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Wednesday, August 27, 2008


By Driesch Lucien Rabi Cortel
IV - Albert Einstein

How can something that made you feel complete has left you so empty?

It never did occur to me that this will be the feeling after everything I’ve been through, never in my slightest imagination that I will be left standing all alone. This is not what I expected to happen that after all the happiness and contentment I had, the whole picture will fade into oblivion. The happiness vanished and the contentment withered. It has not come to me that things will turn out to be like this; heartbreaking, miserable and empty. All that is left with me is the feeble hope of seeing you again, that for the second time my sun will shine with its brightest rays, my wind will blow its freshest breeze, my stars will twinkle with its most brilliant shimmer, and my world will go round with the perfect harmony it could ever own. But now, I am nothing but an empty soul without any purpose or reason to live for. My thoughts already weighed more than it should that make everything heavy and full of misery.

My senses were numbed until it finally sank within my bones that everything is over, that everything has come to its halt. My world has shattered to a million pieces like it was the most fragile thing in the world. Even though I already knew that everything was over, I can not gather my weakened arms to close the last chapter of the story and accept the fact that it is how the story ended. It wrapped up well yet came down to be the most painful goodbye I have been through. My mind tried to fight the weakness that my heart is spreading all over my body. I had so much in my mind that I did not see this coming. I am trying very hard to keep myself complete because my strength is already struggling to keep me together and not to falter. I am very beleaguered on how will I ever survive this tragic state.

But even though this is how I feel, there is no regret in my heart. Even though I am feeling miserable for some reason, there is still a tiny bit of gladness in me. My heart is still ecstatically pumping to start a new story for me. It might take time but still things are worth waiting.

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