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Thursday, September 25, 2008


By Jezel Christine Nolasco Quevada
IV - Madame Marie Curie

As I gazed out the window one rainy day, I saw a dozen of zealous children playing carefree under the rain with their blissful smiles and their joyous giggles. They laughed and enjoyed the shower of water from heaven like there is no tomorrow. Together, they sang melodious songs resembling the angels from above. A turbulent light that glows can be seen from their radiant eyes that they seemed not to worry about anything at all. Oh, how I longed to be a child once again and do things I used to!

I had appreciated watching these little angels have fun under the cold rain outside. They reminded me of my childhood days. Suddenly, I failed to notice that tears were already rolling down my cheeks. I felt an excruciating pain as these tears fell from my eyes. An image of an envious girl then unfolded before my eyes. I did not seem to understand what it meant until things that happened in the past started to flash back into reality.

I was jealous of those children I have been watching. They were enjoying the beauty of life which I now cannot do. I am like a flightless bird incarcerated. My freedom to do what I enjoy most was seized because of all the works that have to be done. My leisure time had been replaced by loads of tasks here and there. My 8-10 hours of sleep turned into forty winks a day. And unfortunately, even my healthy body was weakened by the stress I received.

Memories of my childhood are the fondest of all. It was the time I consider myself to be free, free from the worries of the world. When all I care about is to play, eat, rest and sleep and play again, rest and sleep. It is only then that I was free as the birds in the sky. Everything I ever wished to do, I accomplished them with ease. My whims and caprices were also fended. I had nothing to worry about and there were no barriers set for me to overcome.

If I just have the power to put back time, I would definitely want to be a child forever. But that is never possible. The freedom I had before is surely different from that of what I have now. Those experiences I had would have versions of their own as I grow. The loads of tasks will keep growing and soon, many more barriers would add to my life.

As I continue to grow, I realize that my childish ways slowly vanishes because of maturity. I now realize and accept the harsh realities of life. Those childhood memories will surely linger in my life forever but this time, they will stay to inspire and make me a stronger and a better person ready to face all the challenges this world will offer. I also know that I am who I am today because of those fond and enriching memories!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jezel. Things were much simpler and easier then. Am I right?

This is a great article Jezel. But you should check your subject-verb agreements. That's all.