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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Ma. Shiela Luzon Magistrado
IV - Albert Einstein

Did you ever asked yourself who is your hero? Who is that one person or thing that saves you every time you are in trouble?

Heroes. They can be your dad, your mom, your sister, friends or even the ringing bell at the end of a boring period. Makes sense? Everything around us can be our hero. Even you yourself can be a hero.

A hero is not just someone who saves lives. Neither he is someone who'd watch your every step and when you stumble he'll be there to catch you from falling. A hero's role in your life is to teach you something that you would remember all your life.

For me, my hero is God. Not because He always save me whenever I almost get hit by a car, or whenever I get lost . It is because He tells me how I should take care of my life. He also gave me every reason to live. I may be hurt but He saves me. He teaches me to stand up and still believe that it was just an obstacle. A lesson in life to be learned.

Isn't it nice to know that we all have heroes? That we can learn and stand up every time we fall? That we can be a hero also? And that whenever and wherever we go we would learn one way or another.

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