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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Jose Mari Hall Lanuza
IV - Enrico Fermi

“When my time comes, forget the wrong that I’ve done. Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.”

It is inevitable that once in a person’s life, he doubts his worth and purpose in this world. Every one of us is guilty of this truth. We, at one point in our lives, have seriously contemplated if we will be missed long after our departure. And of course, we all dismissed that question without really knowing the answer in our hearts. We might have said that yes, we will be missed, but we did not believe it a hundred percent. There has always been doubt in our hearts. But do we know the answer now, now that the question is long-forgotten and kept hidden with our innermost disappointments and frustrations?

Let me answer that question for you. Yes, we will be missed. And yes, not only our families and friends, but other people as well. You may not believe me, but that is the truth. You may think that people do not enough reasons to say they will miss you, but they surely do have those reasons. Friends and enemies alike will walk the same cold cobble-stone road of grieving, if you were to leave. I just know it, as well as many other people. You may, for some deep depressing reason you have, not believe a word I am saying right now, but you can’t deny the truth forever. You should just trust me. What? You still don’t believe me?

Maybe I should give you reasons why people will miss you. It’s because there was one time when they were sad, and you, being the unknowing, blind goof that you are, smiled at them and made them crack a small laugh, despite the heavy burden they were carrying at the time. It’s because once you noticed something new about them that others failed to notice, and you gave them a sweet compliment, which made them feel appreciated. It’s because you cracked a joke so corny that all of them ended up laughing anyway. It’s because you were willing to soak your favorite shirt with their tears just so they would feel good and stop crying. It’s because you helped them cope with the challenging problems that they have encountered. It’s because you were such a great person with such a charismatic view on life. It’s because you always carried with you this aura that never failed to make others feel good about themselves. Do you still need more reasons?

So are you still thinking long and hard about being missed long after you’re gone? If for some crazy, messed-up reason, that you considered taking your own life, then think again. This time, think about all those people that you’ll be leaving behind. Think about those whom you gave reasons to like you because you are a great person. Think about those who love you, and those whom you love. Think about how devastating it will be to the world, for pete’s sake! Ok, maybe not the world, but the people I mentioned are reason enough for you to stay un-dead, right? Stop thinking about death already, because you will surely be missed by many. You will be missed. Now do you believe me?

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