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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Anna Diana Arcega Valerio
IV - Michael Faraday

“You really know where to start, fixing a broken heart. You really know what to do. Your emotional tool can cure any fool whose dreams are falling apart. Fixing a broken heart”. These chorus lines came from the song “Fixing a broken heart”. The first time that I heard the song’s melody, I listen to it intently. It really caught my attention. It made me think: Does anyone truly know how to fix a broken heart? How do broken-hearted people get hold of the pain they feel in their hearts?

A broken heart is the single greatest pain you will ever have to endure. In fact, it is the most hurt you could ever imagine. The worst thing about it is that the one who commits this emotional crime is not someone you hate—not even someone you dislike. No. Because the only person capable of breaking your heart is the one who holds it precariously in their hands, the one you love more than anybody else in the world. Therein lies the irony. Love is all about risk. If you give your heart to someone else, it is theirs to do with as they wish. Heartbreak is an odd kind of pain, because you are not dying. You are not even sick. For all intents and purposes, you are fine, yet inside, you hurt so much that you can't breathe, you can't sleep, and you can not stop the tears from falling. It is easy to spot someone who has just had their heart broken. You will see them out walking aimlessly, like extras from a zombie flick, muttering to them in a language only they understand.

How long does it take to get over a broken heart? How? There is no glue to mend that kind of thing, no bandage, and no quick fix. All you can do is bend down, pick up the pieces, and hope you still have the enough strength to find a little happiness in you once the tears have dried. There may be days, weeks, even months, when it does not cross your mind at all, but do not go fooling yourself into thinking the pain has been gone. You have it tucked away along with all your best-kept secrets. You will be on your deathbed and through the haze of your memory; the only thing you will know for sure is what happened to your heart all those years ago. Pretty soon the sun starts to shine, and the grass grows under your feet. Food tastes great; music sounds better. So do not fear the pain when it comes: gladly accept it, thankfully embrace it. You have to taste the sour to appreciate the sweet. If only all people could appreciate the sweet, why would we loosen ourselves to the fact that everyone deserves to be happy?

When love is lost, do not miserably bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal. Life is a cycle. Every thing happens continually. Every heartache and pain is most likely the rain that will continue to pour. You do not have the power to stop it, but you have the right get rid of it.

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