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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Marie Juliebeth Monge
IV - Isaac Newton

Have you ever tried searching for a pencil? The type wherein you could almost turn the house upside down just to find that lost thing and then later realize its just in your pocket or worse, your hands?

Well, I had. And I’ll never forget how I looked stupid that time. Haha.

People tend to search something that they think they would find in far places. They don’t realize that it’s only around them. Sometimes it’s even in front of them.

I realized that no matter what happen we must always look first in ourselves. Don’t assume first that it could be found elsewhere. Remember that we can’t look in other places if we haven’t searched within ourselves first. Sometimes what we need is already in us. All we have to do is find them. And sometimes, the one we needed is in front of us, we just fail to realize it. So while it’s early, appreciate whatever you have now. You’ll never know what’ll happen if that one’s gone later.

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