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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Lavinia Lyka Lim Lopez
IV - Michael Faraday

Hero… What is a hero? When you look at a dictionary, the word hero has many meanings. In classical mythology, a hero is a man, especially the son of a god and a mortal, who is famous for possessing some extraordinary gift such as superhuman strength. In arts, a hero is the principal male character in a movie, novel, or play, especially one who plays a vital role in plot development or around whom the plot is structured. In real life, a hero is somebody who commits an act of remarkable bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character.

Fictional heroes are Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the X-Men just to name a few. Regardless of gender, a hero is often associated with supernatural abilities like x-ray vision, ice breath, telekinesis, and so on. For me, the meaning of hero is different. For me, a hero is an ordinary person who selflessly sacrifices himself for others’ sake.

Anyone can be a hero. You don’t have to possess super speed or weather control for you to be a hero. A hero is someone who helps others without payment in his own little way.

There are many people I consider as heroes. One of my heroes is my teachers. They unselfishly share with us, their students, their fountains of knowledge that they have arduously built and decorated for many years. They also inspire us to strive hard to reach our goals in life. My mother is also my hero. She is the candle in my life that guides me to the right path to choose. My greatest hero is an exception to my definition of it. I know what I will say is cliché but its true; for every rule there is always an exception. That exception is God. He is my greatest hero. In fact, many people turn to God as their greatest heroes as well. He loves us unconditionally. He gave us everything we have today. He never fails to help us when we are in distress.

I know you are not Captain America but you too can be a hero in your own way. All you need to possess to be one is knowledge about the boundary that separates good and evil and a heart with an undying desire to help others.

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