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Sunday, July 6, 2008


By Vicson Aypa Mabanglo
IV-Sir Isaac Newton

Every time you enter a school campus, different banners congratulating a student that won a certain contest can be seen. Numerous announcements about different contests are also visible on the school official bulletin board. Announcements placed on the walls of the hallways and catwalks are also common. Announcements about different activities beyond the school curriculum. In short the ‘Extra-curricular’ activities. Have you ever wondered how these activities help a student? Have you ever wondered how important this certain activities to certain students? Have you or have you not?

In the high school environment I belong to, these things may be or may be not considered important. Some consider extra-curricular activities as their passion, a passion that truly enhances them. Others do not care about these activities at all while others give so much importance on it as if it is a very precious treasure that they should be greedy for.

Some students, especially the graduating students who are after for honors, consider extra-curricular activities very important for they play major roles in their grades. Let us face the fact that some students just want to do a certain task beyond the school curriculum just to earn extra-points. Extra-points that will be needed by a graduating student that is after an honor.

What I am trying to imply is that, students nowadays just do extra-curricular activities for a purpose and not because they want and they love to do it. Students are becoming more and more greedy for grades that they sometimes do not think about what they are actually been doing. A very sad fact that we, students, ourselves should accept.

We should not only think about these extra-curricular activities. We should think for ourselves too. These activities are just pointless and useless if you’re just after for extra points. Extra-curricular activities do not determine one’s capability of learning, right? Extra-curricular activities are designed to enhance MORE a student. It is not designed as a stepping-stone for becoming a valedictorian or any type of awardee. An intelligent person will remain on top even without those extra-points.

On the other hand, we should not take for granted extra-curricular activities. Let us just execute them properly in a way that these activities should be done because you want to do it and not because you have hidden agenda for it. Actually, if you’ll just treat these activities properly, it’ll contribute a lot to your well-being. You will learn a lot from it. Lessons that will remain by your side no matter what.

I hope, we, students, can change this one-sided belief that extra-curricular points play major roles in our grades. Let us learn to value them. Let us love these activities for what they are and not for what they’ll contribute to our grades.

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