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Sunday, August 3, 2008


By Ma. Beatrice Camille Valencia Gaviola
IV-Enrico Fermi

You always have to learn the hard way, don’t you think so? Yeah, it’ll hurt [maybe] more than you thought it would. But in the end it will be for your benefit. You’ll learn something new through your own eyes; through your own experience. I’m not saying that getting hurt is a good thing, although sometimes, it is the only way we’ll really accept the truths and facts of life. It’s like losing a person, or maybe two persons. You never really realize they’re there, because they are by your side, at your every beckoned call. Once they are gone, it would be like a part of your life broke off and went with them, and that void never gets filled again.

Everyone gets hurt. We all know that. We all experience hardships in life, some more frequently than others. But we all still live; we still continue to push through. In my fifteen long years of existence, I’ve experienced gaining friends and losing them, leaving the school which I had loved and grown so accustomed to, scrimping ‘cause I spent a little too much, and sat idly and watched as our family slowly fell apart. Now I don’t blame anyone for any of these occurences, because I know I’m not supposed to.

Sometimes – no, most of the time – we want to give up. Give up on the problems, on ourselves, on life; but every once in a while, someone or something gives us hope to carry on. My mom always told me to be strong, though we were never really that open with each other. This was what I always tried to do. Be strong. Not only for her, but also for myself. For quite a while now, I’ve been okay with my situation in life. As most others would, I sometimes think deeply, and wish that things were better than they are, even though I know this is far from possible.

We all have to learn that life is not governed by justice. Sometimes, things, as unfair as they may seem, happen. We just need to accept them, and the cold hard truth that life is. It also helps to have a friend beside you, listening to you and helping you the whole way. We need to realize that these are God’s tests. He wouldn’t give us something we wouldn’t be able to handle, so don’t give up. Hold on.

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