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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Monique Garcia Rosario
IV- Albert Einstein

“What can you observe in the painting?” common people would ask, things that only eye can see. Some people admire three-dimensional artworks. However, the most attractive artworks for most people are the realistic ones, and as for not so realistic, surreal for that matter, gets less attention. Let us face it; people tend to see the beauty of the artworks than the beauty the artwork is supposed to express. Of course, it depends on the artists’ reason to create such works. And some artist themselves forget about the true essence of their “being”

Being original is an essential. Your style should tell people that it is who made this and not some from Japan. Artists create their own style of drawing and adopt other artists’ works to expand their styles. But some, if not most, artists adopt a style and forget to create their own. Supposedly, every artist’s style is as a fingerprint, a mark of their identity and their soul of their being.

Reason of an art’s existence is as important as eating. Artists have purpose behind their every artwork. Some do it for money; some do it for the fame. Some do it for various combinations of reasons. Nevertheless, reason without gratification takes away the soul of an art.

Most artists could render what others can. But what separates the pups from the big dogs is the idea. Anyone can draw. Most can render beautifully. But few are creative. So next time, before you say anything stupid, think. Have you ever come up of such idea?

People think artists are weird, mostly autistics. Some are genius. Artists are great and some are fools. I admit that I am not creative in designs. Not even good in rendering. My computer skills are achievable by the normal people. But then I realized that it is not the ability that matters most, but it is your interest and love for what you are doing.

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