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Sunday, August 17, 2008


By Ma. Beatrice Camille Valencia Gaviola
IV - Enrico Fermi

Have you ever lost anything that you never really valued until it was gone? Well, I have, and not just once, but a lot of times. When we get too accustomed to the things around us, we start to take them for granted. We take advantage of these things, which we think will always be there, when in fact, they won’t. Do you believe that distance makes the heart grow fonder? Well, what if that distance was just too huge that you couldn’t bring back what you wanted to anymore? What if a person you really wanted to bring back was lost forever... And you never even got to show him/her how much he/she meant to you?

To lose things is normal in life. It’s one of those experiences which are difficult but true. It’s one of those obstacles you just have to endure in order to say that you’ve actually lived life. In my case, I’ve lost some of the things most important to me, my friends from my old school. We had to go our separate ways, for the time being at least. Not only that, but switching schools also affected my family. With a new location for my education, meant a new location for my house as well. I lost the comfort of a home with a complete family. In a way, my life was torn, not so much in a bad way, mind you, but more on the dilemma of having to live two lives all at once; a life and home with my old friends and a new one with an unfamiliar but welcoming environment. Though I still receive much love and care from our family members, it’s still different to have the whole family living under one roof. And though I am so glad to have friends and family like them, I regret those times I didn’t get to show them how much they meant to me, those times we argued over little things, and the fact that I didn’t make the most out of my days with them. It’s the little quirks in each and everyone of them that I miss the most, those little details in my life that I was unable to make better. All at once, I am somehow filled with regret from those kept hugs and kisses from my friends, family debates I was unable to raise, down right to just saying I love you every now and then to them.

After everything and the fact that I am better now, there are some lessons I learned, and I would like to share them with you. I have learned that you should never wait until tomorrow. You have to start today. Start showing others how you feel, start treasuring each day, start living your life the way you want to and start going that extra mile. You never know if tomorrow will ever arrive, and regret may come once you see that you let it all slip away. I have learned that you do only realize the value of one thing when it is gone. When you take advantage of something, you fail to give appreciation for the help that that thing gives you. You fail to see its importance and value, and then all of a sudden, you realize it’s gone, just like that. I have learned that you should never stop yourself from doing what you want to do, because time, once lost, can never be regained. I have learned that nothing is permanent in this world, and so we have to make sure that everyday we spend with the people dear to us is worthwhile. I have learned that friends, family, pets, classmates, and other people may come into our life one day, and leave the next day. And so I say, I love you, you who took the time to read this for I may not be able to say thank you to you some other time.

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