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Saturday, August 16, 2008


By Mark Tristan Angelo Morena Cabatac
IV - Madame Marie Curie

Love… when we hear the word “love”, what first comes into our minds? What sensation do we feel whenever we hear this?

As a general fact, we all know that love is defined as an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion. It is a tender feeling toward somebody. In love, we are having sympathy or having the ability to understand and share somebody else’s feelings. For us, teenagers, we usually described it as an attraction to the opposite sex. We are having an intense feeling for someone and sometimes let him or her feel that we are concern about him or her and we care for them. Therefore, if these are what you feel, then I can say that you are being in love.

In our present generation, it is very noticeable that more youth than the past generations are thinking that they are already falling in love with someone. This is what they call “puppy love” or an infatuation felt by the adolescents.

In our young age, many teenagers, or should I say most of the teenagers, are having their crushes or already admiring persons. It is because they admire the good attitudes of a person, the intelligence he or she possesses and the physical appearance of him or her, especially for men, which is just usual for teenagers to experience.

We can see around us, men courting the women they like or they admire. Men give chocolates, flowers and love letters to women. They are really perspiring and doing anything just to win the hearts of the woman they like. Others are going with the girl until she reaches her house just to make sure that she is safe and fine. Men help the one they are courting in carrying her things. To prove their sincerity to the one they love, they are doing these things.

This is the power of love; doing anything for the one, they truly love and making things possible for the love of their life.

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