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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Renz Danielle Dugeñia
IV - Madame Marie Curie

She is just a simple human-being with an astonishing hopes and dreams. The one who laugh-out-loud when there’s something really made her joyful, and frowns when there’s something wrong. She is the one who feels guiltier than guilty when she knew she had offended someone or accidentally hurt someone’s feelings. A girl who feels disappointed whenever she knows that she could have done better yet time didn’t permit her. She is someone who cracks corny jokes in times of world-weariness or dullness.

She is a friend who knows how to appreciate even the smallest thing done for her. She is someone who depreciates when she knew someone is just pulling her leg. A person who hit the ceiling when she found out that somebody tries to intimidate her friends especially her family. She is as reliable as the sun, others can cry on her shoulders.
She had her heart at her throat whenever she watch horror movie. She doesn’t like people who do not know to value. And she gets annoyed whenever someone just took her for granted. She’s juvenile for she doesn’t like to get old, have wrinkles and have gray hairs. She just hoped that when she is already in her retiring age she still does the things she used to do. She is just an ordinary mortal who can’t solve an extra-ordinary mathematics problem on her own.

She is just a typical girl whose heart beats for the one who made a lot of difference of her being.
She wants to share her talent and skills to everyone. She wants to be a famous, stupendous and a remarkable actress and a comedian someday if the Lord will permit her. But for her, she’s already a star, a star that shines because of the people who brought her up and made her stand out, her family and friends. The people around her, who have been there from the day she came from her shell until she had bloomed as beautiful and elegant as a flower.

Her ambition is to tour around the world with her love ones and discover things on her own. She wants to be independent and stand alone. She wished for her own success in life for someday she’ll be able to help others especially the less fortunate ones. To make others happy is such an excellent privilege for her. For her to lend a hand is one way to thank the Lord for all the blessing she showers upon us.

Like her, we the ordinary mortals can also make a difference in this world, world which is full of ups and downs. Nothing is impossible because with God everything is possible.

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