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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Jose Mari Hall Lanuza
IV - Enrico Fermi

Patience is the key to a happy life.

How many times have you experienced being agitated by something simple? Then that agitation changes to a seemingly irrevocable irritation over people and other things, as the day goes on? And then, the next thing you know, your whole day is ruined. You do not remember appreciating the clouds or the sun. You do not notice the smiles on the faces of your peers. What a waste, you say to yourself. And to think all of this started because you lacked patience.

Yes, the world is full of many things that get us irritated. Yes, there are many mishaps that give us a great feeling of anger. We spill a glass of our favorite drink, we forget to do an assignment due the next day, we lose something very valuable. Let us face it, that’s life. It happens to all of us. And it usually is the root of immense annoyance. But we should deal with these things calmly. Do not let the frustrations get to your head. Just remember not to repeat the mistakes you did the last time. Learn from the wrongs in the past, and deal with your problems with great patience.

I myself am guilty of letting all the steam get to my head, thus resulting in a bad day. I am not that patient, as a matter of fact. But I cope with my problems with a great deal of patience. I do not let myself brood over my problems for a long time. I just look at the brighter side of things, and think that the misfortune brought upon me was a blessing in disguise. So even though I sometimes think I need to attend anger management sessions, I don’t, because I know within myself that I can deal with the challenges that life presents to me, with the help of a little patience.

A little patience goes a long way. I know that much is true. You don’t believe me? Try it for yourself. You’ll see the big difference a little patience brings to our lives. So the next time a deadline seems to be harassing you, or one of your valuables decides to play hide and seek with you, do not sulk in a dark corner. Just take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and do what you must do. By doing so, you won’t miss those smiles on your friends’ faces, or the beautiful day you woke up to. Now isn’t patience the key to a happy life?

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