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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Rachel Mae Joan Naluis Sansolis
IV - Isaac Newton

This is the way it has been for three years. Can you imagine? Three years together, well bonded, happy. A real old- fashioned relationship involving everyone who have been part of me and would forever be in my heart. The kind that comes so often out of anybody’s simple life.

I believe all of us have shared a lot of classic, relaxing, sweet and unforgettable love and friendship songs which made our bond stronger. I extend my thanks to this group of handsome people who contributed to my intensive learning and a deep well of happiness I had in this place. I want this group of wonderful ladies to hear my statement of pleasure and delight when I experienced being with them at times. I appreciated everything. You are all kind and supportive- I can’t disagree. For the friendship that we had in my stay with you, guys, about how you’ve been honest and thoughtful and how you’ve been such great friends- so supportive, understanding and compassionate.

But you’ll just have to take my word for this. I wish you all the best. For me, you are all special for I knew you are one of a kind. You have each of your own unique characters and I had so much fun with all of you.

So, with that in my mind, with pride and praise and a whole lot of love from me, I say thank you for everything and I wish you all the best that may come into your lives. May we all keep finding our peace, pleasure and happiness because I know we deserve no less. I will miss you all.

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