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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Francesca Gabrielle Rodriguez Trinidad
IV - Albert Einstein

Why is it so hard for you to tell me how you feel? Why won't you ever just tell me what's going on inside your head? Why is it that everytime I ask you what your problem is, you hesitate to answer? Why is it that you just don't wanna let me all the way in?

Is that how feeble-minded you think I am? You think that I can't understand you. You think that you're the only one who's suffering. The world's out to get everybody. I want to help you. I want to know what it is that's causing you pain. I want to see what why you act this way. I want to know you like she does. Please.

I'm not so young, you know. Just because you're a few years older, just because you think I can't understand what you're going through, doesn't mean that really is what's true. I want to help you heal. I want to take the pain away. I want to be the cure. I want to be your cure.

Is that so hard for you to understand? I am hurting because you are hurting. It's not so bad opening up to someone when you're in sorrow. In fact, it's very relieving. I just don't know why you seem to lock yourself up everytime I ask why you're sad, why you're in distress, why you're crying. I know you love her, and I know she loves you too. But what you don't know is that I love you, more than you could ever imagine.

Don't shut me out. I can hear your silent screams. I will be here when you think everyone's gone. I'll be here until the end of eternity, every day of eternity, my dear.

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