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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Marian Denise Glipo Basallote
IV - Madame Marie Curie

The striking rays of the sun illuminated her innocent face. Her eyes were closed as she lied unconsciously on the bed. I stared at her for a long time and pain eventually crept into my heart. I did not intend to feel sorrow, but it forced its way into my soul. It desired to take away my life and there was nothing I could do about it. I was vulnerable. I was overpowered by my frailty.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized that she was more invincible than I was. She was capable of opening her eyes, but she was incapable of uttering words. She almost seemed lifeless, but her eyes, though fraught with gloom, were alive and even fixed its gaze upon me. I could no longer look straight at her. I could no longer bear to witness such heartbreaking moment.

Everything moved swiftly before my eyes. But, I never failed to notice the way the nurse had fed her. It was more hurtful than I had ever thought. I was forced to see a tube be inserted in her throat to allow the passage of food through her body. Her throat would then be cleaned each time she finished a meal. I cringed in agony as I realized how helpless I was. I wanted badly to alleviate her sufferings, but I was too weak to even come near her. I surrendered myself to the fact that I was of no worth at all.

The days progressed as her condition deteriorated. The fierce flames of hope we once kept inside our hearts gradually turned into faint sparks. We became weak-willed and depressed. But, we continued to cling to our faith for it had been the only source of strength left for us. With His guidance, we eventually came to realize the cold truth that life, the most wonderful blessing we could ever receive, is only borrowed from Him and can be taken away from us anytime He plans to.

He decided to take her back to His kingdom. There was no other way we could thwart his plan. Everything was destined to happen the way He had wanted it to. We grieved for her loss, but at the same time, we celebrated for her return to the Paradise. She finally got to escape from the anguish and torment that had slowly eaten up her soul. She was finally granted freedom and peace. At last, she found true happiness that was bound to surpass eternity.

The piercing rays of the sun illuminated her innocent face. Her eyes were closed as she lied unconsciously on her white coffin. I stared at her for a long time and pain eventually crept into my heart. I had expected to feel sorrow, but to my surprise, it slowly forced its way out of my soul. Hope, instead, began to dominate my entire being. It gave me a new life and there were a lot of things I had done about it. I was no longer vulnerable. I was already overpowered by my own strength and will…

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