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Wednesday, August 27, 2008


By Driesch Lucien Rabi Cortel
IV - Albert Einstein

Everything came into existence when God generously handed me to my very loving parents.

On the day that I came into this world, my eyes were opened to embark on a journey that God has traced upon my palm. It begun like any other and my parents were the ones who led me to the right track of my headway race with life. My life went on as usual as could be. I have the average kind of things, the average kind of school, the average kind of house but an extraordinarily loving family. My real understanding of life was widened during the times that I can already relate to the events around me. Those were the things that made me realize that life is not always filled with happy things. It also made me realize that working hard for the things that you really want makes all the sweat worthy. Maybe those were the partly reasons that during my elementary years, I somewhat excelled from my classmates which ended me up here in Makati Science High School.

My High School life ended a chapter of my life yet unlocked a new and more colorful part of my journey. It did not only opened doors for me but tons of windows for me to discover. I was unleashed to a new way of life that is miles away from my old one. Everything was a whirlwind. High School life is an unending roller coaster ride that will make you feel as free as the wind or as light as a cloud. I met different kinds of people and gathered different kinds of friends. I learned so many lessons and took so many brain wrecking tests. I experienced so many downfalls and surpassed each of them.

As I was walking farther and farther from the mark where I have started my track, it came to me that I am not alone throughout this race, that my parents were always there for me. Along with God, my parents were my shield from storms, my shade from the sun and my blanket from the cold nights. And now after all of the falling, sweating and perseverance, I am hoping that on the long run, I will finally reach my finish line and all the hardships that I have bestowed will eventually be paid off and my parents will be there to witness the success of the journey I took.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Driesch! You have been enlightened.

Writing is always a good way of sharing your thoughts to people, especially when you cannot tell them what you feel because you are anxious or not confident enough.