Monica Louise Aguiles Inonog, Carissa Lizette B_______ Punsalan, Precious Irish Pasia Genosa, Beneth _______ Jingco, Pamela Gem _______ Mesina. Aggressive offense, relentless attacks and hustles, as well as loud cheers proved to be the key factors for the Spartans.

Inonog, Genosa, Lao, Nacario, Punsalan, and Sebastian were labeled as the Mythical Six.

Nacario grabbed the most valuable player awards with an all around statistics of __ kills, __ blocks, __ assists, and __ service aces.