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Wednesday, September 3, 2008


By Arthur Jorem Encinas Gorospe
IV - Madame Marie Curie

There’s this young boy who is eager to know if God really does exist. The boy was blind since the day he was born and was raised by his own loving father. One day, while his father was working on his garage, the boy asked him, “Dad, how would I know that God is true? Or if he even exists?” the father stopped for a moment and think of a good response. Moments passed and he childishly came to his son and hugged him from his back. “But dad, I’m not asking for a hug.” The father replied, “How did you know that I was the one who hugged you?” “And how did you know that I am really your true father for a fact that you have never seen me before?” silence aroused and the young boy said, “It’s because you make me feel how much you love me.” His father said in a chuckled tone, “You have just answered your question.”

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