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Wednesday, August 27, 2008


By Arthur Jorem Encinas Gorospe
IV - Madame Marie Curie

It was a typical year of high school. Sarah needed to attend a Biology class to complete her missed requirement for the said school year. Although she knew that the only talent she has was about sports, she still continued for the sake of her family. She is not that smart, a shy type yet very athletic girl. She was known for being a volleyball chick and the team captain of the school’s official lineup.

After a long day of training, she passed through a raucous basketball court full of third year students. Instantly, a young guy, probably with the same age as she has, and obviously popular with the crowd, caught her attention. Sarah felt an unfamiliar sentiment she never felt before. It was unusual yet brought a small smile in her rosy cheek.

The next day, she attended her usual Biology class and found out that a new student has arrived. She looked at the guy for a moment and suddenly realized it was the guy she saw yesterday. A blush appeared on her face when the guy looked back at her and smiled.

The professor came and started the discussion. It was all about the attraction of opposite sexes to one another. As a new member of the class, the professor called the new student and asked, “how about you, what are the conditions that would probably attract you to opposite sex?” the guy answered in a cheerful manner, “first, she must know how to play the Canon and second she must show me how much she love me.” “But I won’t tell you the way I would like it to be, maybe the way she could make me feel special.” The crowd hisses a small cheer and blissfully clapped their hands. Sarah felt a sudden urge to know the said piano piece. The bell rang and she hurriedly ran to the music room and asked for a copy of the piece. She started practicing everyday but it seems that she can’t play it correctly. The tones were really not that good and it sounded unpleasant to the ear. She knew that the only thing she could do was to spike a ball and to run on a whole volleyball court. She missed some of her volleyball practices just to continue learning the Canon.

After her piano practice that day, she unexpectedly bumped to the guy in their class. “Oops, I’m sorry, are you alright?” “I’m fine, don’t worry.” They talked for a while and eventually became close to each other. The guy’s name was Nick and he transferred in this school a month ago. He really liked playing basketball and he didn’t find a hard time coping up with the new environment and people.

Sarah never gave up. She spent almost her day practicing the piano piece. She asked help if she needs one and continued what she was doing keeping in mind that the guy would sooner or later fall in love with her. Days passed and she almost had it perfect.

One afternoon, when Sarah was busily practicing, she noticed someone peeking on the door. She swiftly ran to find out who it was but when she opened the door, surprisingly no one was there.

The day came and she was ready to present the Canon to her beloved guy. With a rush of blood nearly bursting out of her veins she asked Nick to accompanied her to the music room. Nick gladly came with her to the room. “uhm..I just like to show you something.” Sarah began playing with the piano while nick sat on a chair meters away from her. The start was good but as she went to the next notes something wrong was happening. Maybe it was the nervous but it’s ruining the performance she’s dedicating for Nick. It began sounding very bad and a burst of tears fell from her eyes. Upon noticing what’s happening Nick stood and with a smile on his face approached Sarah from the back. He held her hands and suddenly a soothing melody filled the whole room. Nick’s hands were firmly yet softly guiding Sarah’s hands to each and every note of the piece. Minutes past and the beautiful music came to an end. With a confused face, Sarah asked, “but how did you know that piece? I thought that.” nick stopped her from continuing with a soft touch on her face. “I always knew that piece.” “That’s why I want to know if others know it too.” A tear fell from Sarah’s eyes, “I failed, I weren’t able to play the Canon correctly, and I thought you would love me if I tried to play it in front of you, but I failed.” Nick hugged her firmly and said, “No you didn’t, because you obtain my second condition.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arthur, I really liked this article. I enjoy reading stories, and this was truly worth my time. It touched me how the girl worked hard just to show the guy how much she liked him. Keep writing good stuff!