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Monday, July 28, 2008


By Rachel Mae Joan Naluis Sansolis
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

After all the pretending, I was caught by the mere fact that I belong to you and I have no escape. It is final and I can’t resist. I felt so bad when I knew that you are the one I am going to live with, to live by and to live for. I thought I would not be happy but guess who I am right now. I was honed into a better person- a person filled with triumphs, happiness, riches, treasures and success by means of you.

When you entered my life, everything took place in a rush but I think time did not permit us to meet too close. For only a short period of time, we had it all but everyone knows, that time is not enough. By now, I can feel you, I can see you. But something interfered, I realized, I cannot have you anymore. I cannot own you because the moment given to us, that moment when we should have made up everything for everyone, is done and would never be back again.

If there is a will, there is a way, and this is how I believe we would be together. It would not be impossible because our hearts and souls reside in one place. We are bonded as one and would always be a part of us, a part of the whole. Though it was really hard for us to adjust, we were sill able to love each other’s personalities. We were still able to cope up with the unusual environment.

Perhaps this new environment we made is not unusual anymore for this is where we built our friendship. This is where we are comfortable and this is where we find every good thing in our lives. In here, everything is free, everything is for all and everything is love. Up until now, I can see all of us mingling, singing together, laughing and crying. Some are jocund, some are naughty, some are silent and some are clumsy. And I believe all these are the reasons why we are made as one, the reasons why we became so tough and strong that no one could ever break the wall protecting us from absolute coldness ad misunderstandings.

This I will treasure forever and will never sink into oblivion for these memories always bring back the times when we are so happy together. The victory is always within us. Let us always remember that God is up above, heading us towards the goodness and reality that true friendship was never an illusion.

With the company of our most appreciated mother, our adviser, Mrs. Mira M. Alegre, we can stand all the sacrifices. If one cannot handle certain things, we are here every time, just to save and carry him up and so no one is left behind. We will forever be symbolized by that one incredible flower which will continuously blossom and will never shed its petals unless all would cast off at the same time. All for one, one for all. All these are found within us, within our beloved family, within our section, III- Henri Antoine Becquerel, S.Y. 2007- 2008 of Makati Science High School. May our unity be always and forever.

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