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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Rochene Jerusalem Relator
IV - Madame Marie Curie

Since the beginning of time, the human race has been inventing new games and sports. In ancient times, games were invented to test endurance and train warriors for acts of war. Some of the newest sports to develop are snowboarding, rollerblading, skateboarding and mountain biking. While none of these sports would be able to assist in a warfare type situation, they are pretty extreme sports and will definitely keep you fit

Mountain biking has transformed the traditional bicycle, first available in the late 1800's, into a well oiled piece of machinery. The knock-on effect of this has created one of the most exciting and popular new sports of the 21st Century.

Regardless of the fact that the sport is referred to as "mountain biking" it is actually suitable for everyone, regardless of background biking proficiency and age. Just because you're mountain biking, it doesn't mean that you have to pedal at breakneck speed down Everest.

A mountain bike is not your average bicycle, and the extreme end of the sport may be quite simply described as "bicycling on steroids". Mountain biking will always demand more of you than just pedaling along a flat road on a sunny afternoon. It's more streamlined and muscular in appearance than the good, old fashioned, racing bike.

The terrain that mountain biking takes place in is very different from the more traditional form of biking. Mountain bikes are made to go up and down rocky trails and descend into muddy streambeds and sandbanks. This is normally all the fun of the activity.

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